::Edad De La Exploracion 1490 - 1900:: version 2.0


Dec 23, 2004

Bugs and crashes now fixed! See download for Paasky's Patch!! Thanks again Paasky

It is 1490 scenario of the world based on the Conquest Age of Discovery. The playable nations are Spain, Portugal, France, Netherlands and England. There are about 20 other AI civs, including the barbary coast that has a unique unit as a pirate vessel.

The tech tree is made complete for the custom layout and has been expanded to go into the late colonial age of the world with many of the units from the Napoleonic conquest added in addition to units found here on this site. Each unit has all the civlopedia images and the units 32 put in. I was also very careful in the units I chose. One of the most significant of the custom units added are Aaglo's series of sailing vessels.

Many may complain that there are units from here that i left out. The reason for that is to maintain a uniformity in graphical style. Not to say Civ 3 original designs are neccessarily better than custom units, they just have a very clear style to them and anything added that does not fit that style would stand out too much. Also considering the nature of most mods on this forum that include many of those units, I'm providing my own taste as an alternative.

Other additional features are new era splashes and the flag leader heads. These are as accurate to the time frame as possible and many actually change to later era flags once the Rennaissance is reached.

The map is Rhy's earth which is quite large, though it is not the largest available. The reason for this is to minimize load time while maintaining a feeling of vastness. It works quite well at this size and after much time playing I would say more is not needed. The city locations have been scrutinized quite thoughouly by several different people and although it is not 100% perfect, I feel you'll find it to be quite satisfactory.

I did not use a terrain mod, i don't personally like them.

Most important of all, I've played this mod many many times and with each of the civs. This is still 1.0 release but my goal was for at least 90% satisfaction right off the bat, we'll see if I get that but I am quite certain you will be pleased or find it only needing minor adjustments.

I understand that with each person there comes different tastes, some like lots of units, others seek balance and some even like a fast game. This mod is not difficult to adjust to your taste, though I made it for mine. So my hope is to see people releasing their own version of this.

:: DOWNLOAD!! ::

You will need winace to extract file, its a free program and if you don't have it you should get it, its a much better compression. This file is big! So be patient. If you have any download or run problems please let me know!

1. Download from link and extract into conquests/scenarios then download attachments and put the BIC and BAK into conquests/scenarios, then put the pediatext file into exploration/text folder.

2. You should end up with a folder called "exploration" with all the files inside and a .bic file called "exploration".

3. launch game, go to civcontent and find exploration.

4. Play the game like forever.


::Changes made for 2.0::

- Added Orthancs naval units
- made the privateer invisible
- made orthancs Sloop (upgrade to Orthanc's corvette) detect invisible
- added several new technologies
- added Shipwright and drydock as veteran naval buildings (shipwright for colonies since it is cheaper to build but maintinence is high, drydock more expensive to build with low maintinence) Shipwright also produces a privateer
- added merchant company small wonder
- Added merchants that are produced by merchant company (free units whos only use is carrying treasure, their movement is fast with 2 ignore terrain costs)

- Many other things that cannot be remembered

Bugs fixed

The main problem we had before was AI as usual. Muscovy no longer is locked in war with mongols since it created too many problems. Also Spain is no longer locked in war with Aztecs and mayas and incas, because they are too stupid to handle a simple campaign against primitive civs.

Ottoman empire is no longer so powerful as too walk all over the HRE, the HRE has more defense.

Game no longer crashes from civlopedia and game no longer ends at victory point victory.


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::Civ Profile::


You start out with a decent advantage but still quite challenging. Although you are a technological equal to Spain and Portugal, they have much more advantage to begin colonization quickly.

The golden age for England began with the decline of Spain, around the 18th century. This is true for this game as well. Englands Man of War is particularly useful and indeed so is the Elizabethan Sea dog, a stronger ship than the average privateer.

The best strategy for england is to take advantage of the Sea dog UU and lay hold to as much foreign treasure as possible all the whil also colonizing and building a decent fleet. Its reccomended you do not trifle with Spain early on because the Conquistador is a very powerful weapon that could be devastating indeed.

The Netherlands

You choose the Dutch because you want a challenge. It is the hardest civ to win with, but also one of the most interesting. The Swiss Mercenary is indeed one of the best UU's in the game and meant to be used for both attack and defense. This gives Dutch armies a logistical advantage since you only have to spend time building one unit of infantry for the first half of them game.

The Dutch also start out with a larger treasury to symbolize the savy Dutch merchantman and trade company.

A good strategy is right at the beggining begin trading techs to less advanced civs for even more gold and avoid any conflict. There are fortresses along the french border with garrisoned pikeman, leave these fortified in their positions to have a prepared defensive strategy. Your fleet is large and their are several colonists, start laying claim to the new world as fast as you can so your small weak nation can grow to a powerful merchant empire.


As France you have many borders to defend but you also start with the most cities. Colonizing is a slow start for France since you have few ships and colonists ready to go, compared to Spain.

You should utilize your larger size by building a strong army, yet don't lose focus on colonizing since it can bring a great deal of wealth to your nation from treasure shipments. Once you reach your golden age, with a powerful army you will see that conquering Europe may be within your grasp. The French Guard is the most powerful infantry of the Rennaissance era that coupled with a good fleet, will prove most effective in the grand scale of wars.
Beware of England with her Man of War, however. Her ability to colonize quicker than you and build a fleet of her UU could be most troublesome later on.


Flag i used not available to me at the moment

You my friend hold the most advantage of all in colonization. Your conquistador is also the most powerful land unit available for that time period. You start with a large sized navy several colonists and your Christopher Columbus army unit.

Load him with conquistadors and take your Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria to the new world. You are in locked war with the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs but its really no war at all if you take enough Conquistadors along. Best Strategy is to conquer all you can since starting with larger cities you take is quicker than building all new ones. However be mindful of colonizing as well or your competitors from Europe will sieze your destined land from you.

Since you start at an advantage that will eventually decline, act quickly but don't be rash with diplomacy. Beware of France, she can build a larger army and come in from the north to your capitol.


Flag i used not available to me at the moment

You start the game in a golden age with Degas World built and several colonies in Africa already established. Your strength is to colonize and conquer indigenous tribes, not to war against European powers to quickly or without allies. Spain is a dangerous neighbor so be careful with diplomacy and build a good defense. This is the most difficult Civ to play with besides the Dutch, but with skill victory and treasures can be within your grasp.
Of particular importance is the Naval tech tree. Heres the order of ships:

{Tranpsort}\____________ ~Caravel~ __ ~Galleon~__ ~Troop Transport~|
{War Vessel}/-------------- ~none~ --- ~Galleon~--- ~Frigate~---~Ship of the

Line~-----~Heavy Frigate

{Piracy} Privateer

{Light Vessel} Sloop

{Light Ship of War} Clipper

{Unique Units} Man o War - England, Fluyt Merchant man and Galleass - Barbary Coast, Nau - Portugal
Ya I will have a detailed explanation and screen shots once its uploaded. Right now i'm waiting for server permission. If anyone could direct me to a site that might let me upload let me know.
I'm quite intrigued! Since this goes from 1490 to 1900....will there be a New Sweden colony? Will the Russians settle in north america? Or will travel to the new world basically be restricted to the five big powers?
Russia is locked in war with weak mongol city states, I did this so that before long Russia will over run all Eurasia as Ivan the Terrible did. This nation is not however playable but they will be a major power to be reckoned in later eras.

As for Sweden all of scandanavia is one civ, scandanavia since they were not as important of a civ in this era. Denmark is a nation however.

If you want to play as any of these other civs its an easy thing to change it in the editor so you can. I just wanted to release it as the five major powers to give emphasis to the exploration powers that were.

Its possible however for these other AI only civs to also make colonies but I slowed them down so if they do it will be later so as not to deter the main powers.

On another note i just uploaded it last night, once thunderfall sends me the link it will be up for download! I should hear from him pretty soon I'm sure. So keep an eye out!
well i just found out Orthanc made a new unit, a Fluyt. This would have been perfect for another Dutch UU!! I will be most likely putting it in for version 2.0 if it does indeed look good in the game (hard to tell sometimes). I'll take a closer look at some of his other work as well.
I will eventually get around to putting in pedia entries for things in my Colonize Beta, which are free for your use; you may also consider some sort of collaboration with Aeon221 (http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=110019) if you haven't already.
I'll try it despite technically having 2 betas of my own and being a beta tester for another mod; since you won't have any airport-trade-flagged improvements (I hope I hope) there shouldn't be any problems with loading times for me, which always caused me to get frustrated and start a new game with regular Rhyes (until I removed said flag, that is).
Aeon221 and I would most likely have a lot of artistic differences. I'm a minimalist and he I can see uses terrain mods and probably lots of units I wouldn't use.

As for airport flagged improvements i don't have them, what would be the purpose of such an improvement in this age?
There wouldn't be one; but any improvement that allows new routes for trade (harbor, airport in epic game) seriously slows down the game, that is, if I understand, the primary reason for slow load times in most big-map mods. I was commenting that its a good turn that there is no reason whatsoever for you to have airport-trade improvements in your scenario.
Also, I meant more in terms of civilopedia entries in by collaboration, not some weird combination of your two scenarios. Or if you needed ideas for classes of Ship-of-the-Line.
Your right! I'll pm him about that, it would indeed be most usefule. i should also have a look at his tech tree...

Thanks GRM7584! Your names not very catchy btw. jk ;)
Ok, found a first major problem before even starting up: You have conquests/PTW unit graphics in your download. Generally speaking, that is a pretty bad idea, since A)its a lot less space intensive for both hard drives and download time to just direct the scenario to the correct directories in Civ 3 B)its not particularly legal, I think, as it would allow people who haven't purchased Conquests or PTW to acquire large portions of its content.
If you need to know how to direct the scenario to look in the right places for, as an example, the Ship-of-the-Line graphics in the Napoleonic conquest, you can look at how Colonize's unit folders and Scenario Properties are set up.
I played until around 1519 as the Dutch (on Emperor or equivalent); the early period is certainly much more viable as a scenario than the Age of Exploration conquest! One odd thing: the Turks were already laying siege to Hamburg and Cologne, after annihilating the rest of the HRE, by early 1519. Also, all water tiles have a movement cost of 1, rather than the specific varied costs indicated in the pedia.
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