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End of Empires - N3S III

OCC: A little information about the various religions to be found in Noaunnaha. Also, North King, is there any information on the religion of the Reokhar Eshai? because I thought I might add on a little piece about some of that coming to join the mix too.

Of Religion and Cults – Ship Mother Quari

The great land of Noaunnaha is a last of many religions, cults and temples. Despite our attachments to our Great-Beasts, a number of other religions have arrived on our shores in recent decades, brought on the ships of merchants, or in the hearts of men from the hinterland. Here, I, Ship-Mother Quari will record those of import for posterity.

The Rightful Honouring of the Great-Beasts is the traditional worship, brought on the ships from Unnaha during the Flight Through Water. My own Ship-mother told me much of the old ways, with a quantity of Great-Beasts, and even Beast-Heros, that could challenge the grains of sand in the desert. But the Flight Through Water reduced that number considerably, concentrating worship in those Great-Beasts that had guided the and protected those fateful ships. Now, a great number of shrines and temples are erected in Noaunnaha and Shealuh, each Ship-Family responsible for the worship of their protector. Priestesses and priests are also drawn from the ranks of the Ship-Family. Despite these family ties, it is custom to give prayer and offerings in the shrines of other Great-Beasts during festivals, or to nurture alliances between Ship-Families. The most important Great-Beast is the Great Sky Serpent, protector of us all, and his temple is a wonder of Noaunnaha. However a close second is the cult of the Fire-Lion, protector of the royal Ship-Family, whose importance has grown recently for particular reasons which are linked to the arrival of the Sorgh in our cities.

The Mysteries of the Invisible Flame is the traditional religion of the Sorgh, the natives of this land. Their legends tell of a great people, their ancestors, who lived beyond the mountains, and who worshipped fire. The Sorgh cult of today is one of secrets and hidden rituals. Rumours abound of human sacrifice to the flames, but I know this not to be true, at least not in the lands of Noaunnaha. They believe that the world is made of flame: from the physical elements, to the human mind and soul. All is born of the sun, the Original and Ever Burning Flame. Through rituals and the discovery of mysteries held by the initiated, they can they enter into communion with their greater ancestors; who now travel the land in the form of invisible flames. Their shrines are characterised by fire: candles, lamps and all forms imaginable of lighting. Interestingly, they seem to use certain substances to create coloured flames, a science which is unknown to me. At death, the body is cremated, and either becomes an invisible flame to teach the following generations, or returns to join the Ever Burning Flame in the Sky. Finally, they believe that in the end times, so many will have rejoined their fiery creator, that the sun will fill the whole sky and incinerate what is left in one last great cremation; a vision that fills the believers with a curious, (should I say it?) fire.

Machaianism or The Great Collective as it is taught in these lands, is better described elsewhere, but I will make my contribution for completeness. Originally from the mountains of Sechm, this train of thought holds that a singular, ill-defined spiritual force exists in part within each one of us, and as a whole in the collective gathering of humanity. Great feats would therefore be possible by great numbers, and peace could be assured by the reunion of humanity under this one faith. The wandering teachers who spread this religion emphasize the divinity of each and every one, and the possibilities of working together. Interestingly, no temples or shrines can be found in Noaunnaha for this faith, the believers preferring informal gatherings and discussion. Despite converts among a small number of merchants, usually traders with Trahana, this faith has had a great influence on another group.

Akkunush, named after its prophetess Akkù, is a synchretist religion, reinterpreting the traditional honouring of the Great-Beasts with machaianist thought. Akkù held, and still holds despite her considerable age, that the Great-Beasts were not some great exterior force to be worshipped to assure protection. They were rather an emanation of the collective spirit of a Ship-Family, and in the case of the Great Sky Serpent, the Noaunnahanue as a whole. The akkunue are very empowered people, convinced that as a group they can achieve great things, their worship turned more towards a search for an internal and collective force. They lack maybe the peaceful, thoughtful bent of the machaians, preferring action and debate. Among some Ship-Families, akkunush has taken on aspects of ancestor worship, as they see Great-Beasts as being the amalgamation of the spirit of the Ship-Family throughout the ages. Their shrines are those same used by the traditional Great-Beast worship, and one will often find traditionalist and akkunue worshipping side by side.

The Mysteries of the Ever Burning Fire-Lion is another synchretist religion, concentrating the mysterious fire worship of the Sorgh in the Great-Beast the Fire-Lion. Started by the first Sorgh adopted into the royal Ship-Family, this blending has taken on a new turn in recent times. Many aspects of the traditional Sorgh worship are retained such as the initiation in the mysteries and the abundance of flames, coloured or other, in their rituals. Offerings to the are Fire-Lion burnt on a sacrificial altar, and cremation at death is customary. However, seeing it as an animal form of the Ever Burning Flame in the sky, or the sun, worship is concentrated solely on the Fire-Lion, neglecting all other Great-Beasts It is in many aspects monotheist. Believers also turn to the personage of the King. His role as Vessel of the Fire-Lion, invokes him as the earthly avatar of the Fire-Lion, and thus, these worshippers have established a doctrine of holy trinity: The Sun, The Fire-Lion, and their God-King on Earth. King Hari himself is said to be flattered, but not wholly convinced, showing his ever tolerant and non partisan policy; even if this does seek to please everybody but ends up pleasing nobody.

It recently came to my attention that somehow a large chunk of the update was actually omitted (namely the events that came immediately before the Taexi/Kintyra story).

Needless to say, I am extremely embarrassed and have rectified the situation. :blush:

Symphorien: The Reokhar follow a somewhat typical Tengrism, similar to faiths followed all across the northern steppe. There are a few bits of local color, but I haven't gotten around to writing them up.

Stats should be updated. Please let me know if a large chunk of them are missing before a week has gone by. :p
Symphorien: The Reokhar follow a somewhat typical Tengrism, similar to faiths followed all across the northern steppe. There are a few bits of local color, but I haven't gotten around to writing them up. :p

May I then take the liberty of writing up a little something? I'll hack it on to the end of that last bit. I was thinking Eternal Blue Sky turned more towards the night, believing the mother of all is the Veil, from which all things emerged.

Oh, also, I've noticed a fault in Noaunnaha stats, 600 + 2500 does not equal 3600;)
From: Fulwarc III cuCyve, Prince of Bone, King of Cyve, Protector of the Stettin, Champion of Taleldil
To: The Heltekt

They say that when my great grandfather first landed in Nech, he marched for a year and a day before he could find any warrior brave enough to face him. For truly he was the Terror, the wind of Taleldil always at his back.

By the right of the blood he shed, your kingdom belongs to me.

But I care not for conquest, only glorious battle with the Darkness. We are free Northmen, not slaves to the Red Lady and her puppet Martuska. Bend the knee and I will confirm you King of Helt. You will kneel a servant and rise a brother and tarkan. And your people will prosper, for I will grant you rich lands and fertile forests from my own princedom.

And let me wed the fairest daughter of Helt, so you know in truth that Cyvekt and Stettin are brothers again as they once were.
Doru o Haiao

Quoth She,
'Look to the skies'
O'erhead looms grand Haiao.
Does he shine upon all?
'Yes'! Chant the faithful,
'Upon all but the Dahaiaou.'
Quoth the Wise,
'It shines upon all things,
Good and ill, without distinction.'
'All things but the Dahaiaou!' chant the faithful.
O! O days of old, long lost to us,
How far have we wandered?
Where is the god we loved?
Where is the god who loved?
Where is It who shone upon all
And denied none?
Who spun the Dahaiaou lie?
Who abandoned our doctrine?
Who felled the all-loving one?
The Treda killed men, and men alone.
But it was they who were spared who slew God.


The sphere of my heart,
Unending, unstarting,
Born of primordiality, Borne out in all forms,
Composed of all, composed of none,
Infinite angles, Infinitesimal turns,
A closed surface, sans seam or knot,
The eternal surface, finitely bounded,
This is the form of all that I seek,
Perfect in form, perfect in being,
The hunt goes ever on.
The Sun Hunters

Aiam Haeouf

Poura Mai,
Aora o Haiao
Omae laiado?
Piefra raial, dae!
Suraba taial Dahaiaou lae.

Poura Laian,
Laiada Dai omae,
Dafar o faran, hanaeda lae.
Pierfra raial, Dahaiou sur'lamae!

Say! Say baran rosaida, couroda maraef,
Haralae san courougo?
Suae hai ieraigo?
Suae hai ieraita?
Suae laiata omae Dai eita?
Laedan rai.
Thae praeda Dadahaiaou?
Thae boura baidaou?
Thae daerana rein o dao?
Faroga taen o Treda, Faroun aigao.
Siraen talan o fiera Haiao.
Seehlt shall live again. The uxorious Ognyan shall fall and his puppet tyranny be abolished and a free north will rise once more, no longer in hock to the desert savages. The Halyr promises that. RISE BRAVE STETTIN MEN! DEATH TO THE FOWL QUEEN!
Seehlt shall live again. The uxorious Ognyan shall fall and his puppet tyranny be abolished and a free north will rise once more, no longer in hock to the desert savages. The Halyr promises that. RISE BRAVE STETTIN MEN! DEATH TO THE FOWL QUEEN!

Seehlt attacked first. :p
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