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Enhanced User Interface v1.29i

Hey all,

I was wondering if someone can clairfy this for me. Thanks!

I have a question for which I've looked everywhere for the answer, but can't seem to find it, even though I'm sure I wasn't looking in the right places.

I've recently started playing with the Community Balance Patch and the modified EUI that comes with it. However, there are times where I don't want to play with the CBP, but I'm still stuck with the modified CBPEUI. My question: Is there a way for me to play with the normal EUI when I'm playing the game with no mods, and with the modified EUI only when I'm playing with the CBP?

I hope I phrased that correctly.


I don't believe you can achieve this inside the game. You can "uninstall" eui by deleting the ui_bc1 folder (full path a couple of posts above, n.b. renaming no good) and reinstall it when you want to use it. To facilitate this, I have a shortcut to the DLC folder and the eui zip file on my desktop.

After either install or uninstall, restarting civ will definitely pick up the change. It might be enough to load or start a game, but I'm not sure.
Thank you!! I'll try it out!


I don't believe you can achieve this inside the game. You can "uninstall" eui by deleting the ui_bc1 folder (full path a couple of posts above, n.b. renaming no good) and reinstall it when you want to use it. To facilitate this, I have a shortcut to the DLC folder and the eui zip file on my desktop.

After either install or uninstall, restarting civ will definitely pick up the change. It might be enough to load or start a game, but I'm not sure.
Civ and Scenario Pack - Mongols, Genghis Khan
Conquest of the New World Deluxe Scenario
Gods and Kings
Brace New World
Scrambled Continents Map Pack
Scrambled Nations Map Pack

Running on Ubuntu 15.10 with wine 1.9.3

I've just reinstalled civ 5 and this mod but I'm having trouble with accessing the social policies panel. I can't access it by clicking in the top panel, I can't even access it by clicking on the popup when I've accumulated enough culture to get a new social policy.

Working on enabling debugging for Lua.log file...
Great mod, I've been using it all the times for my games. However, I found a nasty crash.

Game version, PC
Brave New World, all DLC, no mods

When using LeaderHead (it's folder is inside EUI) the game crashes under the following conditions:

1: Another civ conquered a city-state before you met that city-state
2: Then, after warring against that civ, he gives you that city-state in a peace deal
3: Game crashes as soon as you click accept

Attached is my lua.log and my test file I used to reproduce it (set up using Ingame Editor mod, but you don't need that mod to load the file and play it)

To reproduce, load the save, talk to Suleiman, and negotiate a peace deal where he gives you Cahokia in return for all your gold. The game crashes as soon as you accept the deal. With LeaderHead removed from the folder, you can accept the deal and the game won't crash.

Hope this helps!


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I get this error when running CulDiv + Soundtrack + EUI

Spoiler :
[32242.968] Runtime Error: Assets\DLC\UI_bc1\GameSetup\SelectCivilization.lua :382: attempt to call field 'JFD_CultureTypes_StartingBonuses' (a nil value)
[32243.796] Runtime Error: Assets\DLC\UI_bc1\GameSetup\SelectCivilization.lua :382: attempt to call field 'JFD_CultureTypes_StartingBonuses' (a nil value)
Fairly happy with the overall UI, but running into a few issues. Not sure if it's a bug, a configuration error or something on my side, but these are the things that bother me:

- Default score screen is overlapped by the big circles for the Civs as you discover them. Am I supposed to disable to default score screen (possible?) and just use the info the mod provides?

- Civ buttons, notifications and city states are all listed sequentially on the right side in that order. Meaning that every turn I have to click away a lot of useless notifications in order to view the CS again. Is it possible to have the CS information in a fixed spot? Makes it easier as well to track changes in alliance, quests, etc.

- The large blue beaker button 'select new research project' will sometimes show up and never go away for the rest of the game, restricting the space on the right side even more (see prev. point)

These are the main points. Running Civ5 through Steam, so whatever the latest version is, Im probably running it :) Also running at a standard resolution of 1920x1080

EDIT: Another interesting bug I forgot about: In my last game on King I was wardecced for not having any military. After making a few units I could easily repel the attackers and I clicked one of his cities to bring up the diplo screen to make peace. However, I got a weird version of the build / purchase screen, as if it was my city, with no options shown (as if I had built everything available). The only thing showing though was the current production: A cargo ship with 3 turns remaining. This bug allowed me to view what the enemy was building exactly in his city :) At least, that is what I assume. I wasn't building any cargo ships at the time so no idea where that data had to come from.
EDIT: Another interesting bug I forgot about: In my last game on King I was wardecced for not having any military. After making a few units I could easily repel the attackers and I clicked one of his cities to bring up the diplo screen to make peace. However, I got a weird version of the build / purchase screen, as if it was my city, with no options shown (as if I had built everything available). The only thing showing though was the current production: A cargo ship with 3 turns remaining. This bug allowed me to view what the enemy was building exactly in his city :) At least, that is what I assume. I wasn't building any cargo ships at the time so no idea where that data had to come from.


I think it's because you have a spy in the enemy city.
I'm not sure if it's intended, but whenever I click on anything in my tech tree, it auto closes it, regardless of shift clicking or regular clicking.

Is there an option I need to change to stop this? It's kinda annoying.

Thanks for this mod I love this interface.

I have a bug with the last version (1.28d).
I've made screenshot so you can see what it the bug. Sometime it work great & sometime I have this error message. I never have this problem before on 1.28c version.
I have Civilization V Complete Edition on Steam & I play on PC with Windows 10.
I play with mods but when I try without mods the problem is still here.
I play in French but when I set the game in English I have the same error

If you want more informations tell me.



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I'm pretty sure that before the latest version when in the diplomacy screen you could hover over the relationship (Neutral, Guarded, etc.) and get all of the relationship modifers, but now it doesn't and you have to go to the right of the screen and find the person you're talking to. Is that intentional?

Thanks for this mod I love this interface.

I have a bug with the last version (1.28d).
I've made screenshot so you can see what it the bug. Sometime it work great & sometime I have this error message. I never have this problem before on 1.28c version.
I have Civilization V Complete Edition on Steam & I play on PC with Windows 10.
I play with mods but when I try without mods the problem is still here.
I play in French but when I set the game in English I have the same error

If you want more informations tell me.


It seem the problem is fixed in the 1.28e version.
Hi, I'm using EUI v 1.28e and am wondering why I cannot hover over tiles and see whatever improvements that are currently on them as well as what type of tile it is. Is this a bug?

I currently have no other mods installed as I am playing singleplayer.
Hi, I'm using EUI v 1.28e and am wondering why I cannot hover over tiles and see whatever improvements that are currently on them as well as what type of tile it is. Is this a bug?

I currently have no other mods installed as I am playing singleplayer.

I noticed that after installing this mod it takes LONGER to hover over a tile before the extra info shows up. Perhaps you didnt wait long enough?

Thanks for the help man. Yea it does show up after about 3 seconds of hovering. Is there any way to make this a bit faster or is just 'lag' as it loads in all the information from the game.
Hello, first great addon to the game!

However I'm really color sensitive and want to ask how I could disable the color of the hex squares when I'm in the city screen - the green if worked etc.
Hi! As said before, thank you so much for this amazing mod, using it again now after a long break from Civ5.

One question:
Is it possible to customize EUI with noobish modding skills?
For example, I'd like to have the diplo icons on the left side, so they don't overlap with the event icons (while disabling unit and city icons).

Haven't found anything through search, sorry if it has been asked before.
Hey guys! I'm new to the forum and after watching some videos on Youtube, I found this addon!
Now, let's explain my little problem:
It seems I don't have the "Make peace with.." in the diplomatic screen with others Civs, the option right above "declare war to..."
do you guys think is because I have some conflict mods?
Thank you for your help!
I'm not sure if it's intended, but whenever I click on anything in my tech tree, it auto closes it, regardless of shift clicking or regular clicking.

Is there an option I need to change to stop this? It's kinda annoying.

Welcome to the forums :)

From the feature list:

TechTree: if enabled in game menu - options - interface options, automatically closes after tech selection if accessed with tech selection notification icon

Note that opening by clicking on research icon in top panel is not affected by this feature.
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