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Escape From Zombie Island 0: The Prequel

Hey odin, I'll be happy to help you with this (as long as I actually get some recognition for my efforts this time:rolleyes: ).

Here's a list of my skills from strongest to weakest:

Backstory/Civilopedia entries
Game Concept Ideas
Unit Ideas (although I cannot make them)
Map making
Awesome [stolen] idea! I'd be willing to help out with it, if you wish. :D

Great. What can you do?

Well, then they can not possibly be in any locked alliance whatsoever if you wish to work it that way. And then they won't start out in a locked war with the authorities.

The only way to encourage them to declare war on the authorities is have the authority controlled cities be the only ones that are capable of giving them victory in some way or another. (space race, resource for VP, etc.)

I think the Rebels were supposed to be in a temporary Cease-Fire whilst they both addressed the Zombie situation, where they not? (Although the rebels should start with some HN units in and around the Authorities territory, just to be a nuisance!)

The Rebels, of course, wouldn't be against the Zombies to begin with, only having a loose Guerrilla force which is already trying to hold off against their enemies in the "state".

On the Zombie virus, wasn't it a predecessor to the one used in EFZI, which was weaker, and more easily combated (hence this being the prequel)?

Uh... I'm pretty much graphics/idea guy. I'll let Virco figure out that stuff, ;).

Hey odin, I'll be happy to help you with this (as long as I actually get some recognition for my efforts this time:rolleyes: ).

Here's a list of my skills from strongest to weakest:

Backstory/Civilopedia entries
Game Concept Ideas
Unit Ideas (although I cannot make them)
Map making

Great, man! I'll need some civilopedia entries later on. And be assured, you'll be featured in the credits, ;).

BTW, new units up.
Miles, I had the same idea! I just hadn't posted the preview here yet. But:

EFZ3 Thread said:
Graham - Graham seems to be the only one who has any sway over his friends. He knows EVERYTHING about every nerd subject known to man. Because of this, he has an actual replica of Sting! He's kind of like a king to his fellow nerds. So he gets to be Frodo.

Jedi Graham- Graham finds a toy lightsaber! With it, he finds self confidence.

Cosplay Hobbit - one of Graham's chubby (but nice on the inside!) friends, dressed as a Hobbit because of Graham's Halloween party.

Also, if you could help with the pedia/concepts, that would be great!
Great, man! I'll need some civilopedia entries later on. And be assured, you'll be featured in the credits, ;).

Yeah, it seems my contributions weren't recognized in EFZI2. Anyway, just tell me what you need when you need it, and I'll get it done ASAP.
Alright, here;s a sorely needed bump. For proper advisors! I figure I can do the era/civ specific era thing T. Jones tried in his WH 40k mod. Here's a survivoe military leader I made a while back:




Neato adviser. I jury rigged something similar while playing EFZI2 (Hint:W.I.N.T.E.R's SOE advisers work like a dream for the authorities, decently for the Company, and one or two work well enough for the graphically illiterate when playing as the survivors or the farmers. One of them almost passes for a zombie!)

Anyways, heres a rundown on some possible advisers for the survivors and the Company, I'll update later

Domestic: A standard desk jockey, or perhaps a soccer mom?
Trade: Door to door salesman?
Military: Already perfect
Faction: Oh who knows?
Status: Some random music fan: rap, country, classical, what have you
Science: A standard nerd

Domestic: Random suit, perhaps fat and important looking
Trade: Random suit, yuppie type.
Military: Daryl Paine, very professional looking
Faction: Random suit, underpaid and overworked looking.
Status: Random suit, creepy smiling sort.
Science: Dr. Lazar in all his mad scientist glory
Long ago I posted this. I searched for the thread to link it, but couldn't find it. Maybe there's inspiration for a science advisor here:


L-R: Hjalmar Poelzig & Vitus Werdegast (The Black Cat), David Huxley (Bringing Up Baby), Jerry Xavier (Dr. X), Henry Jekyll, Hugo Z. Hackenbush (Day At The Races), Alphonse Moreau (Island of Lost Souls), Maurice Xavier (Return of Dr. X), good old Viktor F.

Of course there are other, more modern, possibilities. Maybe the Survivors could use a real idea man like Harold "Brain" Helman?
Going along with Miles' suggestions,

Domestic: Some old person, who looks like they look after the town records?
Trade: A surveyor?
Military: Standard Military commander
Faction: One of the Mayor's secretaries
Status: One of the Mayor's aides
Science: The default Era 4 scientist could do for this one!
It's not possible for civ specific advisers...

Yes, it is. The trick is, you give each culture its own era of the tech tree (Company and Authorities can share advisors) and have each of those have techs in only one era, so the different eras have different grpahics, and therefore different people.
Yes, it is. The trick is, you give each culture its own era of the tech tree (Company and Authorities can share advisors) and have each of those have techs in only one era, so the different eras have different grpahics, and therefore different people.


Sweet. Do you plan on having there be an untradable, essentially unresearchable, required tech at the end of each tree?

And will you use flavors for that purpose?
Lol, this sounds great. The military adviser for the survivors looks like he hasn't slept in a year. The leaderheads look great and dark. Can't wait.

Not sure what I could help with, though... :sad:

Sweet. Do you plan on having there be an untradable, essentially unresearchable, required tech at the end of each tree?

And will you use flavors for that purpose?

Yeah, so you can't get to the next era.

Lol, this sounds great. The military adviser for the survivors looks like he hasn't slept in a year. The leaderheads look great and dark. Can't wait.

Not sure what I could help with, though... :sad:

Uh... what can you do?
Not much really. I'm pretty good with the civilopedia and adding units, though I'm not much of a comedian. I could also be your spell checker...
Looks great so far! I'm a big fan of this series and am glad to see it continue. If you need any help with graphical stuff, ideas (characters, buildings, etc.), and/or civpedia entries, I will gladly help to get this done faster. It'll be a nice break from working on my own stuff.
Not much really. I'm pretty good with the civilopedia and adding units, though I'm not much of a comedian. I could also be your spell checker...

Good! I'm crappy at pedia stuff. You can be pedia entrier. I'll just give you the text, and you can add it to the pedia, :). Thanks!

Looks great so far! I'm a big fan of this series and am glad to see it continue. If you need any help with graphical stuff, ideas (characters, buildings, etc.), and/or civpedia entries, I will gladly help to get this done faster. It'll be a nice break from working on my own stuff.

Eeeeeeeeexcelent. I will most certainly call upon you for graphical work. And feel free to post any ideas, man.

BTW, new military Company advisors:

BBTW, here's a new unit, a disgruntled postal worker. Inspired by a comment from Ogedai.

Henry Brenner - a postal worker who's sick of taking sh!t. From his boss, his customers, and also all that goddamn mail. Not to mention those zombies. Taking his trusty Bren LMG in hand, he gets ready for some payback. Time to deliver a package of vengeance, be-otch!
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