Escape From Zombie Island 0: The Prequel

Good! I'm crappy at pedia stuff. You can be pedia entrier. I'll just give you the text, and you can add it to the pedia, :). Thanks!

No problem, glad to be able to help.

Henry Brenner - a postal worker who's sick of taking sh!t. From his boss, his customers, and also all that goddamn mail. Not to mention those zombies. Taking his trusty Bren LMG in hand, he gets ready for some payback. Time to deliver a package of vengeance, be-otch!

:lol: This is going to be one amazing civilopedia.
Idea for another unit for the Survivors:

You need to definitely feature an Indiana Jones cameo!

Something like:

Dr. Ian Jones - A famous archaeologist known for his "hands on" approach towards history and snazzy brown leather jacket. He worked as a professer at the local college who's history and archaeology class was attacked by the zombie scum during one of his exciting lectures. Now he's out to get revenge on those SOBs that dared interrupt his special on Egyptian mummification (*wink* *wink*). No one stops this man from teaching - no one! It's time to open a massive archaeological can of whoop ass on the brain eating zombies!
:lol: This is going to be one amazing civilopedia.

Yes it is.

Idea for another unit for the Survivors:

You need to definitely feature an Indiana Jones cameo!

Something like:

Dr. Ian Jones - A famous archaeologist known for his "hands on" approach towards history and snazzy brown leather jacket. He worked as a professer at the local college who's history and archaeology class was attacked by the zombie scum during one of his exciting lectures. Now he's out to get revenge on those SOBs that dared interrupt his special on Egyptian mummification (*wink* *wink*). No one stops this man from teaching - no one! It's time to open a massive archaeological can of whoop ass on the brain eating zombies!

And this will be a part of it. We just need to find a good unit for him, seeing as how Kinboat's Adventurer is pretty low quality..
It's not that low in quality really, is it? I mean, it looks half decent to me.
What if you cut/pasted a pistol onto Bjornlo's Bren Gun unit, to replace the Bren gun? He looks sort of "adventury".
Awesome! He looks great, Odin :thumbsup:!

Hm... I think it would be easier to just make a fresh one.

Stormrage: How long does cut/paste unit making actually take, compared to making a new unit? I'd just like to have a time frame in mind next time I try to suggest it.
Odin! Great start! A less shiny jacket would be better tho.

CC-2224 - it depends on the unit. Bren dude`s animations play like he has a BFG in his hands at all times, it would be hard to make him look anything but weird when holding a pistol. You have to manually edit each animation frame.

Unit animations usually have 15 frames. In 8 directions. There are usually 7 or 8 animations per unit. Thats cca 840 frames to edit, and you only get to work with pixels. Very tedious.

In Poser, you just have to grab the little dude`s arm, stretch it out and make little *bang* twitches.. Well, its a simplified explanation, but still.. It really would be easier to just make a new one concerning this particular unit.
Other than the suggestions already stated to make it better (changing the texture of the jacket), I would also suggest making the diameter of the hat slightly smaller since it looks a bit overpowering compared to the head currently. Other than that, this unit looks awesome! A better represenatation of Indy couldn't be possible. I love this unit! :goodjob:
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