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Ethiopia: The Land of Wonder

I won't force you to read them then. My stories are not for everyone I will admit. Sorry about that mate. Nothing personal.
I just can't do silly very well. I tried to make my Brazil light-hearted but it turned into a grindy, boggy, pool of realistic. I was planning on making the final updates crazy awesome so I would at least stick around for those. :D
I just can't do silly very well. I tried to make my Brazil light-hearted but it turned into a grindy, boggy, pool of realistic. I was planning on making the final updates crazy awesome so I would at least stick around for those. :D

Just find a type of humor that you like, and use it a lot. That's how my Babylon story succeeded.
I'll try to input more humor into my stories along with seriousness.
Not everyone likes humour not everyone can handle seriousness. That being said, as per your own story, the Christians at Yeha rebelled on their own :p . So the question of 'giving a choice' doesn't appear. Giving punishment without a trial is not fair by any law and certainly not in islamic law.
Well I thought Jesus said to turn the other cheek, not revolt :lol: (I assume you guys acted as Christians)
Well I thought Jesus said to turn the other cheek, not revolt :lol:
I was partly Christian partly Baheryan :D . Well I don't think Jesus said sit quiet and let injustice reign. The fact is you lost politically since you had to concede to Christians and reform your theocratic ways :p and you can't bear the thought of that. Not only that, but we severely weakened your military too :D. What is the policy towards forced labor ?
Slavery, it's out only one. :p and well... The Caliph made a wise crack so ha!
We have a funny Caliph, what do you have? :p
“Alright students, please put your books and notes away. We are about to begin our test. As you kno- Ashmir! Put your phone away now! As you know, our test will be on the history of the Ethiopian Caliphate. Each section is only ten questions but there will be many more in total once each section is completed. Please leave your tests flipped upside down until I tell you to flip them up. You have all of class, although I doubt you will need it. Ready, begin” The teacher then sat down at his desk and put on his spectacles and began thumbing through the test. Ashmir flipped over the test and began to read through it. ‘This is easy’, he thought to himself and began answering.

No Cheating (no looking back through updates)
No Copying (no asking for what other people put)
No Craziness (keep answers sensible, unless you really don’t know)

PM me your answers

Spoiler :

Multiple-Choice Questions. Choose one answer that best fits.

1. What caused Ethiopia to go into a revolt that caused the massive rebellion and the introduction of a Caliph?
A. A repressive government
B. A poor ruler
C. A bad harvest
D. A bad economical down turn​

2. How long did this revolt last?
A. 10 years
B. 20 years
C. 30 years
D. 40 years​

3. What was the name given to the scholars whom advised the caliphs?
A. Imams
B. Ministers
C. Advisers
D. Ulema​

4. Which city seceded from Ethiopia in the Christian Rebellion?
A. Gondar
B. Mombasa
C. Meroe
D. Yeha​

5. How old was the first caliph when he died of old age?
A. 100
B. 105
C. 110
D. 115​

6. Who led the army to victory over Yeha?
A. Matthias
B. Overlord
C. Basileus
D. Yekuna Amlak​

7. Who was promoted to general when the previous general was promoted to Mishir?
A. Matthias
B. Vigilante
C. Basileus
D. Yekuna Amlak​

8. Who did the rebels receive assistance from?
A. The Spanish
B. The Austrians
C. The French
D. The English​

Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer. There will be at least two correct answers and maybe even four, choose all possible ones.

9. Who received the most from the peace between the rebels and Ethiopia?
A. The Christians
B. The Muslims
C. The Caliph
D. The Rebels​

10. What was the end effect of the rebellion?
A. More religious tolerance
B. A stricter government
C. Decreased relations with France
D. Several generations ban on rebels in government​
You don't have to. Just curious at how many people are paying attention :D
Eh,I'm leaving from this story to,thought not the other ones.I'm kinda angry that you didn't use barbarians.but I will answer the test
Well the natives act the same as barbarians. I really, honestly, did not expect them to just wander around. The same thing happened in the India story with the rebellion I was in :p I know how you feel but there really nothing I could do. Sorry about that though.
Well,you could given me your save and I knew just what to do
I knew what to do, I just used the natives and set up their codes so they would attack cities. Then they just sat on their hands doing nothing.
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