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Every month, 500 million Americans lose their jobs.

Meh. It's not bad, and it's more equal opportunity than the other stuff my roommate likes to watch (like basically all of MSNBC). They recently had Dev Patel on the show, for example, which was awesome.

The fact that Stewart is not funny and should probably be an accountant or lawyer does not help the show either.
The fact that Stewart is not funny and should probably be an accountant or lawyer does not help the show either.
To each his own. :)
You are ill informed. It's not Obamas fault. This all happened under Bush's administration. Obama was not when sworn in yet when the economy tanked. It's premature to blame Obama for the mess when he inherited the mess from Bush.

You still don't quite do sarcasm Civ. :)

I was of course taking a pop at FcF's signature. :p
The economy tanked for a year but we did not start seeing massive layoffs until October when it was clear that Obama was going to take office. Granted, I will say that the majority of the jobs lost are due to the natural economic slow down. However, I would be willing to bet that a good portion of those losses are due to companies hedging their bets on rapid increases in taxation that will not allow them to sustain jobs anyway. They're cutting their losses before hand and anticipating Obama's economic policies. But again, the majority are from the Bush economy.

This is complete speculation.
There is a reasoning behind it. For Bush, I disagreed with him very strongly with his views on the Iraq War, how his administration mishandled Katrina, Gitmo, and only letting republicans into the justice dept.

For McCain, I do not agree with his idea of taxing people who have gotten Heath insurance through their employers, same policies in forgen affairs and the economy. I did not especialy liked his idea of remaining in Iraq for 100 years.

Couple of points.

As long as Obama is president, we will have US troops in Iraq. What remains to be seen is once we decrease our numbers significantly, will we have to send them right back over or have we trained the Iraqi military and police forces enough to maintain stability?

As to the correlation/casuation comments about the economy, I think Obama and Bush get far too much credit. The real culprit is congress. And the individual state governors.

I know Obama ran on a ticket of hope and change, but after seeing some of the earmarks on this stimulus package its more than apparent congress certainly doesnt share his view.
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