Fallen Enchantress


May 6, 2002
Paris, France
Elemental: Fallen Enchantress


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In Fallen Enchantress you start the game as a powerful channeler, one of the few who are able to use magic. Your first steps are to found a city, recruit champions and begin expanding your empire in a randomly generated fantasy world infested with monsters, bandits and quests. Monster lairs will grow over time, becoming more dangerous if they aren't dealt with. Ritualists will gather more spell casters and demons to their service, and send them out to attack your cities. These battles are fought in tactical combat, where every unit's strengths and weaknesses matter.

After your foothold is secure, you will find larger threats in the world. There are other kingdoms you can trade or go to war with. Wild land areas like the Burning Lands, the Pits of Namtur or the Ruins of the Imperium have unique monsters, challenges and ways to conquer them. There are quests that will test even the strongest armies and elemental lords that even tower over the dragons.


You can design your own units, choosing exactly what weapons, armor and traits you want your armies to have. Select traits for your champions when they level-up, increasing their skill, or giving them access to special attacks or spells. Choose to develop your champion as an Assassin that is quick to strike with high damage attacks, a Defender that can withstand damage and protect your army, a Mage who specializes in any of the 6 types of magic, or other paths. You can outfit your champions with equipment you create in your cities or magical items you find in the world.

Each of the 8 factions is distinct. The Magnar are cruel taskmasters who build their empire on the backs of those they capture. Train an army of slaves that you can sacrifice to fuel your spells or to soften up enemies before your valuable Quendar troops join the battle. Unlike the other factions they are unable to build improvements that improve their cities growth like Inns and Festivals. Instead every man or Fallen unit they defeat in battle is added as population to their cities.


Fallen Enchantress is currently available for preorder and doing so will get you immediate access to the beta.


ps. Thanks to Thunderfall and Ainwood for allowing me to post this and everyone at CivFanatics who checks it out. I know this is a marketing-ish post but its my next big project since doing Fall from Heaven so I'm very excited about it.
Welcome "back". I really want this game to succeed. I sadly had to hold back on the first game, no matter how much I wanted it, because it wasn't what I expected. But now, it sounds like this might be good... And if it is, then the company probably deserves my money for their dedication at working on their product and improving it.
The game is great Kael.
I just have one small suggestion. Please make Pioneers more expensive to build.
Nice project! I always hoped there would be some kind of successor to FFH.
The artwork looks great the ingame graphics seem to be okay. Designing own units can be a feature but also a disadvantage if you can either create uber units or all units play exactly the same way. It will make balancing difficult.
So finally three short questions
Is there a real release date/month?
Will the game require any specific DRM software/dowloader?
Will there be random events?
I love Stardock's honesty and policy toward its customer, so I very much hope this will succeed.
Elemental was sadly sorely lacking in pretty much everything, but most importantly in being a "whole" and not just a bunch of unrelated features, so I cross my finghers that you managed to save it with this game and give it an actual overarching design direction.
I think with Kael running this, it will be awesome. I'll be buying one.

Will it be up on Steam?
Thanks for the support guys. It was a terrifying jump to quit my "grown up" career and part time modder to go make games for a living. But I love Stardock and being able to work with folks like Brad Wardell and Jon Shafer is amazing.

Nice project! I always hoped there would be some kind of successor to FFH.

The artwork looks great the ingame graphics seem to be okay. Designing own units can be a feature but also a disadvantage if you can either create uber units or all units play exactly the same way. It will make balancing difficult.

You are so right. Having locked units would allow us to push them more into extremes, since you could balance a high attack or special ability with a weak defense, slow movement, etc. But if a player can mix and match those traits, or find ones that mitigate the penalties then it becomes a much tougher job.

In the end we decided to accept the balance problem and embrace the opportunity we have. We still have special units like the Iron Golem that players can equip as they want, but comes with a significantly different base, as well as summons and creatures the player can earn through quests to give a lot of that differentiation.

So finally three short questions
Is there a real release date/month?

We are targeting later this year.

Will the game require any specific DRM software/dowloader?

There will be an activation (enter your email address and serial number) the first time you play. All Stardock Beta's require the player to be online because we stream updates.

Will there be random events?

Yes, there are already random events in FE.


I think with Kael running this, it will be awesome. I'll be buying one.

Will it be up on Steam?

Yes, it will be on steam.
FFH was the first mod, for any game, that looked so cool that I had to try it; and it blew me away. I do believe I'll be pre-purchasing this after I get paid on the 1st.
Kael is designing it? SWEET! John Shafer is involved? Oh, for a moment you had me.
Yeah, I'm not sure it's good to promote the participation of Shafer on a board where most people have experienced the wreck that was the last thing he had a hand in :p

(though from what I remember, he isn't doing design at Stardock, but rather organisationnal tasks)
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but after having worked with Jon for the past year I have been incrediably impressed with him and his design work. We are very lucky to have him.
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