• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

[FfH II Art Team Blog]

emm ... Maybe I'll look like fool, but ... what (who) is "Lamia"?!?

The race that will be used for the Kuriotate arcane line, the race typically has the top half of the body as a woman and the bottom half as a large snake...
Lamia is a demon of Greek mythology, which was part woman part snake and ate her own children. She is often synchronized with Lilith, on whom Os-Gabella is based.

Of course, more modern fantasy it isn't an individual but a race, similar to Nagas. In FfH, this race has lost the evil and monsterous aspects. Those are just nasty racist propaganda common in civs less enlightened that the Kuriotates.

I preferred to think of them as a race of humans whose closeness to Amathaon (whose symbol is a snake, in its ancient mystical sense related to healing) transformed them even more than the closeness with Sucullus transformed the elves, but Kael thinks differently. In his view races like the Lamia, Centaurs, and Lizardmen were creations of Patrian mages' experiments with Life magic, but unlike the experiments that made griffins or pit beasts humans were used here, giving the resulting abominations creatures not only human intelligence but souls. I guess you could say these are all like Flesh Golems but were made in such as way as to allow procreation of their kind.
Lamia is still in the works, I didn't rework them since I knew that Ploeper was busy. Refar animated the PitBeast and he may animated the Lamia too. I want to ask him, but before, I have to create some LH for his Road of Fury modpack in wich he is involved. With the last blender animation breakthrougth, I may consider to animated them myself. In fact, if I find a format that can export my anim (like the Oblivion Kfm) that can be reimported in Max, I may in fact animate it myself and ask someone with max to export it for me.
On a related note, is there any chance we could get a warrior for the Kuriotates next? That'd be the last one IIRC, which would be nice.
A question: are there any plans to ever give Acolyte-level religious units a true combat graphic? Right now, you can't even tell if they've died....

Their combat graphics work fine for me, what kind of problem are you seeing?
Didn't the Order Crusaders have a "Order" symbol shield atone point? They are back to having a cross on their shield.
yeah they did. I know they are based on the idea of the Crusades of the middle ages, but it is strange for them to have a cross on their shield because Jesus didnt exist on Erebus.

And yes, some people might argue he didnt exist on Earth either.

But the order symbol looks cooler.
small update 13.1o.o8

The Elohim Devout finally got her Unit Art. I created her after the unit button picture. Hope you like her...
God, I love that 0.34 interface. Awesome job guys, you're the greatest :) !
·Imhotep·;7343747 said:
God, I love that 0.34 interface. Awesome job guys, you're the greatest :) !

thanks guys!!!
it´s really good to hear that.
I wanted to get further away from the old civ interface and provide a more "fantasy"-adequate interface than the webdesigny original one.
xienwolf provided all the necessary code and i am really happy how it turned out finally :)
I also have to say that
- the new interface is FANTASTIC and
- the Elohim adept is really nice, too. She really does look like being at the start of a magical career and has this "Elohim"-y touch of peacefulness (unless furious attack is necessary of course ;) )
Ya, I love the new interface and terrain. Playing regular Civ4 now is almost painful :p

Is there any easy way to use FFH's terrain in regular Civ?
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