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[FfH II Art Team Blog]

AHAHAHA it does a little dosnt it! i never even realised LOL at subconsious influences...
Well it's not quite right - it needs to be in a hole. But it would be a really cool feature for a Tattoine map for the Star Wars mod. :D

Since the Braduk is burning and I wanted to try to make a palace for Clan here's the result:
Now Braduk will be more burning.

Nice work! What would really make the Clan palace is heaps of fire and smoke effects.
wow, that pit with teeth looks awesome. I hope it gets in FFH2 somehow cuz it's very very cool. it would make for a nice unique feature :D
wow, that pit with teeth looks awesome. I hope it gets in FFH2 somehow cuz it's very very cool. it would make for a nice unique feature

thanks :) although i cant really think of any ffh fluff that would support something like that... :(
thanks :) although i cant really think of any ffh fluff that would support something like that... :(

i dont know either, but from an artists perspecitve, it definitely needs shading!!
a big drop shadow on the left and some "shadows" on the left parts (making them darker where no light hits). otherwise it would look weird on a civ map.

thanks although i cant really think of any ffh fluff that would support something like that...

Bradelines Well? Maybe something from Hastur Clifs or somethin for evil cult...
i dont know either, but from an artists perspecitve, it definitely needs shading!!
a big drop shadow on the left and some "shadows" on the left parts (making them darker where no light hits). otherwise it would look weird on a civ map.

hmm yeh your right, is there an easy way of doing shadows that dont require having to retexture the whole thing? (i cheated and it will be a pain to have to texture both halves of everything individually)

Bradelines Well? Maybe something from Hastur Clifs or somethin for evil cult...

i like my other Bradelines well MUCH more than this :p this was a very quick job. perhaps Cliffs of Hastur as you say, has a nice ring to it :p
hmm yeh your right, is there an easy way of doing shadows that dont require having to retexture the whole thing? (i cheated and it will be a pain to have to texture both halves of everything individually)

well, no. thats why you shouldn´t copy the uv for all your sides if you do static objects like buildings or improvements... they need a shadow to blend into the map, otherwise they will annoy more (even if only subconsciously) than doing any good. (you will always think "theres something wrong", even if you don´t notice the missing shadow).

the only thing you can do is add a "shadow plane" beneath the object and create the drop shadow. that would at least add to making it fit into the map, while still looking a bit flat.

(most of the time it is better to unwrap each side individually and therefore having less texturespace for the sides, but at least you can bake ambient occlusion and some basic lighting onto it... good shadow most of the time is much better than a higher resolution but flat texture).
Ohhh, hellfire, that could work.
(most of the time it is better to unwrap each side individually and therefore having less texturespace for the sides, but at least you can bake ambient occlusion and some basic lighting onto it... good shadow most of the time is much better than a higher resolution but flat texture).

hmm your right, looking at it in game it is very bright compared to everything else... ill re-unwrap it and retexture it...

Ohhh, hellfire, that could work.

if someone was willing to add in flame effect i think it could work forthat too :)
While you are at that, can you please add flames to the attached building, too? ;)
I got it from the original thread on civ-specific pagan temples and use it in Orbi for clan temple (Bhall's Pyre).
But it was never finished and I really miss the flames. So far I did not succed in adding the flames I like (but that is because of my low skill :(

By the way, the new Sheaim palace is perfect :)

And seZereth & Xienwolf, I really love the new interface :). Glad to get devout, too.
Good luck on your thesis seZ!


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@FfH Art Design Team:

Is there any chance you could add anhu's improved ocean and water graphic (found here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=283638) to a future patch of FfH? It looks a lot more realistic than the default one and is really nice. I would have added it myself, but from what I gather from the XML FfH handles Ocean and Coast differently than vanilla BtS - there seem to be one graphic for ocean and one for coast instead of a simple single water.dds. If you don't want to include it a short instruction on how to change it will do as well :) .

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