[FfH II Art Team Blog]

The only "bug" with the latest HUD is that at the loading screen (while the game is generating the map) I have a 10 x 30 grid of disk-like graphics in the lower half of my screen. It disappears when the map loads and doesn't affect game play at all. It's just a weird glitch.
The only "bug" with the latest HUD is that at the loading screen (while the game is generating the map) I have a 10 x 30 grid of disk-like graphics in the lower half of my screen. It disappears when the map loads and doesn't affect game play at all. It's just a weird glitch.

that should have been fixed by the HUD fixes.zip, did you apply it and still see those?
that should have been fixed by the HUD fixes.zip, did you apply it and still see those?

I reapplied the HUD_sezereth_edition_V and then the Hud fixes, and that took care of it. Those "discs" just flash now for a split second right before the map loads, but zip by so fast there's no way I could count them. I would have missed them had I blinked. :D
I noticed this a little while ago, im not sure if this is a bug or what. The Bannor knights have 2 different looking units. Whenever I build the first knight in any game it always looks the same. But then if I reload that game I get a different looking unit (the horse now has chain mail, but the rider is the same).
big update 21.o9.o8

So, this is the grigori Army pack, in addition to what you see on the screenshot, it includes chariot and horsearcher. so, look forward to 0.34
They are all really awesome!
A question about the Grigori Warrior....there are 2 unit art referring to it, does it mean that when it's created it can have a mace or a spear?

The grigori dont have a formal army like other nations. Instead in times of war they enlist (either by volunteer or by law) members. This doesn't mean they are unprepared, the village/city militia practice well and the fact that the grigori tend to adopt adventurers keeps them up to par with other armies. But it does mean that their armor/weapons aren't as uniform as most professional armies.

seZ did an awesome job of depicting that by creating several versions of a lot of the units. They look similiar but if you look close you will notice shoulderpads missing on one unit, another without a helmet, etc. The effect is very cool and really gives the Grigori a very unique feel.
The grigori dont have a formal army like other nations. Instead in times of war they enlist (either by volunteer or by law) members. This doesn't mean they are unprepared, the village/city militia practice well and the fact that the grigori tend to adopt adventurers keeps them up to par with other armies. But it does mean that their armor/weapons aren't as uniform as most professional armies.

seZ did an awesome job of depicting that by creating several versions of a lot of the units. They look similiar but if you look close you will notice shoulderpads missing on one unit, another without a helmet, etc. The effect is very cool and really gives the Grigori a very unique feel.

That's really nice! Time to play with Grigori in 0.34 with all those good looking units ;)
Nice theme. I notice they don't have much armor, and undyed cloth. That seems fitting for a militia that doesn't have the money for finery, and gives them a humble feel. Love the hunter, I assume you took a bit of inspiration from Stephanos' pedia. Drop us a teaser of your next project when you get a chance. Rumor has it the Elohim will be the next to get their rides pimped. I'm wondering whether you intend to go for an Eastern style, a Western one, or some hybrid of both...
And I'm really looking forward to seeing how you intend to make an axeman look monastic...
The grigori dont have a formal army like other nations. Instead in times of war they enlist (either by volunteer or by law) members. This doesn't mean they are unprepared, the village/city militia practice well and the fact that the grigori tend to adopt adventurers keeps them up to par with other armies. But it does mean that their armor/weapons aren't as uniform as most professional armies.

seZ did an awesome job of depicting that by creating several versions of a lot of the units. They look similiar but if you look close you will notice shoulderpads missing on one unit, another without a helmet, etc. The effect is very cool and really gives the Grigori a very unique feel.

So the Grigori get random art when building certain units:eek:?!!:woohoo:!
So the Grigori get random art when building certain units:eek:?!!:woohoo:!

Not random. But in the group of 3 warriors, the 3 warriors arent clones of each other, their are subtle differences between them.
Not random. But in the group of 3 warriors, the 3 warriors arent clones of each other, their are subtle differences between them.

Ah well, to bad, but still good.
So, this is the grigori Army pack, in addition to what you see on the screenshot, it includes chariot and horsearcher

Wow...that's quite a few units there Sez, great going :D

/and I must say, I never expected to see the Grigori Chariot & Horse Archer this year :lol:
The new Grigori units are great. I love the humbleness of the units and the general sense of an unprofessional army marching off to fight against more prepared foes with the help of great heroes. It gives their general units a supportive feel when combined with the adventurers that make the backbone of the Grigori army. Subtlety always has a more profound effect than a bright and flashy unit, especially such intricate and detailed subtlety. Keep up the great work!

Glad to hear that the Elohim could be next as well, you do a great job of bringing out the flavor of each civilization and I know you'll keep it up.
thanks guys.
it´s a honor to work for you all and I´ll continue doing my best to add my humble part to FfH.
(though at a slower pace, due to actually working on my thesis these months...)
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