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FfH2 Bug Thread

Okaay, just tried it and it's working now.
Also, I have found that Basium still enters the game even though the "Compact Enforced" is checked at the beginning of the game. Though, Hyborem does not.
My friend and I were playing today, and we got this when we finished Mercurian Gate:

Since I updated from patch B to D I can't get Black Tower running anymore. NTDLL.dll keeps crashing. Never had ever in CIV IV a NTDLL.dll crash. It work with patch B because I was playing it, but I stopped to play Splinter Court to unlock the Svartalfar. I patched before playing Splinter Court. Now I can't get it it running. All other Scenarios works, but strange is if I pick Splinter Court the NTDLL.dll crash too. But if I load an other scenario before I load Splinter Court it loads up. Unfortunately it doesn't work with Black Tower.

I haven't updated my driver nor Windows since then.
Someone know where I can download patch B, to verify that the new patch is causing the problem? Also can some please upload a starting save for Black Tower with Bannor and Svartalfar unlocked (using latest patch please) for me to play with. Thank You.

EDIT: Lucky for me the Patch B is still on the server. I could download it by modifying the link for the D patch.

Now I can confirm that the C patch crash the game when loading certain scenarios via the in-game scenario launcher.
I reinstalled FFHII installed patch B, all scenarios would load with out an issue. After applying patch C or D game crash always when loading Black tower and sometimes when loading Splinter Court and Against the Wall.

When I load the scenarios directly like mention in this post from ..\\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Fall from Heaven 2\Assets\XML\Scenarios
folder instead using the in-game launcher it works perfectly with no crash.

EDIT2: Since the scenario load crash with an error in ntdll.dll, I thought I give you a bit more information. I'm running WindowsXP 32bit service pack 3.
My NTDLL.dll version is 5.1.2600.5755 (xpsp_sp3_qfe.090206-1316). I also tried wih an older version 5.1.2600.5755 (xpsp_sp3_gdr.090206-1234) for the same effect. Of cause if it crash in ntdll.dll that doesn't mean necessary ntdll.dll is actual the source of the error
Patch 41D

Playing as Arturus Thorne and I built the Eyes and Ears Network about a dozen turns ago, but it doesn't grant me any techs, even though there are at least 4 techs that I don't have known by three or more civilizations. Researched another tech, hoping it would "update" the rest too when a new tech came in but nothing happened.

Patch 41D

Playing as Arturus Thorne and I built the Eyes and Ears Network about a dozen turns ago, but it doesn't grant me any techs, even though there are at least 4 techs that I don't have known by three or more civilizations. Researched another tech, hoping it would "update" the rest too when a new tech came in but nothing happened.

never mind. Now, at least 10, probably closer to 15 turns after building the wonder, I get three techs. Is there any known mechanism to this? Because I still didn't get "Poisons" and that's known by 4 other civs ?
I got poisons the next turn.

Do you have open borders with people?

I have open borders with all except Perpentach. Does that matter for the eyes and ears network ?

Apparently it does. I missed that in the civiclopedia, sorry.

Thanks for the help. :)
It looks to me like they do. The code appends teams to the list, not players, and checks to see if that list is at least 3 teams long, but it looks like it will append a team multiple times if there are multiple players of said team.

(I've never liked the it always being 3 players, no matter how many are in the game total. In my version, you get the tech if at least a third of the players in the game have the tech and open borders with you.

Edit: taking another look at the code, I think I may have accidentally made you need open borders with the third of the total possible number of civs (35 in normal FfH) instead of the number in the game at the time. I'm not positive about that though. I should probably look into it and possible change it.)
Basium has entered the world before Hyborem, before infernal pact is researched and before anyone has converted to Ashen Veil (playing on Erabus map, slim chance there is another civilisation somewhere I don't know about but Veil would have been founded far from them anyway)

Is this a bug or is the civlopedia out of date?
Basium has entered the world before Hyborem, before infernal pact is researched and before anyone has converted to Ashen Veil (playing on Erabus map, slim chance there is another civilisation somewhere I don't know about but Veil would have been founded far from them anyway)

Is this a bug or is the civlopedia out of date?

That's normal. The civilopedia is out of date.
Starting the game as Arendel in a multiplayer game the game crashes. We tried several times. Any other civ is doing fine. German Version.
It isn't exactly a bug, but I find it really annoying that while Unyielding Order can end a revolt in a city when cast, it does nothing to prevent revolts when already present in a city. You have to move your caster out of the city for on ful turn in order to be able to cast it again in order to restore order. (This is more annoying in my version, where Unyielding Order is Law III instead of a Prior spell as Law III archmages tend to be casting Hope and Inspiration too.)

Could I convince you to fix this by adding to CvEventManager.py under def onCityDoTurn(self, argsList):?
		if pCity.getNumBuilding(gc.getInfoTypeForString('BUILDING_UNYIELDING_ORDER')) > 0:
I have tried very hard to find another mention of this in these forums, but they are just so HUGE and I have such limited time. Also, I have tried hard to find a reason why this is happening, but no luck. This might or might not be a bug, I'm just not smart enough to figure it out.

Here's the thing: I am playing as Arendel, game is currently on Immortal difficulty, turn 325. I have my shadows out in my neighbors' lands trying to spread the Esus religion. In most cities the game lets me hit the button (to spread Esus), lets me spend the 25 gold, but afterwords there is no Esus in that city. Once this has occurred in a city, I cannot do it again (the button no is longer lit). In other cities, I can't even do this much; the button is never lit.

I have looked at the civics for these civs I have tried so far (Clan, Elohim, Hippus) and I don't see any reason why this is happening.

Any ideas/help out there? I'll attach a saved file below. Thanks in advance.

**EDIT** Oops, sorry. Forgot to mention game is 0.41, patch D


  • Arendel.CivBeyondSwordSave
    752.1 KB · Views: 62
if you are not Esus as a state religion, you can't see if a city has the esus religion or not. so I guess those cities in which you can't spread it already have it.
See? I knew it would be something simple like this that I am just too stupid to think of for myself.
eh, this game has so many complex rules that it takes a good while before finally getting a hang of all of them... or simply remembering them :lol: even experienced players sometimes thing magic is broken, and it turns out it was just the Amurite worldspell :D
I found I couldn't spread esus last game, sometimes I had to wait until the next turn. I think it might be you cant spread a religion in a city twice in one turn. IIRC, the city I was trying to spread Esus in just got a natural spread of OO.
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