Future Update - Speculation Thread

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Can we get other leaders for each existing civs? :')
would be cool but probably takes a lot of effort to do animations and voice recordings, with a rather small gameplay effect, unfortunately. so not gonna happen I think.
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Can we get other leaders for each existing civs? :')
Still holding out hope for a "Classic Leaders Pack" with the likes of Napoleon, Elizabeth, Catherine, Otto, Isabella etc.
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Those are entirely different beliefs, imho. Missionary zeal is for those religions like the Christian denominations that are obsessed with converting people. Warrior monks are an insular expression of faith; when's the last time a shaolin warrior asked you if you've accepted the buddha into your life?
Well I didn't mean that a Zealot unit would work directly like a Warrior Monk unit would. Same goes for a Crusader or Pilgrim unit.
That's why they would be under different beliefs, like I said.
Still holding out hope for a "Classic Leaders Pack" with the likes of Napoleon, Elizabeth, Catherine, Otto, Isabella etc.

Me too.

People sometimes say FXS won’t do something like this, because for all the effort to make leaders etc they could have just made a full Civ. But I think that misses the real question.

Basically, I could see FXS doing Alt leaders quite happily, provided they think fans would buy them and that the money generated would be more than from doing something else (eg full Civilizations or even working on another game entirely).

Personally, I think leader packs focused on “classic” leaders would sell very well, and would be very tempting for FXS to produce once the game is fully fleshed out and all the fan favourite Civs are already in the game. I’d expect the packs themselves would sell well, better than new non-favourite Civ’s, but would perhaps also drive more sales of the game generally as people see their favourite leaders in the game.

Put another way, I don’t think we’d get Lizzie 1 or Napoleon rather than say Portugal. But I could see getting Lizzie and Napoleon instead of, say, Nauru as a Civ. (Sorry Nauru. Nothing personal.)

Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Is it known or is it likely that the smokes correspond to different consoles/computer os? six builds could maybe be for
1. windows
2. Mac/Linux
3. App Store
4. Ps4
5. Xbox
6. Switch

The mac and linux builds each have two test branches on Steam, one for internal testing, one that goes to 2k for approval. These four branches have not been updated since last year.

We have seen no evidence of other platforms being tested on Steam. I don't think we can rule out the possibility entirely, but I think it's unlikely.

Commenting on these posts here instead of their original thread, because I don’t want to clog up the Future Update Steam DB thread. (btw, really like having a dedicated thread just for the DB. Much easier to find news.)

The lack of Mac testing suggests to me we’re very far off anything being released. I also wonder if having so many different builds is because people are working on multiple things remotely because everyone is WFH? FXS might just be finding it easier to access some things via Steam as part of making remote working work.

Anyway. Seems like we’re not getting anything soon either way.
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Still holding out hope for a "Classic Leaders Pack" with the likes of Napoleon, Elizabeth, Catherine, Otto, Isabella etc.

I'd like a "Villainous Leaders Pack" with uhh names that would never fly.

At least Sukrit produced Robespierre. And JFD made that German guy. Need an evil English leader (Richard III? Bloody Mary?) and Stalin. And a few others.

On the subject of alt leaders, I'd also love to see a "Holy Roman Empire" civ, where it comes with a new leader (Charlemagne?) but all of the civs with leaders who claimed to be Holy Roman Emperor or Empress could also lead it.

Civ 6's Euro lineup is stacked with HRE claimants so if I recall correctly, they could be led by:

Catherine De Medici
Phillip II

I've probably missed a few.
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Still holding out hope for a "Classic Leaders Pack" with the likes of Napoleon, Elizabeth, Catherine, Otto, Isabella etc.

That'd be cool for some sort of anniversary thing... that is unless we're getting a hot-tub (bonus points if you get the reference).

Stilll lowkey disappointed that Isabella never arrived. That damn leader bingo was a lie!
On the subject of alt leaders, I'd also love to see a "Holy Roman Empire" civ, where it comes with a new leader (Charlemagne?) but all of the civs with leaders who claimed to be Holy Roman Emperor or Empress could also lead it.
In my opinion we already have a "Holy Roman Empire" civ when they announced that Barbarossa would be leading Germany, disregarding the U-Boat.
Well, Runner, Plaid, and now Zoomzoom. A certain pattern starts to emerge: somebody just can't stay put. It's all about movement and doing it fast. :think:
The other obvious connotation is that it's the sales motto of Mazda.

It cements the idea that all of these codenames are related to speed, even plaid.
Although I wonder if the idea that each of them are related to a DLC content isn't valid, too...
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With 3 DLCs depots, I'm now convinced, again, that we gonna get smaller DLCs packs instead of an expansion. I might go back again into believing this is an expansion later, idk.
Perhaps they are coming out with an update, maybe containing new mechanics and then 3+ smaller dlcs, such as new civs/scenarios.
This is the first day in many weeks that i checked in when the day was almost over (monday). Normally i cant resist the temptation to peek.
But then i thought for a moment a real dlc has reached us with zoomzoom without checking twitter. Almost hyped.
Firaxis might be officially trolling us. Next dlc depot will be dontblink, hurryup or soonTM. Refresh rate would be high on civfanatics.
My current unfounded speculation: there will be a season ticket type set of DLC announced in the next 4-6 weeks. We'll see one more empty depot added before then, for a total of four DLC coming out over the next 8-12 months with 2 new civs per DLC and 10 achievements per DLC.
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