Gen. Rommel
The time is worth the wait looking at your previews, just do not give up on ever making them.
No way!!! I mean, I need some of the units I'm making anyways, and since most if not all have NOT been made due to unit requests, they were obviously all only made because I wanted to make them. So on an egoistical scale, it's of the utmost importance for me to finish them (I'm just kidding, I'm actually making most of them, to give back to the community for once, but I guess there's a morsel of truth to it).
Once I can really get back into it, I will also start making some unit-requests from you guys. But that's still a ways away.
Tank_Guy#3, I can definitely make those guys as well when I start work on the Civil War units again. They don't seem to pose a problem in reference to their uniforms, so it should be quite easy to do. Maybe a more detailed image of their uniforms would be in order though, because I can hardly tell what makes their uniforms so special (apart from the unique hat).