Gen. Rommel's Mighty Unit Emporium - A Unit Preview Thread

The time is worth the wait looking at your previews, just do not give up on ever making them.

No way!!! I mean, I need some of the units I'm making anyways, and since most if not all have NOT been made due to unit requests, they were obviously all only made because I wanted to make them. So on an egoistical scale, it's of the utmost importance for me to finish them (I'm just kidding, I'm actually making most of them, to give back to the community for once, but I guess there's a morsel of truth to it).

Once I can really get back into it, I will also start making some unit-requests from you guys. But that's still a ways away.

Tank_Guy#3, I can definitely make those guys as well when I start work on the Civil War units again. They don't seem to pose a problem in reference to their uniforms, so it should be quite easy to do. Maybe a more detailed image of their uniforms would be in order though, because I can hardly tell what makes their uniforms so special (apart from the unique hat).
Here's the site of the re-enactment group I was thinking about joining. I've gone through some of the links, and they have a lot of information and pictures. Here's the link:
Thanks for the uniform reference pics BK! I will take to use them when I get to that unit.

Anyways, this will be my last check in for a while (since I am gone as of tommorow), so I just wanted to give you guys an official goodbye UNTIL my return.

Oh, and I have to clarify some things before I leave. I misinformed many of you, stating that I am part of the German Luftwaffe...however, I seemed to have jumped the gun when I stated this, since the actual name of my regiment only implied that I may have something to do with the air force (which I don't). Reason for this is the name, as I stated, which is 5./ Luftlandeunterstützungsbataillon 262, which translates roughly into "5./ Air and Land Support Battalion 262". So in actuality, I am the support regiment of the paratroopers of the German military, meaning I am part of the Heer/Army. Since it was never explicitly stated in the papers I recieved which unit of the military forces I belong to, I made the mistake of making presumptions. In fact, there is even a Wikipedia entry on my regiment which explains exactly what I will be doing (since I wasn't able to answer that previously, it will interest some to read through that). I apologize beforehand for it being solely in German, so I'm afraid only the members able to read German will be wiser after reading it, but maybe babylfish can offer a reasonable jumble of words so that you'll understand it:ützungsbataillon_262

So I'm sorry once again if I misinformed you (as if anyone truly cares), but I couldn't leave without first getting that clarifed.

And with that: auf Wiedersehen, meine guten Freunde! :D
... drafted for the German military and am reporting on tuesday for my basic training. Good thing is that I'll be getting paid, meaning I'll be getting money to finance my computer parts.

LoL.. how did U manage to get drafted.. been too open about your pc and language skills again, have we?

Die scheinen beim Barras wieder etwas mehr Kohle gekriegt zu haben- na - schaumermal... viel Glück - und lass Dich nicht von den Rekrutenfressern fertigmachen !!!
Its a secret agenda from TakeTwo. They have paid the German govt. to draft Gen.Rommel, so he could`t produce these fine units for the game they think is obsolete.

Thankfully, other countries are not so co-operative. I heard Putin told them to ...... off when they talked to him about Sandris.
Good luck, dude! We anxiously await your return to civvy(x2) life. As in "Civilian who makes wicked units for Civilisation III."
The term is not very accurate. Germany doesn't have a draft, it has conscription.
Every men has to serve 9 months.

That is not very accurate either. It is true that Germany has conscription in place. However not ever man has to serve. The number of recruits is in fact currently so extremely low that one can safely say that young men get 'drafted' individualy from the far, far larger conscription pool of potentials.
:rolleyes: Let's see if we can keep this thread alive until Rommel's return...
Good luck, Rommel! I hope you are able to visit us often.
i was just lurking through this thread, and this units are VERY impressive, and i just thought it'd be nice to have them all in one place for those lurkers like me

Massive Spoiler: BEWARE
Spoiler :
Spartan Regular Spearman

Spartan Elite Spearman

Germanic Axeman

Prussian Line Infantry 1740

Prussian Grenadier 1740

Prussian Musketeer 1756

Prussian Grenadier 1756-1763

Prussian Musketeer 1763

Prussian Jäger 1760

Prussian Winter Infantry 1812-1815

Prussian Line Infantry 1815

Prussian Line Infantry 1830

Teutonic Knight

Prussian Infantry 1806

Prussian Grenadier 1806

Prussian Jäger/Chasseur 1813

Prussian Landwehr 1815

German Infantry 1943

German Fallschirmjäger 1941

German "Great Leader" (Hitler)

Date Clan Naginata Samurai

U.S. Soldier (Vietnam War)

German Waffen-SS 1944

German "Great Leader" (Rommel)

Prussian Lützow Freikorps 1813

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