General Politics Three: But what is left/right?

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Part of, certainly. But the lede is that so prominent a spokesperson for the right would say this so baldly as Coulter did.
Another thing that makes Ramaswamy's response noteworthy is that it essentially attempts to gaslight folks who recognize Coulter's racism and would call it out. Ramaswamy tries to excuse her, and in fact, praise Coulter for her racist ideology... he is downplaying it and contributing to mainstreaming it as just another person's harmless perspective at the table. What makes it worse, is that because Ramaswamy is Indian, he is offering himself up as the "Indian guy who didn't find it offensive", which then serves as the "proof"/example showing that what she was saying "can't be racist", because a minority co-signed, or at least excused/downplayed it.

Which, as an aside to @Farm Boy was one (of the many) points that College Dean was chastising me about re: playing devil's advocate in class for conservative positions.
Well I have watched bits of it.

People are tribal and vote for people like themselves.
And Ann Coulter has identified her tribe (WASP).

I don't criticise Ramaswamy for not castigating her for that reality.
It's hard to do a principle justice when your heart isn't in it. It tends to leave the heart out of the principle. I think that drives the usual resultant... disharmony?
It's even harder to do a principal justice when you don't have any.

It's not about his "heart not being in it". He's got no heart... no spine, no pride. He's an empty suit, cynically performing a degrading role in an attempt to become famous for its own sake. He's a textbook sellout. He doesn't have any principles.

The principle is his very eligibility to be a citizen in this country.

If there's some way of keeping his heart out of that, I can't see it. He himself is at stake in this particular principle.
The principle is his very eligibility to be a citizen in this country.

If there's some way of keeping his heart out of that, I can't see it. He himself is at stake in this particular principle.

While true, what is also true is that its better to be on the margins of the seats of power, with all the wealth and comfort that entails, then to be one of the faceless masses. He sucks up to power for the freebies that come with it.

What's the deal with Ecuador, Venezuela, Cameroon, Togo, Liberia, Brazzaville and Zaire? (I guess Afganistan has a taliban issue, and South Sudan is what it is). The other gray ones seem to be enclaves or disputed or only nominally independent. Gambia looks gray too, but from this map I can't be sure.

Sweden abstaining is pretty remarkable imo. Then again there's Czech and Hungary, voting against Palestine.
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Brazzaville is the capital of Congo (what was formerly Zaire).

Orban is presumably playing "the hard man of Europe" as much as he can. I don't know what Papua New Guinea's deal is.
No that’s Congo-Kinshasa, Congo-Brazzaville is the former French colony to the north of that, across the river.

No idea why they would not vote though, presumably not interested in the conflict, or the UN ?

Edit, this may have something to have to do with it:

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As far as I was aware, the Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville) is simply called Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) is often referred to as DR Congo, but then I play geography games, not international politics.
It’s sometimes called the Central African Republic too iirc, in addition these names change from time to time.

No that’s something else still 😊

Maybe all those countries decided together to not vote on this particular issue to keep their options open?
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The Right wants... uh... um... I don't know what the Right wants. I mean, it seems like what they want is razor wire and women dying of treatable complications from pregnancy and trans people to just die and a Bible-quoting Fuhrer instead of a President. But that'd be insane, not to mention really un-American, they can't actually want any of that. I must be missing something.
The right wants to be afraid, they want everyone to validate their feelings that they were right to be afraid of the people and things they dislike, they want leaders who will take extreme action to show they care about their fears, and they want to be sure that the underlying problem is never solved so that they can continue being afraid and don't have to recognize that their solutions cause much bigger problems than the thing they fear ever did.
Yes, they voted yes I think, it’s a cluster of countries below that for some reason did not, unlikely that is just coincidence..?
I was wondering what the difference between "abstain" and gray is. Is gray "did not attend"? But Taiwan isn't a member (nor is Kosovo), so gray should include various different things.
What's the deal with Ecuador, Venezuela, Cameroon, Togo, Liberia, Brazzaville and Zaire?
Ambassadors not in the building at the time. All of those African countries broke and then re-established relations with Israel later on, and not being present is probably better for them than committing to a vote.

She was protesting also against the hypocritical line of the contest organizers that the palestinian singer was reprimanded (and taken off the program) for mentioning Palestine when "we don't allow any political messages in Eurovision", while the Ukrainian team was allowed to speak about Russia etc.
Got to say that this is the first time I heard Eurovision is not political ^^ I guess it's all about the quality music.
There were protests against Israel being allowed to take part at all.
That was a few pages ago, but...yeah, I completely agree, it is rearranging the deck chairs. Outside of a literal handful of individuals the Democrats in Congress have revealed themselves to be perfectly willing to join hands with Republicans to have a phalanx of police crush dissent. Like imagine for a moment if GOP congressmen during a Trump presidency were saying that anti-Trump protesters were being funded by Iran, there would be a chorus of angry denunciations from the same liberal media figures and Democratic politicians.

The whole situation is absolutely insane, "the accord" as Farm Boy calls it, being torched completely, and for what? So that fudging Benjamin Netanyahu can avoid corruption charges in Israel? These pieces of garbage in the Democratic Party and liberal media deserve to be purged in a second Trump term honestly.
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