Give me 18, but not on Earth - new PBEM

Posted to bjarkekr

A great religion has spread to Shaka's palace!

I hope I can write a funny story about what Shaka thinks it is (lost in translation)
sinimusta emailed me the save. I have it.
It sure is! In fact I think it's one of the oldest ones up there that are still running, at least of those organized over CivFanatics.
I've requested to get you replaced with Luthor on the tracker sinimusta.

Yes, it is very old... over 3 years old, this PBEM is!
It's also the very first PBEM I ever took part in! Got taken out pretty quickly though as I had the misfortune of starting next to ruff_hi. :lol:
Congratulations.....who is substituting here ?

- - -

I want everybody to be free.
But if you think I'll let Barry Goldwater,
move in next door and marry my daughter,
you must think I'm crazy.
I wouldn't let him do it for all the farms in Cuba.
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