The problem is that no matter what system you choose, you have to depend on someone else for something. For example, if the grocery stores closed forever, where would you get your food? If car factories closed, how would you get to work? If you can't find a job to support yourself, what will you do? You depend on the general honesty and goodwill of others to make sure you can live. Unfortunately we have seen, too many times, that the world is full of people who cannot be trusted and that will abuse the system, ANY system if they can. Now that being said, not everyone gets screwed. Depending on the system and how it is abused, certain people get screwed and jacked for the benefit of others. This is what they don't really tell you about modern Economics. It is all about finding someone or a group of people to trick or outright steal money from. Example: Oil. Without a doubt oil is an absolute neccessity for most Americans. No matter what they charge (approaching ridiculousness) you WILL pay for it, and there is plenty of evidence that they are just price gouging. Any small tremor, any hiccup, any excuse they think you'll buy, they will raise oil prices. Think about it, a buisness' whole purpose of existance is to make profit. So therefor, when you buy something, you are paying more than you should for it. As obvious as this is, most think little of it. So the only way you can surely protect yourself from this kind of thing is to be almost totally independent of the system. Produce your own food, tools, etc and you will get out of it exactly what you put in. Unfortunately most people or too lazy or too addicted to "modern living" to go this route. And unfortunately it is criminal to do so. So, in the end, the Matrix has you.