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Guess the map 13: Mercator maps are cool, actually

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Data as of 2019.
Employment of some Soviet/Russian military hardware? Blue for the outdated version?
The way these maps are made I now know that Blue is the current operator. My guess that it is a type of an old Soviet tank or an APC.

EDIT: Yeah, its a T-34-85.
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That part around California or somewhere else?

I think its open floor again :bump:
That part is just CA. All of AZ and NM are in severe or worse drought conditions. We have been for almost a decade.
@Gelion you get the new thread for post 1000.
That part is just CA. All of AZ and NM are in severe or worse drought conditions. We have been for almost a decade.

Well I poked around a bit but I honestly can't say why the map I posted only lists certain aquifers. Note the map is showing trends in groundwater, not necessarily drought. Also the data was collected over 10 yrs by satellite so it could be only certain areas were targeted. Mostly I though it was interesting it certainly wasn't one I'd have guessed quickly.
That part is just CA. All of AZ and NM are in severe or worse drought conditions. We have been for almost a decade.
I'm sure there's more detailed map of the underground water basins in the US. Maybe this one was about globally-important amounts or something similar that selected only a few of them as Deadly Dog suggested.

@Gelion you get the new thread for post 1000.
:band: I've forgotten how it works already ;) We are passed a 1000... The new thread is here.

You got it! Just throwing out a quickie one. :)
In a way "Soviet equipment" was written all over the map ;) It was a fun research though :thumbsup:
In a way "Soviet equipment" was written all over the map ;) It was a fun research though :thumbsup:
I’m kind of surprised it is still used in Cuba; I would expect the most loyal ally outside of the WARPAC to be a little more up-to-date on its hardware.

Unless of course the tanks are meant to be used internally, in which case a WWII-era tank is by far better than no tank.

I’m sure you’ve seen the Houthis in Yemen use one but firing the gun via an external cable. As well-built as Soviet armored equipment was, I don’t think I’d want to sit inside one that had its last maintenance check when Brezhnev was still lucid!
I’m kind of surprised it is still used in Cuba; I would expect the most loyal ally outside of the WARPAC to be a little more up-to-date on its hardware.

Unless of course the tanks are meant to be used internally, in which case a WWII-era tank is by far better than no tank.
Well, due to the blockade the tanks have a real chance of running into their contemporary civilian transport (mostly of American origin) still alive and well on the roads. I think the logic with tanks is, unless there's an imminent need of having an advanced version and you are rich enough, any tank is better than no tank (as you said).

I’m sure you’ve seen the Houthis in Yemen use one but firing the gun via an external cable. As well-built as Soviet armored equipment was, I don’t think I’d want to sit inside one that had its last maintenance check when Brezhnev was still lucid!
Well, all it means is that it is still a viable fighting machine after all these years. I think it might even be a record in the industry. I don't think the guys operating them are as picky because they are in the "tank is better than no tank" situation. As you said, and I agree, it is very amazing to be able to have a choice.
Moderator Action: Thread closed. The new thread is here.
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