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Guns, Guns, and more Guns.


Pax Nostra est Professionis
May 18, 2004
So I was thinking we have picture threads for dang near everything around and I was curious if one could be started of member's guns, odd guns, or really cool guns that people plan on buying. If this thread holds I will find a pic of my Springfield 1911 A1 and of the AR-15 M4 I am planning on buying soon.
My avatar used to be looking down the barrel of my Glock 17. I always liked that avatar. It's kind of weird taking that picture, because that means staring down the barrel of my own gun. It was unloaded of course. I'm not some dumb redneck.

I only own one gun. I'm too cheap to buy any others. And I'm not paranoid enough to believe others are out to "get me".
My avatar used to be looking down the barrel of my Glock 17. I always liked that avatar. It's kind of weird taking that picture, because that means staring down the barrel of my own gun. It was unloaded of course. I'm not some dumb redneck. .

Uh....sorry to say, but yeah you are, you broke one of the 4 cardinal rules of gun safety

This is fairly close image of the AR-15 I will be getting in the next few months. I will have different hand guards on it as I hate that particular type.

This is fairly close image of the AR-15 I will be getting in the next few months. I will have different hand guards on it as I hate that particular type.

My brother has one of those. It's pretty fun to shoot. I'm not a gun nut like he is, I don't own any. He only has the one too, but my dad has a safe full of guns (don't really need any of my own).
Uh....sorry to say, but yeah you are, you broke one of the 4 cardinal rules of gun safety

don't be silly. Do I need to point out how a gun operates? It cannot fire without a bullet in it. It's completely impossible for it to do any damage to you when there is no bullet in it (unless you drop it on your foot :) ). The rules of gun safety were made that way because they figured people were too stupid to know how to check if there were bullets in it, so it's easier to just make a blanket statement saying, never point the gun at yourself (or anyone else). Actually they sometimes say never point a gun at someone unless you intend to shoot. But that statement is too general. It doesn't cover things like movies where they point guns at each other all the time, and makes no distinction between unloaded and loaded guns.

So I broke the cardinal rule of gun safety yet again. But wait! I'm still alive. Some rules are meant only for stupid people. I took another picture. Actually 2 pictures, but one was too dark. You can see the clip off to the right, and yes, I checked the chamber.

It looks like I need to clean my gun again. It collects dust far to easy. ( I live in a dusty location). I cleaned it not too long ago, and haven't fired it since. But sometimes it does collect dust and lint, which really shows up on my digital camera.

See I am just starting out my collection of guns. Once I am complete I will have upwards of 15 different guns! I need to get an English Longbow, and a American military Calvary sword as well in the next few years.

And heres what my 1911 looks like

don't be silly. Do I need to point out how a gun operates? It cannot fire without a bullet in it. It's completely impossible for it to do any damage to you when there is no bullet in it (unless you drop it on your foot :) ). The rules of gun safety were made that way because they figured people were too stupid to know how to check if there were bullets in it, so it's easier to just make a blanket statement saying, never point the gun at yourself (or anyone else). Actually they sometimes say never point a gun at someone unless you intend to shoot. But that statement is too general. It doesn't cover things like movies where they point guns at each other all the time, and makes no distinction between unloaded and loaded guns.

Rule 1 is always ALWAYS "never point a firearm at anything you do not wish to see destroyed".

It's through thinking "that rule is for stupid people, I'm smarter than that" which gives responsible gun owners a bad name.
But the rule does not account for the fact that my gun is incapable of destroying me or anyone when it is not loaded. The rule is incomplete.
I love guns :D

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to burn any cordite in over a year. I have a 12 gauge Remington 870 Wingmaster for myself, and my stepdad owns many more; a semi-automatic .22 with a scope and 17 round mag; a replica 19th century musket; a very nice .30-06 that I haven't been able to shoot, his own 12 gauge shotgun similar to mine, and a 9mm pistol that I don't know anything about.
I should get a shotgun. It's much more reasonable for home defense than a 9mm. I admit I mainly got a 9 because my brother got one in the 90's back when 9's were popular (mainly due to rap songs and such). But I worry about the stopping power of a 9mm (even with my hollowpoints which you can't quite make out in the picture). A shotgun is much better for home defense I'm told. I'd also like to get a revolver as they seem more reliable and less likely to jam. But I mainly want that for old school reasons.

But I'm not likely to buy any of these weapons soon, they are expensive, and I don't see a threat to my personal safety right now.
But the rule does not account for the fact that my gun is incapable of destroying me or anyone when it is not loaded. The rule is incomplete.

Rule 2 is that guns are always loaded, even when they aren't.

We're not saying this just to screw with you. Any respectable list of gun safety rules includes "Never assume that a gun is unloaded" right at the top.
Rule 2 is that guns are always loaded, even when they aren't.

We're not saying this just to screw with you. Any respectable list of gun safety rules includes "Never assume that a gun is unloaded" right at the top.

Miles pretty much just said what I wanted to say.

The person who assumes that the rules don't apply to him is usually "that guy", who ends up in hospital, jail, or worse.
If this thread holds I will find a pic of my Springfield 1911 A1

Real deal or Replica ? and how much did you pay for it ?
If you personally unload the gun, it's not an assumption, is it? :mischief:
Rule 2 is that guns are always loaded, even when they aren't.

We're not saying this just to screw with you. Any respectable list of gun safety rules includes "Never assume that a gun is unloaded" right at the top.

I agree, never assume a gun is unloaded. That's why when you pick up a gun, you should ascertain whether it is loaded or not.

It's kind of silly to say guns are always loaded, even when they are not. That defies the laws of physics.

The first thing I do (even before I pick up my gun) is ascertain if it is loaded with a clip, and if a round is in the chamber. I would never point it at anyone else regardless of its status (as that's rude and causes unnecessary fear). It's rude to point guns at people, and I hate it when people have done it to me in the past. Once I am aware of the guns' status, I then pick up the weapon, and I double check the gun status. I never, ever pull the trigger until I eject the clip and visually inspect the firing chamber. Although I try not to do that, as I was told it is bad to dry fire a pistol. Anyone know if that is true?
The first thing I do (even before I pick up my gun) is ascertain if it is loaded with a clip, and if a round is in the chamber. I would never point it at anyone else regardless of its status (as that's rude and causes unnecessary fear). It's rude to point guns at people, and I hate it when people have done it to me in the past. Once I am aware of the guns' status, I then pick up the weapon, and I double check the gun status. I never, ever pull the trigger until I eject the clip and visually inspect the firing chamber. Although I try not to do that, as I was told it is bad to dry fire a pistol. Anyone know if that is true?

No, it's wrong, and I would take you more seriously if you knew the difference between a "magazine" and a "clip".

And you're breaking the third rule too?
"Keep the finger off the trigger, till you're ready to fire"?
No, it's wrong, and I would take you more seriously if you knew the difference between a "magazine" and a "clip".

And you're breaking the third rule too?
"Keep the finger off the trigger, till you're ready to fire"?

That's proof that these rules are stupid and don't apply to every situation.

The way my glock is designed, the only way to get the trigger back into the "back" position, is to pull the trigger. Any time you slide the slide back, the trigger pops into the firing position (whether there is a bullet in the firing chamber or not). The only way to get it "back" is to pull the trigger. I can't "decock" my weapon.

edit: as for magazine, I'm lazy, and don't feel like typing that many letters. So sue me. Clip is an established usage for mag, even if it is incorrect. Blame Hollywood for this.
I'd show a picture of my gun, but this website has rules against nudity. On the plus side, I am probably not going to cause anyone to get seriously injured or killed by its use and it doesn't waste metal. It is also doesn't require a permit or registration!

That said, I'd love to hang an antique or replica musket up on a wall. Maybe a Mosin-Nagant or something too. And a Ross rifle, just for the lulz.

Also the AR15 is ugly, there is nothing beautiful about it. It is simply a tool (that is sadly designed to kill, although there isn't anything I can think of that is wrong with shooting targets at a range).
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