Happy Birthday Luceafarul !!!


The Funky President
Feb 10, 2005
London, England
Yes! It's Luceafarul's Birthday today! :dance:

This guy exemplifies what being a member of CFC (especially OT) is all about for me. He teaches (me for one) something new with pretty much every post he makes (Luc is a history teacher so I guess it comes easy :D ). He provides great links to some outstanding political & historical analysis on the web. He is generous with them also and always as time for a good discussion. Also one of the politest folk on CFC and someone who can really give me a run for my money when it comes to dishing out the flattery. :lol:

Anyway, Luceafarul - you may be named after the Romanian for Lucifer - and you may have a date that seems far too old on your brith certificate for the vitality you feel :mischief: - but I'd like to wish you a great day today. We look forward to your return from holiday.

:hatsoff: :bday:
Happy Birthday :D.
:mad: Ram got there before me! (note to self: get up earlier in holidays!)

Anyway, a big happy birthday to my friend Luceafarul! A most interesting character, one of our wise men at CFC, who knows more about history than all of us put together. He is a declared anarcho-syndicalist, but not because he is a chaotic person but because he is concerned for freedom and social equality, a real philanthropist. He has the same musical taste as I do, spanning from Renaissance to Classical music.

Luce also taught me many things - politeness and being nice to other people and posters, and he showed me different political perspectives, which he was ready to discuss with me at length. Your age of 41 seems 10 years to much with regard to your youthful activisim and energy, and 10 years to little looking at your wisdom and erudition.

So here's to Luceafarul! :king: :beer: :hatsoff:
Im not sure if you hate me or not, but anyway, happy birthday ya damn Commie! :lol:
A very good one to you...

Viitorul şi trecutul
Sunt a filei două feţe,
Vede-n capăt începutul
Cine ştie să le-nveţe;
Tot ce-a fost ori o sa fie
În prezent le-avem pe toate,
Dar de-a lor zădărnicie
Te întreabă şi socoate.

Wow. :blush:

(Sorry for only thisshort post, but I am abroad on a place where internet access is difficult to attain for the moment.)
Thanks a lot, guys, you are really generous.
@Rambuchan: A lot of things you write could just as well be a description of yourself.You are one of the main attractions to this forum.
@ Ciceronian:And so are you. I am proud to know you as well, and I look forward to more discussions on politics and other stuff.You have taught me a lot as well.
@ Bozo: No, of course I don't hate you at all , silly. I have a great respect for you and your vast knowledge and spirited attitude, even if we have a tendency to look upon certain things from very different angles. However that is one of those things that makes it worthwhile to post here. But my beer invitiation is still valid, if you feel for buying a ticket to Szczecin. And that goes for the rest of you as well, of course! :lol:
@ AphexTwin: Multumesc frumos pentru aceste cuvintele frumose!(si iarta-mea pentru toate gresele, nu am vorbit limba ta in 8 ani...):)
@ Winner: I am much obliged to you for this generous act. You and I have had our disagreements,with partly quite harsh words, so I especially appreciate this. It's a demonstration of manlines and guts I surely appreciate and it have made me change my mind about you in a very favourable way. Thanks again!
And to the rest of you people, I will drink to you all:beer:, have a nice day, I am sure having one!
Unfortunately I will be cut off from all internet connection until about the 1st of September, but I promise to be back with vengeance then, maybe I will even contribute to the Babe thread...
All the best :)
Happy Birthday!! :bday: [party] :beer:
Happy birthday history porn star and fighter for the proletariat. ;)

[party] :bday:
:goodjob: Happy Birthday, luceafarul. It's always nice to have some elderly among us, and now you're even older :p I'm just kidding, btw (though, not about the good wishes, those are genuine :) )
Luceafarul said:
But my beer invitiation is still valid, if you feel for buying a ticket to Szczecin. And that goes for the rest of you as well, of course!
Inviting someone to Poland for beer? Isn't that a bit cheap?

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