If your state or provinvce -

See question in post below

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 67.8%
  • No

    Votes: 12 20.3%
  • Only if it was run by Giant Radioactive Chango Overlords

    Votes: 7 11.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Elta said:
If the union peacfully voted (in congress) to let the state out I doubt they would.

No i dont think they can legally do that anyway. Im not 100% sure but if you can prove that they can vote out then be my guest.

It wasnt legal during the civil war why would it be now?
No, I'm brazilian before "Carioca" or "Paulista".

Besides, the federacy here in Brazil is more to distribute the administration than to give real autonomy to the states:mischief:
Xanikk999 said:
No i dont think they can legally do that anyway. Im not 100% sure but if you can prove that they can vote out then be my guest.

It wasnt legal during the civil war why would it be now?
If we change the constitution we can legaly do what ever we want - If they wanted to turn hobos into slaves it could be done over night. This is a nil argument.
Elta said:
If we change the constitution we can legaly do what ever we want - If they wanted to turn hobos into slaves it could be done over night. This is a nil argument.

State governments dont have the power to change the consitution by themselves though.
Probably not, Maryland is a liberal state, so I'd probably disagree with the reason. If the Eastern Shore of Maryland left the Union, I certainly would!
Xanikk999 said:
State governments dont have the power to change the consitution by themselves though.
Yes but if the national congress wanted it it would happen. + (allthou it has never happened) if 3/4th of the state's congress,senante pass a law they want to be national they can make it one by passing the congress and senante. :p

......I should introduce a bill about turning Hobos into slaves :p
If Alberta somehow seperated, I would stay.
No I feel loyalty to the USA, but not Georgia. Now if Virginia left it might be differant I guess it would depend on the reason.
I'm a Missourian and an American. If, for whatever reason, my State chose to secede from the Union, I would stay with my State.

I don't know how to vote in the poll because it's confusing. Does the "would you stay in it" refer to the State or the Union? I can see it meaning both ways. Would I stay with my State? Would I move to another State, thus staying with the Union.
If the states north of the Mason-Dixon and east of the Mississippi river seceded (except Indiana) I would stay.
Godwynn said:
If the states north of the Mason-Dixon and east of the Mississippi river seceded (except Indiana) I would stay.

Indiana would come. $$
I'm definitely a conservative. But I don't care anything for my state. Granted, I'll defend what the Constitution says we should be able to do. But, other than that, there's no way I'd want to leave the United States and be part of the redneck republic (Tennessee, where I used to live) or Arizona republic.

BTW-If an entire region seperated, then I might stay. But no way i'd be part of a one state government.
Field_Marshal said:
American football or soccer?


Australian Rules is the game of Victoria, while the only really decently populated states in Queensland and NSW are Rugby League/Union territory (yes, fellow Aussies, I'm being deilberately patronising and ignoring SA, WA, and Tas).

Soccer comes after those three brands of football (although its catching up, due to recent national successes).

American football is near non-existant in our country... down there with Lacross, Baseball and Synchronised swimming :)
Margim said:

Australian Rules is the game of Victoria, while the only really decently populated states in Queensland and NSW are Rugby League/Union territory (yes, fellow Aussies, I'm being deilberately patronising and ignoring SA, WA, and Tas).

Soccer comes after those three brands of football (although its catching up, due to recent national successes).

American football is near non-existant in our country... down there with Lacross, Baseball and Synchronised swimming :)
I beilve feild marshal was being sarcatic, or maybe I just read the sport forum t much and no to much about australian sports ;)
I would definitely stay.

Drunk, many Minnesotans are pro-secession. If the referendum was on a saturday night it might pass.
Would I support the South Moravia should it left the Czech republic? Hell yes! :scan:

It's a dream of almost every citizen of Brno to free our city from the brutal oppression at the hands of pragocentrists :lol: :mischief:
But the burning question is whether you would support the Czech Republic if it tried to leave the EU!
VRWCAgent said:
I don't know how to vote in the poll because it's confusing. Does the "would you stay in it" refer to the State or the Union? I can see it meaning both ways. Would I stay with my State? Would I move to another State, thus staying with the Union.
that's what I was wondering too ....

anyway, if Baselland for whatever reason decided to leave Switzerland, I'd leave Baselland. I think nations are pretty arbitrary things, but states even more so. I feel more 'Swiss' than I feel 'Baselbieter'
Depends what is seceding, if its the county of Tyne and Wear then no, Newcastle would end up dominate.
Secede from the EU? sure
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