• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Interesting Facts!

A Ferret is more likely to get Rabbies from its Vacination then from another animal.
How about people post a link to validate some of the more wild claims? :mischief:

For example, the ONLY reference to Ketchup being used as a medicine is from a site called "amazing facts" with "verified" next to it!! Also it refers to 1 doctor that used it. Hardly proof and hardly reliable, but I bet it was the source used for the post in this thread. ;)
The Righteous Brothers - (You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin') is the most played song in the entire world.

Probably after 'Happy Birthday' depending on if you can call that a song or not
Keshik said:
Pigs don't sweat.

Pig Skin is the closest skin in the animal kingdom to that of humans.

I would have thought it was monkey skin but aparently not
YNCS said:
The largest known volcano in the Solar System in Olympus Mons on Mars.

I can't tell you if this one is true, but I heard its such a gradual increase that its possible to be on the side of the mountain and not know it.
Louis XXIV said:
I can't tell you if this one is true, but I heard its such a gradual increase that its possible to be on the side of the mountain and not know it.

Wikipedia said:
It is 540 km (335 miles) in width, flanked by steep cliffs

Steep cliffs are seldom a gradual increase.

The size of Olympus Mons is so great (roughly the size of the American state of Missouri) that a person standing on the surface of Mars would be unable to view the profile of the volcano even from a distance as the curvature of the planet would obscure such detail. The only way to view the mountain properly is from orbit. Similarly, if one were to stand on the highest point of its summit, the slope of the volcano would extend all the way to the horizon.
Yes, and olympus mons is only 25 (miles or kilometres not sure which) high, so it is very gentle indeed.

Anarres, back before there were advertising laws people sold almost everything by claiming medicinal value, cigarettes, beer etc was all advertised that way. People used to think exposure to x-rays was good for them too and had x-rays daily!
Scotland was with the first the country in the world with a public education system.
The Swiss Civil War just lasted 27 days and had less than 100 injured (or deaths? need to look that up).


PS: for soure, go to Wikipedia and search for "Sonderbundskrieg" (or something alike that.. :))
Runs out of his hovel and throws these out :p

A few crocodile facts....

A crocodile can't move its tongue and cannot chew. Its digestive juices are so strong that it can digest a steel nail.

Crocodiles and alligators are surprisingly fast on land. Although they are rapid, they are not agile. So if you ever find yourself chased by one, run in a zigzag line. You'll lose him or her every time.

The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C.

Just thought you'd like to know.
Speaking of dung,

Koala bears have an intestinal symbiotic "germ" that will aid it in it's digestion of ucalytus (sp?) leaves.

The odd part of that is that the babies aren't born with the bug and has to eat mom's poop to get it in it's system.

FYI: black licorice makes human poop green. The more you eat the darker green it gets.
Japher said:
snopes.com is a joke, nothing on it is true - FACT!
That's silly. yes Snopes is susceptable to errors, but it's a lot more factual then your typical list that gives shoved around in emails.
searcheagle said:
I think the Calorie was orginally supposed to be a Kilocalorie. However, that sounded clumsy and since Calories were used in food, the kilo was dropped. calories (Upper cased dropped to avoid confusion) are too small to matter in cooking.

I wouldn't be surprised if that actually happened due to 'freedom fries in action' - i.e. 'let's get rid of that German-sounding K'! :lol:

edit: typo
carlosMM said:
I wouldn't be surprised if that actually happened due to 'freedom fires in action' - i.e. 'let's get rid of that German-sounding K'! :lol:

Freedom Fires? An excellent idea. Beats our celebration of the exectution of a terrorist every year.

(Guy Fawkes Night for the Non-Brits ;) )
mitsho said:
The Swiss Civil War just lasted 27 days and had less than 100 injured (or deaths? need to look that up).

it's casualties

another little known fact: cockoo clocks were not invented by, are not built by and generally have nothing to do with Switzerland. Despite what Orson Welles might have thought.... :)
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