International english dialect online test

It suggested English, Hungarian and Swedish for me, so clearly we must have answered the questions ever so slightly differently. :)

I do wonder why England is not in the UK, according to this test. Maybe it's eerily prescient.
My girlfriend, who is Dutch took it, and got...

Our top three guesses for your English dialect:
1. US Black Vernacular / Ebonics
2. Singaporean
3. New Zealandish
Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
1. Chinese
2. Finnish
3. Vietnamese

Which I find highly amusing.
I do wonder why England is not in the UK, according to this test. Maybe it's eerily prescient.

The real question is why it felt the need to specify UK for Scottish and Welsh. Are there any other possibilities?
I did a bit of googling to find out what Ebonics is supposed to look like. According to this site it's somewhat similar to French (considering the use of double negatives). To me, it just mostly sounds like gibberish.

So this idiotic algorithm of theirs probably thinks that French and Ebonics are basically identical, but it doesn't guess French for anyone claiming to be from a province other than Quebec.

I don't know any French though, at all, arrived here too late to really learn it in school.

But maybe the English here and the way we think has been influenced by it? It's probably just an algorithm that hasn't been fine-tuned properly for "Canadian"

I am American and English is my native language, so this is correct.

Pretty interested what Portuguese or Wales has to do with upstate New York, though (there is a sizable Nordic community here so not surprised with Norwegian).
I don't know any French though, at all, arrived here too late to really learn it in school.

But maybe the English here and the way we think has been influenced by it? It's probably just an algorithm that hasn't been fine-tuned properly for "Canadian"
There's a lot of confusion among Americans about French in Canada. Some think it's only spoken in Quebec, and some think it's spoken everywhere in Canada. Mind you, the latter tend to think of Canada as Quebec and Ontario and some vague "out there in the wilderness" (seems a fair number of Quebec and Ontario folk share that idea; I met a man from Ontario in 2001 who said he was surprised at how "modern" our hospital was, and I assured him that we'd had electricity and indoor plumbing for awhile now).

The algorithm for this test is stark raving loony. French should have replaced Ebonics in all our results, because French does influence Canadian English - more than people realize. For example, I noticed that you use the same spelling for "theatre" that I do. That's the French spelling, and it seems as natural to me as how to spell my own name. Of course I don't pronounce it the French way, but there are some words I just seem to automatically use the French pronunciation and/or spelling when I use them. Blame all those years of French in school, and of course the Canadian edition of Sesame Street teaches French instead of Spanish. CBC had a few French-language programs on TV when I was a kid in the '60s, and I remember watching one of the kid-oriented ones (it came on between The Friendly Giant and Mr. Dressup).

So there's more French influence in this part of the country than most people realize, and I don't even live in a region where there are a lot of French speakers. That's changed a bit in the past few decades, though, as there are more French immersion schools out here and more French-speaking immigrants and refugees. It's not unusual to hear several languages being spoken on the city transit buses now, whereas 30 years ago it would have been highly unusual to hear even French.

You live a lot closer to the French-speaking regions of the country so I can only assume that there are more influences on your own written and spoken English, and you've just absorbed it the way most of us do. It's part of the "mental landscape." The thing about taking French in school, is that some kids and post-secondary students do it with immense reluctance, either because they see no reason why they should bother since they'd never need it, and others protest because "Trudeau-blah-blah-blah" (I tutored a friend in college who was taking a B.A. in drama and the rules said that because she hadn't taken French in high school, she had to take an introductory course in college; she hated every moment of it). And then there are others who really enjoy it. I took it for a couple of years in elementary school, two of my three years in junior high, all through high school, and a couple of years in college.
Our top three guesses for your English dialect
1. English (England)
2. Welsh (UK)
3. Scottish (UK)
Our top three guesses for your native (first) language
1. English
2. Swedish
3. Hungarian

Valka@ it does say that we are teaching the algorithm
Our top three guesses for your English dialect:
1. English (England)
2. Welsh (UK)
3. Australian

Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
1. English
2. Hungarian
3. Norwegian

Not bad guesses on the dialect: I grew up in southern England, and spent 4 years working as an expat divemaster/instructor in my early 20s (including 1 year in Oz), socialising mostly with other expat Brits, Aussies and Afrikaaners. I've been living in Germany for >10 years now, working with another mixed bag of English-speakers (Brits and Germans -- 1 of whom speaks fluent Canadian -- plus 1 Aussie, 1 Kiwi, and 1 Yank).

OTOH, while native language guess no.1 was obviously right, Guess nos. 2 and 3 seem either unintuitive (though my German is still embarassingly poor, it would seem like a much better fit to my life-history than Norwegian -- I've never even visited Norway!), and/or in the wrong order (if they're to be considered valid comparisons).

If anything, I'd expect Norwegian to be placed 2nd, rather than 3rd: Norwegian is part of the Germanic language grammar group, after all -- as is English, despite the efforts of some self-declared Victorian 'expert(s)' to impose Latin rules on it (such as 'Sentences cannot end with prepositions'). Conversely, while the majority of the other European languages are either Germanic or Romantic (Indo-European family), Hungarian is one of the few in the Uralic family (i.e. a separate lineage from Indo-European), so that seems really random, especially as a 2nd-placer -- but it seems to have shown up in a lot of other posters' results as well...
Our top three guesses for your English dialect:
1. American (Standard)
2. US Black Vernacular / Ebonics
3. Singaporean

Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
1. English
2. Dutch
3. Portuguese

I grew up in Long Island and currently live in Pennsylvania.
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