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Iran, the Red Sea, and the West (tm).

Iranians are claiming a huge success, full vindication for what they have suffered etc.

If Israel then goes for defensive victory, that might end it. At least for now.

Win-win, everybody gets some more life...
Iranians are claiming a huge success, full vindication for what they have suffered etc.

If Israel then goes for defensive victory, that might end it. At least for now.

Win-win, everybody gets some more life...

That's not how humans work when it comes to high testosterone roid rages. The other side now has to prove they're the bigger, louder, more strong chimpanzee. It's evolution baby!

Israel, you may fire when ready!
☢️(Samson Option)☢️
We will discover soon enough - through practice - if this was just another emblematic episode of escalation (first time Iran directly attacked Israel) or the opening of an actual war.
Drones/missiles cost no lives to the attacker, so in (only) that sense it was without risk for Iran.
If the US had been subjected to Oct. 7th you would have seen unhinged.
I think you over rate our capacity for another 9/11 style escalation over a terrorist attack. The response to a terrorist attack should never be war. Never.
The US does not have the military capability to get involved. It's as simple as that. This isn't Iraq 1991. The US accelerated into a deeply corrupt and much deindustriailzed society that can no longer replenish its military. There is no trap being laid for Iran in the US claiming it won't get involved. The US military is correctly too scared to get drawed in. The israeli government is another drinking its own propaganda and living in delusion. I do agree that their strategy, if it could be called that, was involving the US but it can't be done.

The furthest extend of US involvment is the final depletion of its available air defense systems, which must have been channeled to Jordan recently. Rendering the former hegemon toothless just as project Ukraine goes into collapse. This is all connected, necessarily.

In the end the US state department and military will take its balls and go sulk back home. Western europeans will have to get used to living with what they directly, willfully and recklessly provoked: a Russia with plenty of reasons to be pissed at the little peninsula to its west, and dictating both terms of trade and diplomatic security arrangements for the continent. As for Israel, it is bankrupt, hemorraging population, and losing its sugar daddy. It's a failed state. That's also the product of extreme hubris, they refused to negotiate peace, living and letting live, when they were winning and could trade land for peace. The comparison with Armenia remains apt.
This is not the reality I'm living in or literally surrounded by Inno. I think you vastly overestimate consistently how far the US has slid in the last twenty years. USA Inc. is very capable of leveling cities and mass murder across Iran. I agree occupation will always be impossible, but I largely believe the days of occupations by any foreign power anywhere is largely over.

I think you over rate our capacity for another 9/11 style escalation over a terrorist attack. The response to a terrorist attack should never be war. Never.

The majority of Americans don't think like you do. Hippies are a minority that are slowly going extinct as boomers kick the bucket.

In cheeseburger land testosterone flows from the greasy beef with extra bacon & cheese. 🍔 🇺🇲
What is the proper response to a terrorist attack?
police... Is that not obvious? in lieu of police it would be better to have societies that do not create so much terror. I know Joji is in full nihilism mode and just loves watching the world burn but I'd rather not see that in my lifetime.
The majority of Americans don't think like you do. Hippies are a minority that are slowly going extinct as boomers kick the bucket.

In cheeseburger land testosterone flows from the greasy beef with extra bacon & cheese. 🍔 🇺🇲
I'm in cheeseburger land you have no idea what you are talking about, there is no tolerance for another middle east war and even an attack on the fifty states itself would take something epic. The protests to mobilization to 9/11 where numerous, they would pale in comparison to that kind of act after going through all the last 25 years... Boomers were never hippies, hippies were always a tiny minority. Millennials are far to the left of boomers especially on foreign (it's our friends and family members who wasted their lives fighting fruitless wars for twenty years) policy and Zoomers are no soldier boys either, GenX is somewhere in the middle.

Tbc I'm hearing alof of bloviating from the typical sources atm, but they are and will continue to be a tiny minority... and that is why I posted earlier about the overpowered political sway of the tiny number of zealous Christian Zionists in the US.
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Songs to Listen to for WW3

I'm in cheeseburger land you have no idea what you are talking about, there is no tolerance for another middle east war and even an attack on the fifty states itself would take something epic. The protests to mobilization to 9/11 where numerous, they would pale in comparison to that kind of act after going through all the last 25 years... Boomers were never hippies, hippies were always a tiny minority. Millennials are far to the left of boomers especially on foreign (it's our friends and family members who wasted their lives fighting fruitless wars for twenty years) policy and Zoomers are no soldier boys either, GenX is somewhere in the middle.

Tbc I'm hearing alof of bloviating from the typical sources atm, but they are and will continue to be a tiny minority... and that is why I posted earlier about the overpowered political sway of the tiny number of zealous Christian Nationalists in the US.

Lol, were you even around for 9/11? The freak out was immense, so obviously it could happen again. PEOPLE ACT EMOTIONALLY WHEN THEY ARE ATTACKED. To say they wouldn't anymore is like saying their survival instincts just magically shut off after 20 years. The only reason Americans aren't as fanatic anymore is precisely because they haven't been attacked by a major terrorist attack in over 20 years.
Songs to Listen to for WW3

Lol, were you even around for 9/11? The freak out was immense, so obviously it could happen again. PEOPLE ACT EMOTIONALLY WHEN THEY ARE ATTACKED. To say they wouldn't anymore is like saying their survival instincts just magically shut off after 20 years. The only reason Americans aren't as fanatic anymore is precisely because they haven't been attacked by a major terrorist attack in over 20 years.
The last one is a classic Btw all millennials were alive for 9/11 by definition we had all at least made to primary/elementary school.

I agree to disagree. I think the events since 9/11 have dramatically reduced the response and infighting would be intense about deploying 200k soldiers in Afghanistan after a 9/11 like event... It would have to be much larger and a clearer enemy. It could still happen, there would be a large contingent supporting glassifying half the world when 9/11 happened, but it would be a minority as it was even back in 9/11. Nothing fills the money coffers like the blood of men though, so who knows... It could be intensely unpopular and still happen.

Anyways, Israel is going to act in the worst way possible, it has had that as a characteristic for a generation (at minimum) now. The real question is the US response to Israel which so far as I can tell has been typical... I always thought this would become a larger conflict and I'm still with you on that overall... I just do not believe humans should behave so stupidly. The species needs to behave better than schoolyard bullies and their victims or we will be finished before the end of the next century....

Inno is wrong in my opinion about the USA Inc's ability to destroy, but he is right in the political will to send American children to die for this garbage.

try not to be so gleeful about watching it all burn Joji...
The species needs to behave better than schoolyard bullies and their victims or we will be finished before the end of the next century....

It's because there's no more economic growth to be had. The Internet has stopped growing (a large portion of recent growth over the last two decades) and cannot continue to grow because remaining areas of potential expansion are simply not affluent enough; causing big tech, the only portion of the economy supporting the real economy since the last recession to get desperate and attempt to make an Internet 2.0 (metaverse/virtual reality) as a last ditch effort to double maximal growth. Problem is it ain't catching on and the covid crisis has led to a large portion of labour to capital disruption that is still felt today causing run away inflation worldwide without new GDP to offset its negative effects, and eventually this will eat into productivity.

So now the world's nations are decoupling and attempting to take chunks out of each other to fight over remaining resources as well as trying to use wartime economics to attempt to artificially kickstart new growth or else face demographic collapse from productivity loss.

try not to be so gleeful about watching it all burn Joji...

The world needs more growth then, if it can't grow it burns. That's how international capitalism operates.

Stagnation is death. Expansion is life.
That's not how humans work when it comes to high testosterone roid rages. The other side now has to prove they're the bigger, louder, more strong chimpanzee. It's evolution baby!

Israel, you may fire when ready!
☢️(Samson Option)☢️
I think it's a bigger problem the Israeli government is a bunch of extremists, led by Netanyahu...
as expected the French contribution is described as marginal , because that's the future of military sales and Rafale would fail to perform if its patrol areas were "poor" . America's kills are downgraded to 60 because 70 would be 10 less kills for Israelis to claim . RAF gets a number , a far less for Jordanians . That like ate about 1 to 1,3 billion US dollars , according to some comments . Iranian costs were like 10% . 5% of the Israeli defence budget provided the show for TV studios , Israel hopes to achieve similar results to balance the expenditure .
The real issue is that it just costs too much to repel these attacks with available means. A big enough stack of macemen and catapults will take out the riflemen and cannon. The US may be forced to offer citizenship to immigrants in exchange for military service along with the problems that would bring.
We've a long tradition of that. It's a totally American thing to do.
without insulting all those Hispanics who were supposedly prime target of Dabya era campaign of "Die in Iraq and we will bury you as an US citizen" or the rather famous free online computer game that called on the players to enlist , or without mentioning the early 2000 couple in my country that went into a web cafe and asked the owner's help to fill the forms at the height of "outrages" and the owner assembled a larger group and beat the hell out of would be American troops , they will fail to interdict the drones . Unless one talks of an invasion force of millions .
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