Iraq war supporters: what positive benefit has the Iraq war brought to the US?

So that is your standard? Bad guys are bad guy only if they do not happen to be friendly bad guys?

I call this the worst double standard there is! Basically, you say that anyone can do anything he wants, harbor terrorists, bomb countries, rape kids - as long as he is your friend. GREAT! THat's what I love about neocons!:rolleyes:

Greece harbored the PKK before, I don't condone it, but the PKK is Turkeys problem not ours.
I'm definitely not a neocon, I'm social conservative and oppose many of Bush's policies.
So that is your standard? Bad guys are bad guy only if they do not happen to be friendly bad guys?

I call this the worst double standard there is! Basically, you say that anyone can do anything he wants, harbor terrorists, bomb countries, rape kids - as long as he is your friend. GREAT! THat's what I love about neocons!:rolleyes:
I think he is pointing out the difference in habouring terrorists, and merely having them within your land. But I agree, I don't think Saddam actually harboured terrorists, but perhaps he wasn't as forthright in helping the West in fighting them as was required.
theimmortal1 said:
don't you think that will give the Iranians a little bit more hope for a revolution?

That would save us one nasty military operation wouldn't it?

is there something we're not being told here? :eek:
Well, we confirmed that the Saddam regime as of 2003 is in possession of neither WMDs or WMD Programs.
Ok, so we have so far:

1. Iraq harbored terrorists, and it doesn't any longer.
2. theimmortal1 is living the neoconservative dream of bringing democracy (democrazy?) to the world via warfare.

#1 isn't really true, and #2 is just insane.

So I'm left with no benefits whatsoever, but plenty of negatives.

Anyway, let's hear some more theories about positive effects of the war.
We have shipped tons of money for socialist problems over there so that it doesn't get spent on socialist programs over here.
Positive: The Kurds aren't being gassed anymore. But, like usual, no one cares about them... :sad:
Positive: The Kurds aren't being gassed anymore. But, like usual, no one cares about them... :sad:

The no fly zone enforcement effectively ended Saddams power in the north.
The US airbase is located right at the border with turkey and the Kurds were quite greatful for this.
We removed a base of operations for terrorists, a potential threat and a genocidal dictator killing thousands of his own people, thats the benefit.

You mean, of course, created a new base of operations for, and recruited many thousands more to the terrorist cause.

Way to go....
Regardless of the original intentions or the overall success, we did get Saddam out of power and tried by his own people. Properly getting rid of a brutal dictator. As for the rest of the war, I think it has been poorly handled, but I'm still hoping for a stable Iraq to form.
#3: Getting rid of a dictator.

The problem I have with that is the current situation in Iraq is a disaster. It's a breeding ground for another dictator, not a democracy.

Just because the security situation in Iraq isn't ideal right now doesn't mean that getting rid of a dictator is a bad thing.
We removed a base of operations for terrorists, a potential threat and a genocidal dictator killing thousands of his own people, thats the benefit.

Irony and shameless when u guys are the Terrorist, clear and present treat, killing ten of thousands of civilian including women and children in iraq and call it a benefit.

US is not a terrorist state. I don't know how anybody could contend that.

And how u going to justify invading a country based on lies ? There are many ways to terror the people. And the USA is quite good at scaring ppl with their military intevention.

Less terrifying photos.
And how u going to justify invading a country based on lies ? There are many ways to terror the people. And the USA is quite good at scaring ppl with their military intevention.

Less terrifying photos.

If that picture makes the U.S. a terrorist state, than every single country in the world is a terrorist state. Every country some time or another has treated a minority wrongly, used military aggression, etc. Not every country is free and respects human rights.

It's easy to criticize the most powerful country in the world. Just don't put us in the same group as countries like Iran or North Korea.

If that picture makes the U.S. a terrorist state, than every single country in the world is a terrorist state. Every country some time or another has treated a minority wrongly, used military aggression, etc. Not every country is free and respects human rights.

It's easy to criticize the most powerful country in the world. Just don't put us in the same group as countries like Iran or North Korea.

Likewise, they could also argue that the terrorist are just a minority of their population. If they were State sponsored terrorist. Then what about these ppl in uniform ??

No doubt that Saddam is a bad leader. But whats the price of removing him with force ?? Im sure the american are willing to pay the price for it and sign his death warrant. But what about the Iraqis and the civilian killed, Do they have a chance to say no? Where are their so called Human rights ? The right to live.

Its easy to pinpoint Iran or North Korea too, but i have to assure u that the American Did more wrong than these 2 countries put together. So far, Iran has never invade anyone also. Before u judge them. Why not take a look at urself ?
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