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Is this how the USA becomes totalitarian?

I'm not angsty at all, this is an internet forum. I'm still unsure why you keep broadening the net. Africa is neither here nor there, nor is France, or Spain, or whatever. What is your larger part? That indeed Trump is as bad as slavery? That a country, any country, can't have espoused totalitarian institutions? Because that was my entire point; that America existed with hundreds of years of either slavery or came with the cultural expectation of it, and I suspect Trump, in all his... whatever he is, can't touch that in terms of corrupting the idea of a liberal democracy. Like I have no idea what Africa has to do with anything here, but ok. Congrats. You've now fallen back on the same argument slavery apologists make. "But Africa!"

America has barely existed for hundreds of years, I am well aware of that.
I'm not angsty at all, this is an internet forum. I'm still unsure why you keep broadening the net. Africa is neither here nor there, nor is France, or Spain, or whatever. What is your larger part? That indeed Trump is as bad as slavery? That a country, any country, can't have espoused totalitarian institutions? Because that was my entire point; that America existed with hundreds of years of either slavery or came with the cultural expectation of it, and I suspect Trump, in all his... whatever he is, can't touch that in terms of corrupting the idea of a liberal democracy. Like I have no idea what Africa has to do with anything here, but ok. Congrats. You've now fallen back on the same argument slavery apologists make. "But Africa!"

America has barely existed for hundreds of years, I am well aware of that.

I'm as a slavery apologist because I corrected your inanity? Grow up.
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I'm as a slavery apologist because I corrected your inanity? Grow up.

It seems a likely extrapolation due to your deployment of a typical white supremacist/slavery apologist trope, in a context where it wasn't even called for.
It seems a likely extrapolation due to your deployment of a typical white supremacist/slavery apologist trope, in a context where it wasn't even called for.

Saying "x events" happen in history doesn't make justification. I think the way, most times, people decide what facts are or are not "called for" primarily depends on how inconvenient it might be for their platform. I'm finding as I discuss here, many people are deliberately obtuse, because for whatever reason, irrespective of hard data, they "must be right". It makes "finding truth" in your presentations make my stomach hurt.

The person said the USA had slavery hundreds of years and further this is some base comparison to totalitarianism. He gets away with saying that, like it should be equal to every other informed set of words in the discussion. Regardless of what you consider peripheral fact citations, get with the conversation or get out. Don't just snipe me, it makes me think you have a crush and I'm not interested.
Saying "x events" happen in history doesn't make justification. I think the way, most times, people decide what facts are or are not "called for" primarily depends on how inconvenient it might be for their platform. I'm finding as I discuss here, many people are deliberately obtuse, because for whatever reason, irrespective of hard data, they "must be right". It makes "finding truth" in your presentations make my stomach hurt.

The person said the USA had slavery hundreds of years and further this is some base comparison to totalitarianism. He gets away with saying that, like it should be equal to every other informed set of words in the discussion. Regardless of what you consider peripheral fact citations, get with the conversation or get out. Don't just snipe me, it makes me think you have a crush and I'm not interested.

I wouldn't think crush. I just think that you made yourself a singularly appealing target for sniping. Sort of typical. Start being obnoxious, and when people say "what an ass hat" claim they "just don't like to face the facts." Conservative playbook, page one.
I'm a bit lost are we arguing that generational genetic slavery in the United States wasn't a totalising system of physical/social/political control inflicted on those who experienced it?
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The person said the USA had slavery hundreds of years and further this is some base comparison to totalitarianism. He gets away with saying that, like it should be equal to every other informed set of words in the discussion. Regardless of what you consider peripheral fact citations, get with the conversation or get out. Don't just snipe me, it makes me think you have a crush and I'm not interested.

The polities that eventually became the US did have slavery for roughly two hundred years. As for the comparison to totalitarianism I agree it doesn't quite work. But white supremacy could be seen as an ideology that tends itself to totalitarianism.
I'm a bit lost are we arguing that generational generic slavery in the United States wasn't a totalising system of physical/social/political control inflicted on those who experienced it?

Is this kind of like trying to argue China is a communist nation, when they have populations living in abject poverty, something akin to medieval age, 5 miles away from a highway engorged with Audis and BMWs?

No, a percent of a population being disenfranchised does not make totalitarianism.
You think hereditary chattel slavery was just not being able to vote?

You don't understand what "totalising system" means as a description of the experience of American slavery, do you?
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In some sense the danger of Trump turning America into an autocratic country is lower than the other problem, which is Trump cracking down violently on protesters and journalists, which could then lead to violence spiraling out of control.
The word "disenfranchised" doesn't purely mean "denied the right to vote".

The rest of your post is not important enough to warrant a reply.

It doesn't begin to cover genetic chattel slavery. And comparing it to living in rural poverty is also just not a thing. I'm honestly not sure what you were trying to do with that.
It doesn't begin to cover genetic chattel slavery. And comparing it to living in rural poverty is also just not a thing.

Ok, you want to discuss this. I'll tell you how I feel. I believe all humans should have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and I feel it should have always been this way throughout history. I can also step outside of myself and realize a big factor in feeling this way stems from nurture. Human interaction simply has not always been this way, there have always been victims, in every place on earth at some point or another. This legitimizes nothing, granted, however when you bark up this tree, as pointing to 19th century USA slavery, you're pointing the finger at the generations which worked to end the bad situations, or at least make progress to make them better. You're throwing shade to the people who were observing the status quo as the rest of the world, but at the same time, in increments, working against the grain toward (albeit slow) corrections.

It seems the most recent in history, most applicable to drag out a "but muh feels", maybe because we, as a society, have been alot more empathetic to it than were the Romans to the germanic peoples, or the medieval Caliphate to, well, anyone. No, before you ask, again, nothing legitimizes it, but it's the way. things. were. It's sad that it's the way. things. were. I really wish I could go back in time and change the way. things. were. But I'll be damned if I'm going to advocate some big apology and repayment for the way. things. were. I'm part of trying to make better the way. things. are, and none of it involves slavery. I'm not going to sit and cry because "slavery happened". I'm not going to make myself sick debating for hours because "slavery happened". You'll do better for yourself, I feel, if you, too, move on from the way. things. were. and the fact that "slavery happened". Remember it, lest we fall back into the bad practice, but otherwise, thank the people who changed it and move on.
None of that addresses the question of whether the institution of chattel slavery in the United States was experienced as a totalitarian system by those captured within it.

It's just a rant - ironically I suppose - about your feelings regarding slavery but especially the people who are big old meanies by discussing it frankly.

What, exactly, about "slavery was a totalising system of physical/social/political control" made you think whinging about the possibility of reparations and apologies was the go-to play here?
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Also slavery and its rolling 150 year aftermath (through reconstruction, resubjugation, economic segregation, the civil rights era, the racialised mass incarceration system and the contemporary militarisation of policing) is a central fact of US politics, culture and socioeconomics.

So it's not like we can fully and properly discuss contemporary America without referece to it.

Just as an example, the lifetime felony voting ban in Florida that now impacts over a million people and decides elections? Literally began as an explicitly white supremacist tool of resubjugation after Reconstruction ended, as part of Florida's black codes.
None of that addresses the question of whether the institution chattel slavery in the United States was experienced as a totalitarian system by those captured within it.

Why are you insisting that deserves an answer? It's slavery, it can have alot of synonyms and adjectives.

I'm going to vote "no" because there are better words and because your choice seems too angled toward liberal spin.

ffs are you trying to get out of me that it's the most awful thing that's ever happened to humans ever, by humans, in human history? not gonna happen.
Why are you insisting that deserves an answer? It's slavery, it can have alot of synonyms and adjectives.

I'm going to vote "no" because there are better words and because your choice seems too angled toward liberal spin.

ffs are you trying to get out of me that it's the most awful thing that's ever happened to humans ever, by humans, in human history? not gonna happen.

I ain't a liberal mate
So it's not like we can fully and properly discuss contemporary America without referece to it.

Only because of entitlement whorism. (Yeh, it's not a word)

I didn't pick how I was born, other people didn't pick how and where they're born. Let's just imagine we're a big bowl of jelly beans before we go into bodies, we all have the same % chance of being born brown and privileged (yes, that happens some places in the world), purple and privileged, chartruce or puce and privileged....

Those what-ifs don't work on me. Today we as a society, liking it or otherwise, work to increase options for each other. You might have a harder time in some sectors if you're black, you might have a harder time in some sectors if you're overweight or have a hairlip, you might have a harder time in some sectors because you choose to wear really ugly ties and shoes.
I must say, the right's turn towards post-modernist rejection of meaning and truth was an unexpected one.

Sorry to interrupt your little po-mo love-in, but the shadow of history still matters.
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