• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Kid Nation


May 26, 2002
Did anyone actually watched this show? I was fairly impressed with the maturity level of most of the younger children. I certianly wasn't like that back then. I was also fairly suprised at the lack of plumbing. kinda unsanitary

This is a show I wish I had been involved with as a kid. I might actually wind up watching this on a regular basis
i had 20 girl friends when i was 8 so i was very mature for my age, even more then them.
How are the children protected?
I didn't watch it but I saw the previews several times and the only thing I could think of was "This show should have aired over the summer."

You know, the time of the year reserved for re-runs and crappy reality shows.
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