LK135 - Dutch, monarchy, Hemispheres map


Exterminate, exterminate, exterminate!!!
Aug 15, 2001

4000 BC
We have a forest choked capitol with only a single corn visible for food.
I start an odd path of mining and bronze working, as it is clear the only way we will get anywhere is by chopping some of the excess forest.

3975 BC
I pop a hut and get really low gold.

3925 BC
(IT) Amsterdam expands it borders and pops a hut for map. The land south of us includes an ugly block of desert.

3775 BC
(IT) Our exploring warrior kills a lion.

3475 BC
We get experience from a hut.
(IT) Shaka comes by to say hello.

3350 BC
(IT) We get a random event hurting our relationship with Shaka. :(

3250 BC
(IT) A random event wipes out a forest.

3225 BC
(IT) We revolt to slavery. Research heads toward pottery.

3200 BC
There is no visible copper.

We pop a hut, and get hunting for free.

3125 BC
I finally found copper at a large distance from the capitol.

3075 BC
I pop another hut and we get some gold.

2850 BC
I pick up more gold from a hut.

2550 BC
(IT) Our warrior survives an attack by a lion.

2525 BC
I pop yet another hut and get 4 hostiles. So much for our exploring warrior.


New Updates

Yena (currently playing)
Meiz (on deck)

Remember 15 peace / 10 war turns per round. STRICT 24 hours got it, total 48 hours to complete.

Win target: open

Planned wars - none at this time.
The following tactics are PROHIBITED:

There are no exploits that I am aware of at this time.

Standard LK house rules:
1) Worker automation is prohibited.

2) A go to order is only allowed if you turn summary warns that it is happening and explains why. Sometimes it is just too important to make sure those reinforcements don't get sent to the wrong place.

3) Please complete your turn. At most the next player should have one unmoved unit such as a settler where you are unsure of its direction. A stack that is fortified counts as completed. The game should be sitting ready to hit end of turn with very little left to move.

4) Don't edit your game results into a previous post. There is no notification of new activity. I have had SGs stalled waiting thinking I was waiting for a person to move, when they already did.

5) The use of the auto-logger is prohibited for the body of your report. You may include it as a spoiler tag. SGs are about writing up enough information so that the team understands where you are going. The auto-logger clearly fails in this regard. Knowing the details doesn't show the big picture. SGs need the big picture.

6) SGs are about cooperative team play. If you aren't willing to discuss plans before and / or after your turn, then the LK series isn't for you.

7) Major wars shouldn't be declared without a team consensus. Clear phony wars gain diplomatic favors are ok. The phony war when you declare on an AI on another continent or a last place civ. A war of opportunity to grab one or two cities from an AI getting trashed is OK. Going after the #1 civ unplanned is what I want to stop.

8) If you disagree with a dot map plan, discuss *before* playing you turn.

9) I reserve the right to refuse players whom IMHO failed to play in the spirit of cooperation. Declaring an unexpected major war is a high risk that you will go on this list. Excessive personal attacks against other players guarantee a ban from the LK series.

I realize rule 9 is a bit harsh, but I can tell too much infighting will put the LK series back on hold.
This is the capitol.

This is the only area of the map worth settling.
I am open to ideas.

Got it for tomorrow. Here is a dotmap to discuss.

With the Dutch UB settling close to the rivers will pay of in the long run. I would suggest settling green and blue first, and wait with red and purple until we have workers and IW to clear the jungles. Yellow isn't very good, and we may find better spots later.
My suggestion for our second city is to grab the 2 gold hills + sheep in the NE.
Gold will raise our happy cap, the sheep will compensate the gold hills.
We can settle on the flood plains or grassland, most other tiles can be cottaged.

It looks like Shaka is our only neighbour. This means trouble anyway, so
I won't mind to declare on him ASAP to prevent him from expanding.
Steal his worker and station some units around his capital.

I'm against wonder building. We have no stone or marble and there's a lot of
land to settle. Shwedagon Paya is maybe an option to get Free Religion earlier.
We have 3 Calendar resources so this tech is a must to get more happiness.
We have a discount on libraries, theatres + colosseums. All good to have in our cities.
With the Dutch UB settling close to the rivers will pay of in the long run. I would suggest settling green and blue first, and wait with red and purple until we have workers and IW to clear the jungles. Yellow isn't very good, and we may find better spots later.

Doesn't a levee (UU dike) require the city be ON a river? I can't look at the game right now, but that would make a difference in the location for the one spices city.
It looks like Shaka is our only neighbour. This means trouble anyway, so I won't mind to declare on him ASAP to prevent him from expanding.
Steal his worker and station some units around his capital.
With what, warriors? We have *no* metal. I can't tell if he does.
Doesn't a levee (UU dike) require the city be ON a river? I can't look at the game right now, but that would make a difference in the location for the one spices city.

No, there is nothing mentioned about that in Civilopedia. The dike gives +1 hammers for both rivers and ocean tiles. Since ocean tiles also give bonus, and we need ocean cities for building our navy, perhaps the purple city should go one step E.

I'm not so sure about having a city to get 2 gold and the sheep. I think we have enough good tiles to split between two cities, as I showed in the dot map. With some farming we have enough food for working both gold mines. Perhaps we should settle the blue spot first. It is far away, but the gold means that it will quickly pay for itself. What do you think?
IIRC, LKendter is correct. You need to settle ON either river or salt water to be able to build the dike. (Same goes for levee.)
With what, warriors? We have *no* metal. I can't tell if he does.
Not declaring means only delaying the execution or do you want to keep him
as neighbour? Not me. We've Archery, so some archers will do fine to prevent tile improvement.

Dikes can be build :
1) when a city is coastal
2) when a city has fresh water (lake or river)

Dikes (levees) CAN'T be build when a city gets fresh water from an oasis.
Levees always need fresh water (lake or river) to be build. Coastal only won't work.
OK, it seems that I was wrong about the dikes. Should we move red dot 1NW, and purple dot 1W, and forget about yellow? This will give all cities river access.
Forget about the dot map.
One can waste a lot of time by staring at a map trying get 100% optimal
city placement. Btw, we don't know the whole map yet.
The only purpose for our second city is to get gold or copper on line ASAP.
Our third city should claim iron or horses.
I'm against a jungle city, we don't have Iron Working + Calendar and most of all not enough workers to clean the jungle fast.
Not declaring means only delaying the execution or do you want to keep him as neighbor? Not me. We've Archery, so some archers will do fine to prevent tile improvement.
No, I don't want Shaka as a neighbor. However, I have no clue if he has metal in his hidden tiles. Do you really want to fight axes with archers?
I like 1N, 2E of green dot for gold city next. Not sure if that messes all the rest of the cities we have planned. But we could cut off Shaka from the rest of the land north of us easily enough and that would be a lot of cities. Settle the best ones now and make them profitabble ASAP and then fill in the rest.

I think we should leave Shaka alone until we have metal. He's not that insane that he'll dec on us before then. We can try to outsettle him. It's our creative/financial vs his expansive and Ikhanda (barracks/courthouse). It's pretty even on paper but we're a committe and he's just an AI. And we have better position. We can deal with him when we have a good counter to his impis.
But we could cut off Shaka from the rest of the land north of us easily enough and that would be a lot of cities.
His capital is probably coastal. Once Shaka has Sailing he can found cities everywhere.
Well, Shaka is costal (I saw a workboat), and he has slavery, which means that we can assume we will face axemen.

Some good news. I researched AH instead of iron, and found horses in the fat cross. A worker is busy developing the tile, and then we can get chariots.

I found a good city location E of our capital.

I built a settler and a worker, and moved the settler towards the gold. Since we still disagree I left the settler standing on the blue spot. The next player can either build the city at once, or move him 2W to the alternative spot (will get sheep, but leaves some RP that could be split between two cities instead). A worker is heading up north to help develop the new city (farms and gold mines).

The save: View attachment LK135 BC-2125.CivBeyondSwordSave
Got it, I'll play later.

I'm really torn with city placement. Now I'm leaning towards Yena's suggestion's of blue and green dots.
Blue dot is one of the worst spots I've seen in a long time.
There's nothing great about it.
Not coastal (less hammers + commerce + food), 5 dead tiles, gold hills
won't be worked for ages. Instead of a strong commerce we'll have a weak farm city.

And what are we doing in Amsterdam?
75 turns and not a single whip. Only 1 cottage while the city is working 2
commerce tiles (lake + dyes) without a cottage.
2 west seems like a stronger city early. I wouldn't want to do 1 off the coast with Wilhelm, a 2 food, 1 hammer, 3 commerce coastal tile with unique building is pretty nice.

(will get sheep, but leaves some RP that could be split between two cities instead)
I don't know what RP stands for?
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