LK154 - CCM - Bablyon


LKendter (on deck)
Jersey Joe
Northern Pike (up)

Edited: In the opening of the Firaxis stream last night (Brazil), Civ 6 lead designer Ed Beach spoke praisingly about the Civ 3 succession games and that he took part in them long time ago (02:21). Has anybody here an idea about his nickname in these succession games?

Fine detective work. :goodjob: I knew there had to be some exogenous reason for why that mob descended on our quiet forum. :D

It would be very interesting to know Ed Beach's handle here, but I don't.

I don't think I'd seen the striking Great Refinery Wonder splash before. My congratulations to its creator.
Tusker, a tremendous round. :thumbsup: On a first look, I don't see any large enemy stacks remaining to impede our progress.
I've got it. However, my summer travel begins this Wednesday, August 10 (lasting until September 20), and I'm already busy with preparations. So I may only play one turn, in which I hope it'll be possible to eliminate the remaining eight or nine Israelite cities on our side of the chokepoint, or at best two, in which case we could probably do a lot of damage to the Dutch or the Canadians.
Maybe we should steal what ever tech we can from the Canadians while we have the chance.
1815 (0): We sell Steam Power to India for 168 gold and 77 gpt; Scientific Method to Spain for 20 gold and 83 gpt; and SciMeth to Britain for 15 gold and 71 gpt.

We find as many fast units as possible that have expended a movement point (so they aren't going to heal this turn) and move them into the five cities we've just captured, to suppress resistance on the safe interturn. We do the same thing with our stack of fifteen uncommitted hussars.

We do a little hussar reconnaissance into the fog over southern Israel, since our Zeppelins may not be able to reveal the whole fogged area next turn. This reveals the jungle city of Rabbah, so we found the tactical town of Takin' Care of Business to make sure we'll be able to attack it next turn.

We found the tactical town of Ain't Seen Nothing Yet next to some fog for the same reason.

We aren't attacked on the interturn.

Three of the five towns we captured last turn come out of resistance.

1816 (1): Zeppelin reconnaissance of the fogged southern region of Israel shows us this:
We build the garrison for our attack on Shechem. All our attacks from this point on can be assumed to have garrison support.

We overrun an Israelite rifleman on our advance towards Shechem (1-0).

We take Shechem, defended by three riflemen, but the battle is bloody as we lose three cav (4-3). We claim 2624 gold in loot.

We found the tactical town of Let It Ride, giving us access to Israelite Quebec City.

We storm Quebec City, garrisoned by two riflemen, but again suffer disproportionate losses--three cav (6-6). We take 2792 gold in loot.

We culture-bomb Shechem, giving us tactical access to Israelite Toronto.

We seize Toronto, held by two riflemen, thankfully without loss (8-6). Pillaging yields 2966 gold.
We capture Rabbah, manned by three riflemen, for the loss of a 1900 inf (11-7). We gain 3178 gold.
We now proceed against Israel's four remaining cities on this side of the chokepoint, which will require a careful sequence of railing and city founding:
We take Gaza, defended by two inf and a rifleman, at the cost of two cav (14-9). We claim 3443 gold.
By founding Blue Collar and Hey You we get around a mountain range and gain access to Bethlehem. This isn't the bubble-chamber exploit, since we don't have to abandon the first city to found the second.

We storm Bethlehem, garrisoned by two inf and a rifleman, for the loss of a cav (18-10). We take 3787 gold.
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