LK154 - CCM - Bablyon

By founding the tactical town of Quick Change Artist and culture-bombing Bethlehem, we gain access to Beersheba and Nazareth.

We seize Beersheba, held by two riflemen and a musketman, at the cost of two cav (21-12). Pillaging yields 4261 gold.

We capture Nazareth, manned by three riflemen. We lose a cav and gain 4971 gold (24-13). We receive our first Great Leader of the round, who rushes heavy industry in Canton.
This completes our conquest of the Israelites' core, though they have two towns left on the other side of the chokepoint. Full credit to Tusker for setting up this easy rampage; the Israelites scarcely had a unit outside their cities.

At various points along the front we mop up an Israelite inf, two Dutch late pikemen, and a Dutch longbowman, also capturing an Israelite settler, and destroying an Israelite worker in a failed conversion (28-13).

One mullah victory this round didn’t yield a monk.

Two lawyer victories this round didn’t manufacture a Great Artist.

One partisan victory this round didn’t generate a partisan.

Seven elite victories this round produced one Great Leader.
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The only civ still represented on our side of the chokepoint and with which we're at war is the Netherlands, and we can't reach the Dutch without going through Canada or Indochina. So our choice is to strike one of those civs or France, and they're all good options now. If we attack Canada we'll be getting rid of the toughest enemy with the most gold; conquering Indochina would rationalize the geography of our position; and a French campaign would be ridiculously easy, but might get a little harder later if they develop infantry beyond arquebusiers.

We have a lot of cavalry in Babylon that should heal for next turn*, and some lawyers in Assur. Beyond that, I'm afraid you'll have to look in the cities we've just taken (especially Toronto and Gaza) for strike units, since we're trying to suppress as much resistance as possible in the safe interturn.

*Although quite a few units that seemingly should have healed for last turn didn't; the game occasionally glitches like that.

There are still two Israelite riflemen on our territory, in the mountains near Haifa. We can dispose of them when they move onto flat land.

We should merge all our Arabian workers into strong towns which are unlikely to get much natural population growth before we win, for example Beijing and Canton. I've started the process in Canton.

We're rushing about twelve barracks in weak towns this interturn, so that we can rush units in them next. We don't get any style points for finishing the game with a huge hoard of cash ;), and we should rush units on a massive scale until we win. In fact I don't see much point in our researching past Combustion/Hotchkisses.

As JJ has noted, we should try some tech steals from the Canadians before we declare war on them. However, we want to win the game without ever learning Radio, which makes our steam engines obsolete; does nothing we need; and leads only to a tech (Mass Production) that's five steps away on the other line of the chart, and shouldn't come into play before we win. So if we can see (as the result of a prior steal) that the only remaining tech we can steal from Canada is Radio, we shouldn't do it.
Only NP could make a multiple page report from playing one turn. ;)


LKendter (up)
Greebley (on deck)
Jersey Joe
Northern Pike (vacation to Sep 20)
Good work NP.

I am thinking France next while they are easy.

Then either Canada if we have stolen all techs we want or Indochina if we can get some more.

A very few towns might make units faster with a Steam Engine if we can avoid Radio. Many have Steam Engines and others won't build faster with 25% more shields.
I barely started, but the next war was decided. Trying to steal from Canada earned a war declaration.
These are time-suck turns. 3 sessions so far, and I haven't finished turn 2.

Spending a decent chunk of time just collecting up all the workers and troops into stacks to see how much can be done.

I am working on trying to get cities with potential up to size 21 (merging if needed) to give us a ton of troop pumps. Just the sheer number of civs left says 50+ turns to go, and getting more cities pumping troops will speed that up.

The good news is the serious threat civs are going away. Israel was busted, Canada already hurting, and USA is probably in all troop mode so not gaining production.

The Canada cash helps us keep rush mode on. I think I can have a decent chunk of Scandinavia pumping single turn troops by the end of my set.
At this point it is however many you can play. Stopping after an objective is complete works. My first goal is to kick Canada from our side of the choke point.
1816 AD (0)
Tech steal attempt is a failure, and we are at war with Canada.

All units being attacked are Canadian unless noted otherwise.

Hussar kills cavalry, and captures a settler. (1-0)
Heavy artillery kills infantry, and captures a settler. (2-0)
(IT) We kill 2 USA cavalry, and 1 infantry losing and infantry. (4-1)
We lost some workers by the Canadian city in former Scandinavia.
1817 AD (1)
The rough part about war with Canada this quick is I am still in the process of finding all the troops from the Isreal war, and getting them healed.

Lawyer kills USA pike. (5-1)
Partisan dies to infantry. (5-2)
Cavalry kills infantry. We capture another settler. (6-2)
[End session 1]

Hussar kills cavalry. (7-2)
Hussar kills cavalry. (8-2)
Hussar kills cavalry. (9-2)
Hussar kills hussar. (10-2)
Cavalry kills rifle. (11-2)
Cavalry kills rifle. (12-2)
We capture Fredericton gaining $3,197.

Hussar dies to pike in garrison. (12-3)
Hussar kills pike breaking garrison. (13-3)
Infantry kills infantry. (14-3)
Infantry kills musket. (15-3)
Infantry kills hussar. (16-3)
Infantry kills hussar. (17-3)
Infantry kills schneider75. (18-3)
Infantry kills scchneider75. (19-3)
Infantry kills schneider75. (20-3)
Infantry kills heavy artillery. (21-3)
Infantry kills heavy artillery. (22-3)
Infantry kills heavy artillery. (23-3)
Schneider75 kills heavy artillery. (24-3)
Hussar kills heavy artillery. (25-3)
Lawyer kills hussar giving another artist. (26-3)
Cavalry kills hussar. (27-3)
Cavalry kills cavalry. (28-3)
Cavalry kills cavalry. (29-3)
That wipes the offensive stacks the crossed the border near Toronto.

My luck with stealing is zero. The backwards Aztecs declare war after I try to steal their world map.
I try to steal the Mongol map, and get another war started.
I try my luck at the Egyptian map, and get another war started. This is absurd...
I give up on stealing. I really hate working with so little world knowledge. The lack of map trading in CCM is brutal.

Abandon 05 is founded.
Cavalry dies to infantry. (29-4)
Cavalry dies to infantry. (29-5)
Cavalry dies to infantry. (29-6)
Cavalry kills infantry. (30-6)
Cavalry kills infantry. (31-6)
Cavalry kills infantry. (32-6)
Ottawa is captured for $4,980.
Our enslaver captures a worker that was next to the city.

Cavalry kills rifle breaking a garrison. (33-6)
[End session 2]

Canada kills 1 cavalry, and lost 3 infantry. (36-7)
USA kills 3 infantry, and lost 3 infantry, 1 bombard, and 1 cavalry. (41-12)
The line is broken, and USA has occupied one of the barricades.
1818 AD (2)
Mullah kills USA 1 HP cavalry. (42-12)

There is one nice thing about having zeppelins. At least we can start to recon a bit ahead of the target areas. I am so tired of fighting blind.
CCM at a lot of features I like. However, I am not sure if garrisons sucking up precious workers, or lack of map trading takes first place for CCM features I don't like.

Schneider75 dies to infantry. (42-13)
Schneider75 kills infantry. (43-13)
Cannon dies to infantry. (43-14)
Heavy Artillery kills infantry. (44-14)
Heavy Artillery kills infantry. (45-14)
Cannon kills infantry. (46-14)
Heavy Artillery kills infantry. (47-14)
Cavalry dies to infantry. (47-15)
Cavalry kills infantry. (48-15)
Cavalry kills infantry. (49-15)
Cavalry dies to infantry. (49-16)
Cavalry kills infantry. (50-16)
Cavalry kills infantry. (51-16)
Cavalry kills cavalry. (52-16)
Cavalry kills infantry. (53-16)
Cavalry kills infantry. (54-16)
Montreal is captured for $5,227. We gain World Religion Christianity. We found 2 workers and a settler inside the city.
Montreal hears the works of Shakespeare.

Infantry dies to infantry. (54-17)
Infantry kills infantry. (55-17)
Very Special Infantry arrives. I don't know how much value Battlefield Medicine will have, but it is rushed in Rainfall.
Infantry kills infantry. (56-17)
Another 1900 Infantry arrives. Karlskrona gets light industry rushed.
Infantry kills infantry. (57-17)
Infantry kills marine infantry. (58-17)

Cavalry dies to infantry. (58-18)
Cavalry dies to infantry. (58-19)
Cavalry dies to infantry. (58-20)
Cavalry dies to infantry. (58-21)
Cavalry kills infantry. (59-21)
Cavalry dies to infantry. (59-22)
Cavalry kills infantry and promotes to elite. (60-22)
Cavalry kills infantry. (61-22)
Calgary is captured for $5,346. I disband it after moving a settler 1 space closer to the front.
No Idea For Name is founded.

Lawyer kills a spearman. His name turns out to be Shakespeare. (62-22)
[End session 3]

Cavalry dies to infantry. (62-23)
Cavalry kills infantry. (63-23)
Cavalry kills infantry. (64-23)
Cavalry kills infantry. (65-23)
Cavalry kills infantry. (66-23)
Hussar kills invisible unit. (67-23)
Victoria is captured for $5,480. Babel Foundland is founded. Victoria is abandoned.

Cavalry kills infantry going elite. (68-23)
Cavalry kills infantry. (69-23)
Cavalry dies to infantry. (69-24)
Cavalry kills infantry. (70-24)
Cavalry kills infantry. (71-24)
Cavalry dies to infantry. (71-25)
Cavalry kills infantry. (72-25)
Cavalry dies to infantry. (72-26)
Cavalry kills infantry. (73-26)
Cavalry kills infantry. (74-26)
Vancouver is captured for $5,632. We gain international telephone corp. We also gain Neuschwanstein that gives 1 happy to all cities. We gain the Great Cathedral that is also supposed to give 1 happy to all cities. We gain Hagia Sophia that is meaningless, as we already get Christian and Islamic communities. The play Hamlet is shown in Vancouver.

Cavalry dies to infantry. (74-27)
Cavalry dies to infantry. (74-28)
Cavalry kills infantry. We capture a worker. (75-28)
Lawyer tries to convert worker, but no luck.

Abandon 06 is founded.
(IT) Canada lost a cavalry. (76-28)
Austria lost 3 knights. (79-28)
USA lost 3 infantry, but killed 4. (83-28)
Another barricade is empty despite increasing stack size to 4. I will have to increase it again next round. We can't produce enough defenders.
1819 AD (3)
Cavalry kills USA cavalry. (84-28)
Heavy Artillery barely kills USA infantry. (85-28)
Infantry kills USA infantry. (86-28)
Infantry kills USA infantry. (87-28)
Lawyer kills Austrian knight giving another artist. (88-28)
Mullah kills Austrian crusader. (89-28)
[End session 4]

I refill the barricade with even more troops, and with knocking USA out of the open spot it is back to 100% filled. The bad part is I am really hurting for rifles.

Abandon 07 is founded. Founding the city reveals a lot of troops near Winnipeg. I want to see them move before attacking.
Cavalry kills musket. (90-28)
Cavalry kills a infantry. (91-28)
Canada Smashing Cavalry arrives. Light industry is rushed in Tsingtao. This city can be redeemed with enough worker attention.
(IT) Carthage and Canada sign an MPP. It looks like another war is on the way.
Canada lost 10 infantry, while killing 4 infantry and 1 cavalry. Winnipeg was the main area of action. (101-32)
Defensive 1900 Infantry arrived during the fighting.

Austria lost 3 knights. A lot of their troops started to turn around. (104-32)
It looks like USA now has Zeppelins. They lost 5 infantry, killing 1. (109-33)
Couldn't tell the nation, but there was a ton of junk units moving around just past Canada.

I am still plugging away. The log was getting so large that I want clear out what I had so far.
Great work so far. :goodjob:

I'm surprised that the Americans are willing to make those terrible attacks on our barricades at the chokepoint. I suppose the AI's decision-making changes when there's no other land route to our cities.
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