The only civ still represented on our side of the chokepoint and with which we're at war is the Netherlands, and we can't reach the Dutch without going through Canada or Indochina. So our choice is to strike one of those civs or France, and they're all good options now. If we attack Canada we'll be getting rid of the toughest enemy with the most gold; conquering Indochina would rationalize the geography of our position; and a French campaign would be ridiculously easy, but might get a little harder later if they develop infantry beyond arquebusiers.
We have a lot of cavalry in Babylon that should heal for next turn*, and some lawyers in Assur. Beyond that, I'm afraid you'll have to look in the cities we've just taken (especially Toronto and Gaza) for strike units, since we're trying to suppress as much resistance as possible in the safe interturn.
*Although quite a few units that seemingly should have healed for last turn didn't; the game occasionally glitches like that.
There are still two Israelite riflemen on our territory, in the mountains near Haifa. We can dispose of them when they move onto flat land.
We should merge all our Arabian workers into strong towns which are unlikely to get much natural population growth before we win, for example Beijing and Canton. I've started the process in Canton.
We're rushing about twelve barracks in weak towns this interturn, so that we can rush units in them next. We don't get any style points for finishing the game with a huge hoard of cash
, and we should rush units on a massive scale until we win. In fact I don't see much point in our researching past Combustion/Hotchkisses.
As JJ has noted, we should try some tech steals from the Canadians before we declare war on them. However, we want to win the game without ever learning Radio, which makes our steam engines obsolete; does nothing we need; and leads only to a tech (Mass Production) that's five steps away on the other line of the chart, and shouldn't come into play before we win. So if we can see (as the result of a prior steal) that the only remaining tech we can steal from Canada is Radio, we shouldn't do it.