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LK173, Civ=Scandinavia, CCM3, Island Hopping

Jan 1902 AD (4)
The Inca have industrialization at monopoly prices. Even with having a chunk of research done, they still want 16000+. That is too many rushed factories and steamrollers to give up. I hope another civ gets it shortly to reduce the price. I can’t recover much cash by selling it.

This is the worst time in CCM. Monarchy castles are gone, but still a while until communist barracks. Healing is taking forever at 1 pip a turn.

The assault on Wawat begins. I kill 3 pikes. (84-22)
I gained $1 and 1 worker.
Axeman Einherjar 1 does it again. We have another army. It is from the southern front. I must ship it up the coast to the main front.

I kill Nubia: 1 catapult ship, 4 Numidian mercenary, 1 pike and 1 chariot. (91-22)
(IT) There was a lot of troop movement from Nubia. However, there we no attacks.
The Constitution is completed. I always appreciate more happy faces.
Jul 1902 AD (5)
Turn to the Darkside Grenadier arrives. I disbanded our knight army to get a better army.

I kill Nubia: 1 lion warrior, 4 swords, 7 archers, 6 Numidian mercenary, 3 crossbows, and 15 pikes. (108-22)
I lost: 1 artillery piece and 2 dragoons. (108-25)
I gained 3 workers and 2 artists.
(IT) I killed Nubia: 1 knight. (109-25)
Jan 1903 AD (6)
I ship Israel physics for cotton, furs, $54 and $139/T.
I ship Oceania ballistics for coffee, $70 and $18/T. The only reason this is worth it is the coffee.
I ship Portugal spices for $5/T.
I ship Persia spices, tobacco and wine for $26/T.
I ship Turkey coal, rubber, spices, silver and wine for $36/T.
I ship Austria gunpowder for $121 and $54/T.
I ship China sacred art for gems, $56 and $47/T.
I can’t wait for someone else to get industrialization. With 3 turns to go to finish the research, the price is still absurd.

I kill Nubia: 2 catapult ships, 1 Numidian mercenary, 3 pikes, 1 archer and 1 sword. (117-25)
[End of session 2]
(IT) I lost: 1 pirate ship and 1 grenadier. (117-27)
Jul 1903 AD (7)
I can finally get industrialization at a reason price. I give Persia $2280 for it. Railroad is due in 6 turns. I switched all our top cities to factories. They will all complete them in a handful of turns. I am saving cash to rush steamrollers.
I sell Carthage industrialization for $2374 and $241/T.
I sell Italy military tradition for $205 and $120/T.
They do share the same land mass with us, but we will need 20+ turns to reach them. Mongolia is the next target after Nubia. There is a major gap in the road net to them. It will take a long time just to connect the roads.

I kill Nubia: 1 catapult ship, 1 lion warrior, 2 Anwar warrior, 8 Numidian mercenary, 4 knights, 5 elephants, 1 pike, 1 MDI, and 1 archer. (141-27)
I lost: 1 grenadier and 1 dragoon. (141-29)
(IT) I kill 2 archers and something invisible. (144-29)
Nubia massively shifts toward Karachi. I could lose the city.
The Inca are building Crystal Palace. :eek: :eek: :eek:
Jan 1904 AD (8)
I investigate Vilcabamba. It needs 18 turns.

I kill Nubia: 1 catapult ship, 1 knight, 1 Numidian mercenary, 1 lion warrior, 1 crossbow, 1 MDI, 2 swords, 3 archers and 6 pikes. (161-29)
I lost 1 enslaver and 1 dragoon. (163-29)
I gained 1 artist.
[End of session 3]
(IT) Korea wants to stop sending silks. I give the physics for silks, $17 and $56/T.
As feared, Nubia takes Karachi. 389 is lost. Our troops performed terribly. It is worse when you consider the city had walls. :cry:
I killed 1 archer, 3 swords, and 4 crossbows. (171-29)
I lost 4 grenadier, 5 dragoons, 2 camel and 1 pirate ship. (171-41)
Jul 1904 AD (9)
The only civ to get replacement silver from is Mongolia. They are the next target after Nubia, so I will do without it.
I give Carthage $6368 to get railroads now.
It is barely worth it, but I give Persia railroads for $1862.
Crystal Palace and improved steel are due in 6 turns. That is perfect timing.

I begin to rush steamrollers. With this map having so many separate landmasses we are going to depend heavily on foreign steam rollers. I do the standard pattern of cities with specialist overload or working 2+ unimproved tiles. The cities close to finishing factories stay on them.

I’ve been working on the railroad. The slave workers recognize the r key again to building rails. However, our native workers do NOT. Control-shift-R still works for our native workers.
@Civinator - it looks like I found a small issue with the current version.

Helsingborg is founded.

Chariot Sleipnir is back. I rushed the military academy in Lahore to give us a healing spot near Nubia.

I kill Nubia: 1 fire ship and 1 Numidian mercenary. (173-41)
(IT) I lost 2 pirate ships. (173-43)
Nubia suddenly shows up with a lot of troops by our southern conquests. Those 3 cities suddenly don’t look safe.
Jan 1905 AD (10)
The first time in ages I had an unexpected crash with civ3. At least half an hour wasted. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I gave Persia $892 to renew dyes.
I gave Russia absolutism to renew tropical fruit.

I get an army on the mountain that gives access to Karachi. That will stop Nubia from sending reinforcements to it.
The assault on Karachi begins. I kill 3 pikes, 5 archers, 1 MDI, 1 knight and 8 Numidian mercenary. I lost 1 grenadier. (192-42)
I gained 1 worker during the assault. The city held.

I kill Nubia: 16 pikes, 1 bucket, 3 swords, 15 crossbows and 4 knights. (231-42)
I lost: 2 dragons and 2 grenadiers. (231-47)
A decent number of these kill were on the southern front. Nubia is now bringing a decent quantity of troops that way.

[End of session 4]
With 200+ kills I hope I broke the back of Nubia. The number of junk units has been overwhelming. The lack of barracks really slowed the killing fields. That issue should be fixed now.

I am trying to get all exploring ships home. There is nothing left to explore, and I’d prefer to have more ships to protect the shipping lanes. At this point amphibious landings are losing their value as the cities are too far away. I’m also trying to get the ships back to the main shipping lane. In addition, we will need a ton of shipping once we are ready to target the next land mass. The one we are on will not be enough to win the game.

I’m trying to get some steamrollers near the Nubian border. Even a few rail segments there will really speed things up. Any steamrollers between Satsuma and the Nubian front are moving toward the front.
The one army is guarding workers in the area. Please keep that army fortified.

The steamroller by Irjet is inching its way north. I’m not sure how stable that front is, but I wanted to rush some steamrollers out of Meroe.

Please watch that Crystal Palace and improved steel stay in sync.
Both are at 6 turns each. However, all the steamrollers I am rushing are killing off scientists. The last thing I want to do is get one lousy turn of research toward improved steel. It got out of sync this turn before I fixed cities to have scientists.
At long as the Inca doesn’t move it, or Carthage starts it, we are locked. Sell those new techs ASAP to get more cash to rush steamrollers. I’ve burned a lot of cash already on rushing them.
I’m letting cities with factories build steamrollers naturally. We need to rush a ton of them on the continent we are fighting on.

The main stack is fortified in Lahore. They should be healing faster now.
We can make our transport lines shorter. We can load and unload troops in 1 turn along the red line. From there, we can rail down the yellow line. This will get us to the current fight a lot faster. Grey line can be added latter to help toward other land masses.

Elephantium (up)
Greebley (on deck)
Jersey Joe


I've got it.

I wish the Dragoons had stayed near Italy; I would have been fine juggling both fronts. No worries, though, we'll have the railroad in place shortly.

Sidenote, after this, I won't be so eager for ship-heavy games!
I wish the Dragoons had stayed near Italy; I would have been fine juggling both fronts. No worries, though, we'll have the railroad in place shortly.

Those dragoons arriving by Nubia is what finally turned the tide.
Good to see we can build Steamrollers. I like your Idea about having "transfer ports" on our islands. We could do the same thing with using Nara and Madris as "transfer ports" until we can complete rails Japan.
I’ve been working on the railroad. The slave workers recognize the r key again to building rails. However, our native workers do NOT. Control-shift-R still works for our native workers.
@Civinator - it looks like I found a small issue with the current version.
Civinator gave the workers back the ability to build railroads in biq file he provided to us for this game.

Here is an idea: Switch Norrkoping to Battlefield Medicine and hire a cop (due in 6) as a pre-build for the Olympic Games. It has to be in 6 turns since the Crystal Palace completes in 5 at a town that comes after Norrkoping in the build queue.
Good to see we can build Steamrollers. I like your Idea about having "transfer ports" on our islands. We could do the same thing with using Nara and Madris as "transfer ports" until we can complete rails Japan.

We already have built a chunk of them that are laying rails. I rushed another block in the game that I passed on.
Here is an idea: Switch Norrkoping to Battlefield Medicine and hire a cop (due in 6) as a pre-build for the Olympic Games. It has to be in 6 turns since the Crystal Palace completes in 5 at a town that comes after Norrkoping in the build queue.

I very much support this idea
Some nice progress.
Two comments in your report seem incorrect to me:
1) You can upgrade units in cities that have no barracks. I was doing so on my turn at least. I think the reason is because barracks are rarer in ccm so AI would end up not ever upgrading.
2) Minor but units heal 2 in cities without barracks (you may have misspoke about it being 1). [They heal 1 when not in cities so at 2 hp down you can stay where you are for 2 turns or move and heal 2 in a city.]
Jan 1900 AD (0)
We are at the annoying part of the game with almost no barracks. There are a ton of older defending units to upgrade, but I have no way to do so.
With the last versions of C3X (Flintlock mod) units can be upgraded even without barracks, if the other conditions (tech, gold, resources) in that town are met.

In the next version of CCM normal and enslaved workers can build railroads again, because the settings to disable this with C3X did not cover the shortcut commands.

Do you remember what caused the crash in your reported game ?
With the last versions of C3X (Flintlock mod) units can be upgraded even without barracks, if the other conditions (tech, gold, resources) in that town are met.

I appear to have the correct Flintlock mod version since this is mentioned in scenario.c3x_config.ini. However, if I click on an older unit and click shift-U to upgrade I get a message nothing is available to upgrade.
; Removes barracks/harbor/airport requirement from upgrades
allow_upgrades_in_any_city = true

I tried running the install process again, but it made no difference
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