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Looks like Civ 6 is done: Kevin called April "final game update"

Today they changed the language from final patch of the season to final patch of the year (year used in the context of the NFP season).
Either that or we obsess about the wording much more than they do ....

I mean, "message discipline" is usually a priority for most companies nowadays so it does standout when a company uses inconsistent language like Firaxis has been doing.
Either that or we obsess about the wording much more than they do ....
That's precisely why they are having fun with the words they choose. :crazyeye:
I mean, "message discipline" is usually a priority for most companies nowadays so it does standout when a company uses inconsistent language like Firaxis has been doing.

Considering the legions of no lifes literally hanging on every word looking for an excuse to get offended or generate clickbait controversy that is a dangerous game

I think in this case it’s a combo of low key teasing the fans to keep them engaged, and keeping their options open
I think they're clearly having fun with it while they are unauthorized to say either way. I don't mind, and will continue observing the ambiguity.
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It’s not factual. It hasn’t happened so you have no results to prove that to me and AFAIK (correct me if I’m wrong) you aren’t a professional game developer who works on AI so I don’t think your opinion has much more weight than mine here since we are both coming from the place of “non-experts.”
We're both modders, but we don't do the same type of mods. And just to be immediately crystal clear, there is no "best" type. Modding is about passion.

But I'm not going to tell Sukritact how to model leaders, I'm not going to tell Gedemo how to make CS, I'm not going to tell Deliverator how to import 3D art into the game, and I'm not going to tell you how the game should be balanced.

And when it come to coding I'm far from the bests, looking at the code of some civ5 modders and the apparent ease they had to use either Lua or C++ was very humbling for me.

But I do code, it's my type of modding, and I did code some basic AI, people who've played R.E.D. WWII may know that. And if in a conversation about coding someone tell me that for the AI taking multiple decisions, including pathfinding are not more complex than taking a single one and that saying the opposite is "unfalsifiable claim and speculation", I'm surprised. Coming from whoward, donquiche or maybe someone from VP, I may accept that I have to change my perception of coding, but from someone else I need some explanations first. And I'll be happy to learn anyway, I'll need that kind of efficiency for my mod as we won't get the source.
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I don't know if the engine is capable to run more assets on the map.
However, in September, there is quite an anniversary for Civilization series.
Be it more for Civ VI or some other Civ related content...we will see...I definitely wouldn't mind more.
There is no reason you couldn’t have a farming district that you could put buildings in.

You can't change your farming district to a mining district if iron/niter/etc pops up in that tile. You can change improvements. Or replace a farm with a neighborhood.
Here's hoping that they are done with Civ 6 because this "balance patch" indicates they don't have the resources to maintain a large roster of Civs. NFP both indicates that there will be no substantial updates in the absence of a revenue stream (which is fair enough) but also that the design and development team can no longer be trusted to deliver quality content (lots of visible seams, game modes that are either buggy unbalanced or imaginatively bankrupt)
Today they changed the language from final patch of the season to final patch of the year (year used in the context of the NFP season).

In terms of plain English, "final patch of the year" means final patch of 2021. Other sorts of year, like financial year or academic year, are always explicitly stated.
Here's hoping that they are done with Civ 6 because this "balance patch" indicates they don't have the resources to maintain a large roster of Civs. NFP both indicates that there will be no substantial updates in the absence of a revenue stream (which is fair enough) but also that the design and development team can no longer be trusted to deliver quality content (lots of visible seams, game modes that are either buggy unbalanced or imaginatively bankrupt)

We have ourselves to blame. Just look at the possible new civs thread which is hundreds of pages long. Or that constant whining about adding Portugal. It does pay off to drop new civs, it mirrors the sentiment of many players. Things like balance, mechanics or AI able to use all the new stuff isn´t as popular.

"Here is our $30 mechanic and balance expansion". The happy few at Civfanatics but not a cash cow for Firaxis/2K.
Other sorts of year, like financial year or academic year, are always explicitly stated.
In a notarised legal document sure, in a verbal video update I think you assume too much.
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