April Fool's: Firaxis announces: Civ 6: Pandemic Pack DLC (masks included)


Say No 2 Net Validations
Oct 22, 2008

After 2 years have passed, and the pandemic is cooling down in many parts of the world, Firaxis has finally decided to incorporate the current events into the game. The creative minds have been hard at work, to create a new and fun experience. This update will be for free for all owners of Civ6.
Read the new features below!
  • New leader animations: Leaders will show up with face mask, face shield, or coughing
  • Social distancing: Infected cities can only work tiles not adjacent to uninfected city tiles.
  • Quarantine: Infected cities cannot send or receive trade routes.
  • Infected cities require an additional amenity to remain content.
  • New Neighborhood District: Home office worker. Provides +2 Gold, +1 Production, +1 Culture
Other details have not been announced yet.

You can also find this info in the offical announcement here: https://civilization.com/civilization-VI-pandemic-pack-DLC-masks-included
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Even knowing what day it is, this is still fun
Sadly, the link doesn't work for me
Um ... does today's date have anything to do with this?
Actually, the date aside, there has been a discussion of a 'plague' or Epidemic mechanic in the game, and the Quarantine and Infected Cities requiring extra Amenities in this Postit would not be out of place in such an addition to the game or to Civ VII.
There are two new casus belli: "Refused to get vaccinated" and "Imposed vaccination mandate", depending on your chosen government type.
Actually, the date aside, there has been a discussion of a 'plague' or Epidemic mechanic in the game, and the Quarantine and Infected Cities requiring extra Amenities in this Postit would not be out of place in such an addition to the game or to Civ VII.

I would enjoy a disease mechanic in the game. I remember that was speculated with the Rise and Fall announcement, but we didn't end up getting it.

It could be tied in to a game event/decision system, where you get a number of sequential events in consecutive turns. Also, buildings like Sewers could increase resistance to diseases, until eventually you reach a point where something like covid is considered a major threat to public health rather than unnoticeable in between the plague, smallpox, cholera and you name it. And at that point you could have tradeoffs not between population dying and closing up, but rather mass unhappiness or closing up.
Actually, the date aside, there has been a discussion of a 'plague' or Epidemic mechanic in the game, and the Quarantine and Infected Cities requiring extra Amenities...

Play Black Death.

It has something similar.
In fact, I'm surprised the modding community didn't use this scenario as a basis for a COVID mod/scenario.
I faked the screenshot :).

And yes, April's fools :).

Ah, I assumed it was an April's Fools from Firaxis that was purposefully reposted as "true".
The real April fool's joke here is Firaxis actually giving a damn about Civ 6.

Thank you for your valuable contribution to this thread.
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