• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .



Swiss Confederation/Carmen
Capital: Bern
Federal Democracy
Dissent: 2%
Global Opinion: Neutral
Base IC: 3
Military Spending: 1
Public Spending: 1
Private Enterprise: 1
Army: 8 Infantry Divisions
Army Quality: 7
Navy: Land-Locked
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: 1 Light Recon Aircraft Wing
Air Force Quality: 4


About this, why is his aircraft quality 4?

Swiss Confederation/Carmen
Capital: Bern
Federal Democracy
Dissent: 2%
Global Opinion: Neutral
Base IC: 3
Military Spending: 1
Public Spending: 1
Private Enterprise: 1
Army: 8 Infantry Divisions
Army Quality: 7
Navy: Land-Locked
Navy Quality: 0
Air Force: 1 Light Recon Aircraft Wing
Air Force Quality: 4

About this, why is his aircraft quality 4?

Because they have a better trained military.
I know I dont have full authority to tell you this, but you do know they just went thru a war.
They're still going through it?

CAn i take Brazil or Peru instead of Hellenic Republic?
To: The World
From: The Prussian Union

In an effort to show Prussia's continuing effort to solve our conflict with Russia, we shall disclose the contents of our proposed peace treaty with Russia.

Peace Treaty

1) All fighting will immediately cease between Prussia and Russia.

2) All Russian territory will be returned to Russia.

3) A small portion of territory must be ceded by Russia to Romania, still debatable depending on other provisions.

4) Finland shall be annexed by Russia for their protection. Return of Finland's King, his family, and any high-ranking government officials you might find.

5) The Prussian Union shall seek a separate peace with the Kingdom of Sweden.

6) Russia and Prussia will sign a five-year non-aggression pact, and Russia will commit to neutrality for the same period of five years.

We believe, after discussing this with the Empire of Russia, that abuses of Russia's people are at an end. We also believe that, given the state of Finland and the obviously aggressive tendencies of the Kingdom of Sweden, that it is best that Finland be put under the protection of Russia for the time being; as such, for now they shall become a part of Russia.

As you can undoubtedly see, this is a very fair treaty for Russia, as they have lost territory and will continue to lose territory if the war continues. The only concession they are required to make is a small portion of land to Romania, to whom we had promised growth. Because of this generous peace, the treaty has been met favorably by the Russians, although more exact terms are still being discussed.

Sweden, however, will have a much harsher treaty imposed upon them; they are cowardly back-stabbers and a nation that, until recently, falsely claimed to uphold the ideal of "neutrality," one which the Prussian Union believes is essentially impossible to uphold. That being said, Russia requires a peace with Sweden, and we will give it to them; private discussions shall be held to determine this treaty, to be revealed at a time which the Prussian Union and Sweden feel is right.

To: The Kingdom of Sweden
From: The Prussian Union

As you can see from the above proposed treaty, we are required by Russia to sign a separate peace with you; you are lucky to have such a staunch ally. We, however, are not your ally. You betrayed us by carrying the flag of neutrality and open trade and then attacking our allies in Finland.

This peace will not be favorable to Sweden. Neither, however, will it be intolerable or unreasonable. We will continue discussions of the exact terms of the treaty through private channels if you are willing to conduct them.

EDIT: As you can see, sp1023, still at war for the moment.
From:Russian Empire

we would have to assure that Sweden go without such punishment, and we would request that Hungary be let off, We cannot in good concience allow those who are helping us be punished for their good judgement
To: The Russian Empire
From: The Prussian Union

Sweden will not be punished harshly. We will, most likely, take their islands in the Baltic and revert our trade back to its pre-war status. We would hope you would find this to be acceptable.

As for Hungary, it is a nation of Germanic peoples; its entrance into the war is purely because it opposed the movement of Prussian troops through Hungary, not for any want to help you in your plight. The punishment for Germanic peoples that strike out against their champion and protector, the Prussian Union, is invasion and annexation, in this case by Romania and the Prussian Union. We would also hope you would find this to be acceptable.
Oh, fine. I wanted to switch to Brazil or Peru, but , well, FINE. I was just tired of having to scrounge around for IC to spend.
sp1023: STFU. Seriously. Even if you took Brazil or Peru, it wouldn't make you accumulate IC faster. The rate for increasing IC flow is basically the same for most nations, some might experience faster growth. Regardless, what would be the point of getting IC if you barely do anything with it?

Lucky: I seriously hate waiting for people to send in orders, because I send them first. :p

Regardless, Switzerland wishes for other nations to invest in its corporations, to improve the economy for both parties.
WE invest in your corporations, with a on provocation pact.
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