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Made in the EU

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Over here the problem of undernatality is huge. A population needs 2,08 childs per woman to sustain it's population. Flanders is currently at a 1,55 childs per woman rate which is way too low. Population will only start to drop in 2040 though, when all the babyboomgen gets 80 and dies out.
SonicX said:
Over here the problem of undernatality is huge. A population needs 2,08 childs per woman to sustain it's population. Flanders is currently at a 1,55 childs per woman rate which is way too low. Population will only start to drop in 2040 though, when all the babyboomgen gets 80 and dies out.

Why 2,08? Why not 2,00?
My call to power cd from 1999 is marked made in the EU
Actually I consider this as more worrying than everything, and this from an absolutely selfish point of view. Indeed, I wonder how we can sustain our consumption if we are less and less to purchase stuff. That means economical crisis... and that means I would be poorer. So it's clear countries such as Germany, Spain or Italy should really think strongly about solving their issue (and it wouldn't do harm to anyone if European countries having less problems in that field would still have more babies than currently).
Well indeed population in Spain is growing amazingly quick in last years, however that growth is in a 90 % due to immigration. It seems we are yet 44 millions when in 2000 we were only 40 millions.
oagersnap said:
Why 2,08? Why not 2,00?
Because of the infant mortality.

Actually, I've heard it was 2,1... but 2,08 is certainly more accurate I guess.
Thorgalaeg said:
Well indeed population in Spain is growing amazingly quick in last years, however that growth is in a 90 % due to immigration. It seems we are yet 44 millions when in 2000 we were only 40 millions.
It's not only about immigration. It's also about life expectancy getting longer. As such, despite the birth rate falling in Spain, there are still far more people birthing than dying. But be cautious with this. Spain has a very low birth rate, and it could become a problem later.
SonicX said:
More general goods which are basically the same all over the continent such as cigarettes, soda pops and so on are labelled "made in the EU" because there is no regional distinction between the products.

there are regional differences in soda pops
It's not only about immigration. It's also about life expectancy getting longer. As such, despite the birth rate falling in Spain, there are still far more people birthing than dying. But be cautious with this. Spain has a very low birth rate, and it could become a problem later.
I disagree, life expectancy have been stable since many years ago (it is even a bit shorter in last years). It is because inmigration. We are receiving near a million of immgrants every year. In fact there are 4 millions of immigrants polled in Spain, when five or six years ago there were only about 500,000.
I think that the UK's natural home would be more with the US than with the EU. If the UK is going to incorporate with another entity, it would do better to become a US state where it could weild considerable, very considerable influence. Already, early US history is dominated by British history. When learning about US government in school, the first several chapters are all about Britain's great strides towards democracy and the eventual transcendence of that british endeavour into our own form of government. Today, more people of British origins reside in the United States than anywhere else in the world. For Britain to join with the United States would be to "re-unite" those people into the Union.

So, I definitely think Britain would do well as a free & independent state in the US. It could easily escape federal regulations by stressing its rights as a free and independent state. British admission into the Union would extend the size of the House and Senate and provide a positive influence on Presidential races.

Also, British culture would be amplified through the influx of support from the American media machine and the federal apparatus would propel Britain into a global superstar outmatching even the cultural influence of states like California, New York, or Texas.

Restore the Union! Statehood for GB!

GB leaders of the 20th century such as Blair, Churchill, Thatcher, etc are all extremely revered in the US. Our alliance in WW1, WW2, Cold War has done created an atmosphere of Union between the two. GB need not be America's "lapdog" but rather, it can be its leading force by re-uniting with the Union.
What would a State Quarter for Great Britain look like?

Also, you'll note that British bankers own a lot of US land, and if you've ever watched PBS its almost all British television programming. PBS is where most Americans watch British shows and PBS introduced every American to Red Dwarf and Doctor Who.

Great Britain has a very strong influence in the US. Its royal family, such a Princess Diana and such, are of great interest on programs like "A Current Affair" or "Entertainment Tonight" and other hollywood access programming.
Aleph-Null said:
Great Britain has a very strong influence in the US. Its royal family, such a Princess Diana and such, are of great interest on programs like "A Current Affair" or "Entertainment Tonight" and other hollywood access programming.
I think they're a bit behind the times, she died 8 years ago...:p
As for stuff being made in EU, its seems a bit pointless. Why not say the actual country its made in? what advanatge can 'made in EU' have, other than if they charge by the letter and want to keep costs down?
Hotpoint said:
On the contrary without the power to defend our freedom it will crumble since alone we simply do not have the resources required to maintain those liberties against the will of other nations.
You are either proposing we sacrifice our freedoms to protect them, or you do not understand what those freedoms are - take your pick :crazyeye:
farting bob said:
I think they're a bit behind the times, she died 8 years ago...:p
As for stuff being made in EU, its seems a bit pointless. Why not say the actual country its made in? what advanatge can 'made in EU' have, other than if they charge by the letter and want to keep costs down?

I have no clue, I know its a very poor marketting plow. If you see something in the US that says "Made in Spain" or "Made in Great Britain" people will probably buy it. Take the new mini-cooper as an example. People love to get the mini-coopers with the US and UK flags on the top.

But, if our imports start carrying "Made in the EU" on them... no one is going to buy it. Americans look at the EU and see "France" ... not a good thing.
oagersnap said:
Why 2,08? Why not 2,00?
Well, simple.
On average woman needs to give birth to a girl who will reach procreation age.
If 208 children are born :
- 106 will be male
- 2 will be girls who die before being old enough to have children
- 100 will be girls who reach the procreation age

So you need 2,08 children on average to have 1 girl who can reproduce.
superisis said:
there are regional differences in soda pops
Yes, but those are all part of one international brand so it wouldn't make it a regional product. Coca Cola, 7Up or DrPepper can be bottled and labeled with made in the EU, while regional brands will have the country of origin on them.
CD's also are made in the EU, as the regional difference is nill.
@Aphex-null, I would oppose union with the US for the same reason as I oppose the EU. Neither of those entities understand the freedoms granted to British citizens by the unwritten constitution; the freedom to change, the freedom for each generation to rule itself without interference from the past. Why should those fundamental freedoms be lost?
farting bob said:
I think they're a bit behind the times, she died 8 years ago...:p
As for stuff being made in EU, its seems a bit pointless. Why not say the actual country its made in? what advanatge can 'made in EU' have, other than if they charge by the letter and want to keep costs down?

merely an illustration. there is not much coverage of princess diana anymore until there's some revelation in the tabloids or something. the princes seem to be covered and Tony Blair gets tons of coverage. I'd like to see Blair as a member of the Senate going at it with the Senators from Texas and California. That would be pretty neat to turn on C-Span and have Blair representing Great Britain in the Senate or running a Presidential campaign. Imagine if one of your Princes like Prince Charles were to give up the prospect of becoming King (like George Washington did) and ran with a respect to a higher legal authority and became President of the United States.

GB could even be a driving force for a Third party movement. In all actuality, what hope does the US have in not destroying the world without being able to enjoy GB's enlightening influence in the House, Senate, and White House.

Anyways, just something to think about. I could personally atest, that if Great Britain became a state... and Tony Blair ran for President .... Tony Blair would probably win.
Aleph-Null said:
I think that the UK's natural home would be more with the US than with the EU. If the UK is going to incorporate with another entity, it would do better to become a US state where it could weild considerable, very considerable influence.

Restore the Union! Statehood for GB!

Interesting idea but have you considered just how much American politics would swing to the left if you incorporated 58 Million Brits into the United States? I think you'd find us a tad too socialist for your liking ;)
stormbind said:
@Aphex-null, I would oppose union with the US for the same reason as I oppose the EU. Neither of those entities understand the freedoms granted to British citizens by the unwritten constitution; the freedom to change, the freedom for each generation to rule itself without interference from the past. Why should those fundamental freedoms be lost?

Interesting. Those are exactly the arguments the Founders used when seperating from Great Britain. Perhaps you've never heard of Thomas Paine. Its pretty much required reading in US High Schools. The Rights of Man. it is exactly what the US is about. Try to understand, when learning about US Government, the first several chapters are about Great Britain's Glorious Revolution, the influence of the British view of Rights, etc. Anywho, you should Rights of Man by Thomas Paine. What you speak of is why we have The Amendment process.
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