Massive C2C Humans Vs Humans Game/Lets Play Setup

Like any word the society that uses it changes it. In ancient times chastise could mean up to getting a physical beating by a rod or whip. But as time progressed it was watered down, so to speak, to a verbal haranguing, make your ears burn type of thing. It's "scope" was broaden so it's usage became more relaxed.

Now, it's been watered down to what you've described.

Since I'm "old school" if I chastised one of my children 30-35 yrs ago they usually got a spanking.


Joseph, I'm aware of all this (aside from your tendency for spanking, of course) already. Typically, however, the dictionaries are quick to note uses of words that are archaic as such. Even the online ones make no mention whatsoever of anything aside from the "severity" of chastisement.

Dictionaries don't keep hundreds of years old outdated definitions, especially for verbs.

It's just the fact that all of them that I've checked, make NO mention of anything aside from a "severe punishment/beating", which leads me to doubt all that I have known.

I feel like my whole world is turned upside down, haha.

Well, anyways, this is off-topic. Just...12padams, note that whatever the dictionaries may say (an egregrious oversight? A conspiracy?), chastity is not, at least in all the times I have EVER heard it, used to mean a "severe punishment/beating", but rather, "a mild scolding".

I just find this so strange...but anyways...enough of that.
lol... Chastity means 'a vow to deny one's self of any sexual activity of any kind'. Chastise... probably has changed over time and NOW means more of a light berating than a severe punishment.

On a side note: my God it's amazing looking at all the damage Sandy caused! As a telemarketer, I keep ending up speaking with people who are short on time due to having to pickup the pieces that storm left behind. If he's in that area, we may be able to expect some delay there.

Also, please be forgiving if/when my internet goes out at some point. It never seems to happen for too many days at a time but if the winds get up bad enough it'll knock out our provider. I don't expect it to happen any time soon but IF I don't show up for a day or two suddenly that'd most likely be why. I'm sure our game will suffer a few delays at times due to unique personal issues. And surely it can/will likely happen to all of us at one point or another. We ARE talking about a very long term run here!

On a side note: On Epic speed it will take ~250-280 turns to reach Writing and be able to begin Diplomacy with SaM Option On.

Tribalism can be reached ~ 22-16,000 BC, Sed Life ~ 12000BC to 8,000BC. (Forgot to write down # of turns dang it.)


I'd like some input on this. Is everyone fine with Mutual War for the 1st 250+ turns?

I need some clarification please. Your initial page setup says any option under zero will not be used. Hence they are in Red. Those that are Green will be used.

Could you please write out what will be in the setup? Example will REV actually be used even though it was below 0? Or City Limits? Etc.?

Because what T-Brd posted seems to be in direct conflict with your setup list. I would really like to know what I'm going to have to deal with. As everyone of those Options I took as being Not used are Now going to be used? This puts me in a serious handicap if so.

In pre setup discussions, we (the initial respondents) agreed there would be some trade offs. Example if REV is used, then City Limits would Not be used or vice versa. Was that superseded?

Same as Leaders and Civs being totally Random so no favorites could be picked. Giving a level start as with playing cards. You don't know what you got till you pick up your cards. I need to know please. Not trying to derail but just needing some clarity please.

I'd like some input on this. Is everyone fine with Mutual War for the 1st 250+ turns?
Makes little difference IMO with only human players. WAR or no WAR - the only game mechanics that would mean you would want to NOT be at war are trading (which isn't going to be a major feature between civs, as opposed to within, until somewhere not that far from writing anyway), and war weariness (which has no effect early on I don't think). Unless you count ability to enter borders of course, but that's slightly second-order since you can do so by declaring war and stating to the other player that you are doing so only to get past borders, which they can choose to believe or not, and react to or not exactly as they would if you were at forced-war and chose to trample around inside their borders, leaving us back with the trade + war weariness mechanics only really. My essential point here being that if a human player starts tramping around inside my territory I am likely to take it pretty much the same way whether we are officially at war or not, unless they are actually someone I regard as an ally or have given permission to in some discussion.

I need some clarification please. Your initial page setup says any option under zero will not be used. Hence they are in Red. Those that are Green will be used.

Could you please write out what will be in the setup? Example will REV actually be used even though it was below 0? Or City Limits? Etc.?
the REV option is 'No REV' (which was indeed below 0)

Because what T-Brd posted seems to be in direct conflict with your setup list. I would really like to know what I'm going to have to deal with. As everyone of those Options I took as being Not used are Now going to be used? This puts me in a serious handicap if so.

In pre setup discussions, we (the initial respondents) agreed there would be some trade offs. Example if REV is used, then City Limits would Not be used or vice versa. Was that superseded?
My take only. I am happy to compromise (REV enabled for city limits off), but it seems like in the end it went with pure voting (I don't have a major issue either way)

Same as Leaders and Civs being totally Random so no favorites could be picked. Giving a level start as with playing cards. You don't know what you got till you pick up your cards. I need to know please. Not trying to derail but just needing some clarity please.


Totally random - you get what you get, was my understanding
Could you please write out what will be in the setup? Example will REV actually be used even though it was below 0? Or City Limits? Etc.?
The final settings are all here:

Lol and 2 people have voted that they think you will win too...

Btw... I'll be fine about people having up to 5 days of no access to their turns while we actually play. It's just that I really want to start and get our first 10 turns done ASAP so I have some content/lets plays to link to in the the game tracker thread. Oh and that reminds me... IF you are doing a lets play Remember to only post an episode every 10 turns. Basically write a little of the lets play episode on your computer first after each turn or so then once you complete turn 10 copy and paste it and insert pictures into a new thread for your lets play.
I just find this so strange...but anyways...enough of that.

Don't be too offended. From what I could tell in his Let's Plays he has a limited vocabulary and might not know the meaning of some uncommon words. Note that just the other day ls612 used the word "dearth" and I had to look it up. In short no one knows everything and if he doesn't know what the word "chastise" means, cut him some slack and explain it to him.

Could you please write out what will be in the setup? Example will REV actually be used even though it was below 0? Or City Limits? Etc.?

I think that all went out the window when everyone got to vote. Unlike say a personal game where you get to pick your favorite settings the voting went to what the majority wanted. For instance I am unhappy with the unlimited wonders but since the majority wanted it that's what we will be playing with.

Because what T-Brd posted seems to be in direct conflict with your setup list. I would really like to know what I'm going to have to deal with. As everyone of those Options I took as being Not used are Now going to be used? This puts me in a serious handicap if so.

Personally I think because you play on higher speeds more often you will have an advantage over us who play on slower speeds.
I know I voted for myself, because I should at least have confidence enough to last a little while. Or where is the fun in that. Don't know about that second vote though. For the sake of anonymity, I'll let it stay that way.
Is the final settings in place, from what I can tell. Opening Post.

I'm not use to Epic, I haven't played that speed since Vanilla before discovering Marathon... and then I discovered Eternity.

I'm hoping the 'Noble' setting offsets the usual speed setting that I haven't played in years.
Most of the other minor settings I'm use to., but I think the speed will bea determining factor for me.
I can see it now.
'I can research that tech HOW FAST NOW?!" :p
Most likely will change my build order, and how big my standing army is...
Don't be too offended. From what I could tell in his Let's Plays he has a limited vocabulary and might not know the meaning of some uncommon words. Note that just the other day ls612 used the word "dearth" and I had to look it up. In short no one knows everything and if he doesn't know what the word "chastise" means, cut him some slack and explain it to him.

Goodness, I don't know where you got the idea that I was offended due to 12padams' vocabulary (a laughable concept). What was strange was looking up a word that you've used hundreds of times, and heard even moreso, only to find that the use of it in both cases differs almost antonymically (if that's not a word, now it is) from the established definition in the dictionary.

But anyways, 12padams, in no way was I making fun of you.

I think that all went out the window when everyone got to vote. Unlike say a personal game where you get to pick your favorite settings the voting went to what the majority wanted. For instance I am unhappy with the unlimited wonders but since the majority wanted it that's what we will be playing with.

Personally I think because you play on higher speeds more often you will have an advantage over us who play on slower speeds.

Well all I want is a list that says this used this is not. If unlimited Wonders was All I would have to adjust too then I wouldn't be asking. But it seems that I'll be using settings that I "rarely" ever use. And If City Limits is active it totally screws my method of play so I will have to adjust on the fly.

I'm trying a test game with Realistic Culture active and Now I remember why I dislike it so much! It just messes with city placement and resource acquisition way too much. And it's slow as molasses to react to added Culture. Yuck!

Playing on a higher speed isn't a real advantage. Your research pattern thru the techs will be the same just faster. But you will have to deal with Crime and Disease :yuck: and Unhappiness a lot sooner than on eternity or snail.

I'll be in revolt from REV in a heartbeat and add to the fact that I'll chafe over being limited on #of cities by Civics I'll probably implode by Sed Life. :p I have no clue on how to control revolts. :crazyeye:

But since it will take us to Christmas to get to Piercing Tech I guess I've got time to learn. :lol:

I'm trying a test game with Realistic Culture active and Now I remember why I dislike it so much! It just messes with city placement and resource acquisition way too much. And it's slow as molasses to react to added Culture. Yuck!


You know, mathematically, Realistic culture spread should even out in the end. Sure, it takes longer for the border pops to actually claim tiles, but you get more chances to pop, three more, if I'm not mistaken, so I really don't think it's as bad as everyone says it is.
I'll disagree. Early game you might as well figure on only having 9 Tile cities for a long, long time.

In this game I'll have to deal with it obviously. But in personal games I'll never use it, imho it gelds Culture and Cultures influence on territory. I'd like to know if anyone has ever gotten a neighbor's city to Flip with RCS? I'd bet it's impossible to do. Which removes another basic Civ concept.

Well all I want is a list that says this used this is not. If unlimited Wonders was All I would have to adjust too then I wouldn't be asking. But it seems that I'll be using settings that I "rarely" ever use. And If City Limits is active it totally screws my method of play so I will have to adjust on the fly.

I'm trying a test game with Realistic Culture active and Now I remember why I dislike it so much! It just messes with city placement and resource acquisition way too much. And it's slow as molasses to react to added Culture. Yuck!

Playing on a higher speed isn't a real advantage. Your research pattern thru the techs will be the same just faster. But you will have to deal with Crime and Disease :yuck: and Unhappiness a lot sooner than on eternity or snail.

I'll be in revolt from REV in a heartbeat and add to the fact that I'll chafe over being limited on #of cities by Civics I'll probably implode by Sed Life. :p I have no clue on how to control revolts. :crazyeye:

But since it will take us to Christmas to get to Piercing Tech I guess I've got time to learn. :lol:


Oh totally. By the very fact we are playing against real people rather than AI will force us to have to change our playing styles. I consider this game to be very different than the way I normally play. This is both exciting and scary at the same time.

The other factor is the time between turns. I am not sure if 12padams will be able to handle it since he gets so impatient. I can see him rage quitting because we are not taking our turns fast enough.
I just tried to set up my SVN folders, and I got a message about the "host key". Is this normal? I think the folders are set up correctly, but there is nothing in them.

Also, I'm getting errors if I try to do anything with my firewall turned on. I have no trouble updating the regular SVN with the firewall on.
Don't worry Joe... I'm going to be playing outside of my element about as much as possible too. Sure I got Unlimited Wonders, Realistic Culture and Divine Prophets, but I'm also now having to suddenly learn Revolutions, like yourself, how to deal with city limits, how to work out army builds now that we do NOT have Infinite XP (oyvay!), how to adjust to limited National Units, how to work with Realistic Corporations, how to adjust my culture building strategy to consider that three tiles will not be accessed until early modern era either way, how to run withOUT choose religions (that's one of the toughest for me... but I embraced this challenge by voting neutral on it.) All that and a lightspeed gamespeed. I figure, however, since we can't take more than a turn a day at best, we'll be really paying attention to every detail during each turn so we're less likely to make mistakes even if we are out of our elements.

I think combat will be by far the most interesting element in a PVP game. I look forward to being surprised by a human intellect on the battlefield!
You know, mathematically, Realistic culture spread should even out in the end. Sure, it takes longer for the border pops to actually claim tiles, but you get more chances to pop, three more, if I'm not mistaken, so I really don't think it's as bad as everyone says it is.

IIRC, that would be true if it worked like it's supposed to. Since its implementation, RCS was supposed to spread a minimum of 1 tile per culture pop. Unfortunately, it doesn't, and this bug has never been fixed.

P.S sorry for OT, but I thought this was rather important as someone might be able to fix it.
I'll disagree. Early game you might as well figure on only having 9 Tile cities for a long, long time.

In this game I'll have to deal with it obviously. But in personal games I'll never use it, imho it gelds Culture and Cultures influence on territory. I'd like to know if anyone has ever gotten a neighbor's city to Flip with RCS? I'd bet it's impossible to do. Which removes another basic Civ concept.


I use it all the time. And allthough city flips are rare with it, they do happen. And I think it is not so much a culture spread problem as the AI being less willing to give them away. I have seen cities with 99% my culture stay with the AI for about a hundred turns. Until I lost patience and briebed them. ( Very cheap at that due to my high culture :) )

And 9 tiles.. depends on the area. A city that will make a nice production center with lots of wooded hills, or my bad starting place in my current game ( Jungle all around) might have that problem :)
Don't think ill rage quit because this is too slow lol. It's just getting this started! I guess I got so sick of trying to set this up and then after all that setup time we still didnt seem to be any closer to playing. lol I just wanna start it and I may be a little hasty but once we have our first epsiodes recorded ill be less desperate for you to all be fast. If someone takes more than a week to take a turn however then I'll want them out lol ;)
Omg good idea hydro... Skipping your turn rather than kicking someone out. Is it possible koshing?
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