MB4 - GOTM24 Redux [civ3] Roster B

Will city provide any shields ? - on grasslands no :(

Is there not a trick with adjusting new pop to get extra shields over inter-turn period. Needs MM to switch to 2 x shield tile before turn end and back to food after. Need to re-read to settler factory thread in the war academy.
I thought yellow dot would be settled too late. It's a long way from the palace and so would probably be about a third corrupt. My idea for yellow dot was a worker pump. We need lots of workers on this terrain. Yellow dot could be a four turn worker pump with no granary and only 4 tiles improved (I think).

I am still surprised that the thought of settling 1 SE on Pink dot si not attractive to the team. As I said before it is a dead cert 6 turn settler factory, and later in the game will build military like shelling peanuts :p

Alweth should have posted by now. We are lagging the other teams by some distance. :sad:
My 5 cents worth (we abolished 1 & 2 cent pieces years ago) :

YellowDot is a good site but not immediately. I'm with Madbax on this one. Madbax's idea of 1 tile SE of PinkDot would be OK, so would 1 tile W of the Cow. A town near the wines is also a priority - on Emperor we will need the luxuries to keep the unruly mobs happy.

We also don't know what is NW of Azuchi - there could be a decent spot there too.

But the debate about a second city is (hopefully) irrelevant as Alweth should have decided by now, if the temple was switched to a settler.

And incidentally Madbax, I'll shell myself thank you very much, you cheeky devil.

Let's get on with it comrades - our opponents will die of boredom waiting for us to pillage and overrun them.

Alweth - You didn't get distracted playing around with Conquests, did you ? Hmmmm .. ?
Originally posted by Peanut
Alweth - You didn't get distracted playing around with Conquests, did you ? Hmmmm .. ? [/B]

Yeah, I admit it. :sad: Both the save and my expansion arrived at the same time and I couldn't help myself, but I'll have my turns up tonight.
Originally posted by Alweth

Yeah, I admit it. :sad: Both the save and my expansion arrived at the same time and I couldn't help myself, but I'll have my turns up tonight.
Tsk Tsk. Give yourself 1 dozen lashes and get back to the game.

I don't think that Conquests has appeared in the shops here yet, but seeing as it is a nice warm sunny day today in Brisbane I will now go for my lunch time walk to try my luck.

I, too, may well be distracted by Conquests tonight ...

... and there it was, on the shelf at Mr Toys Toyworld, right on schedule (14/11) ... and now that excellent emporium has one less in stock ...
Ack! I was writing my play log in a post to this board and when I tried to post it said the attached save was too big so I lost my play log. Here's the save, though.

Things to note:
1. Check out what the other civs have to trade. Notice that Tokugawa doesn't have Terra Cotta yet.

2. You can change Nagoya's production to a temple.

3. Mining and roading the goats on the mountain should get us a 2f 3s 1g spot, even in Despotism, which will upgrade to 2f 4s 1g when we go to Monarchy or something.

Anyhow. That's my thoughts. If you have any questions about what happened, please ask away, and I'll try and tell you.

If you guys are really missing it, though, I might be able to reconstruct what happened from auto-saves.
I have the game.

Questions for Alweth - where did you intend the settler to found the next city ?

As I am now going to work (9 am GMT) I include a screen save which I can check out from my browser during any pre-turn discussions. I should be able to play tonight.


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All that argument about city placement and Alweth finds an even better site. Nagoya can be a four turn factory. Great move Alweth :goodjob:
Looks like Alweth picked good ol' RedDot from Gormdragan's proposal ... and the Settler is headed to GreenDot. Looks OK to me. Get settled and get reproducing !

Would Nagoya perhaps be better with a Temple first ? That will get expansion sooner and will keep a larger population happy.

It's fun being a back seat driver ...
Nagoya needs the temple first to expand to get the cows in range.

It looks like the settler is headed for green dot. I'd send it to yellow.

We probably need some more military. The barbs could show up soon.
I think it may not be a good idea to road and mine the goat mountain. We are non-industrious and mining/roading a mountain takes up too much time for our lack of workers. It is more worthwhile to work tiles for other cities. We can tackle the goat mountain when we have enough slaves :devil2:.
Originally posted by Peanut
Looks like Alweth picked good ol' RedDot from Gormdragan's proposal ... and the Settler is headed to GreenDot.

Yeah, I meant to send him to the yellow dot, but got the two confused. Hopefully that won't hurt us too much.

Also, I forgot to post the score:

SCORE: 105

Looks like we're lagging behind the other known civs. If we can just get up some trading power, though, I think we might be able to make a come-back in score fairly quickly by gaining some techs.
2150 BC to 1750 BC

Turn 0 – 2150 BC

After review of situation switched Azuchi to warrior in 2 (to replace existing warrior who will explore to west) and Nagoya to warrior in 1 (to replace existing warrior who will explore to south). IMHO there is too much unknown territory close to our core cities.

Move Wr(Az - Azuchi) > N > W, Wr(Ng - Nagoya) > S

Iron Working too expensive to trade I think and we are not desperate for swordsmen yet.

Turn 1 – 2110 BC

Nagoya builds Warrior – Temple (for expansion & happiness)

Wr(Ng) > S, Wr(E – in east) > E dead-end so bring him home, Wr(Az) > W, Settler > W

EOT – Azuchi builds warrior > W – warrior.

Turn 2 – 2070 BC

Found ISE on river next to wheat (will have to mine for shields but good worker farm) – build warrior.

Wr(Az) > N, Wr(E) > S, W(SW) > SE

Turn 3 – 2030 BC

Wr(Az) > N – reveal good city site on hill next to cattle & bonus grasslands on river.
Wr(Ng) > S, Worker completes road > E, Wr(E) > SW, Wr(SW) > SE

Turn 4 – 1990 BC

Azuchi builds warrior(Az2) - barracks ( as resource rich city good for future unit production)
Worker starts road, Wr(Ng) > SW, Wr(Az) > W, Wr(E) > W, Wr(SW) > E spots barb.

EOT – other civs still asking high prices for iron working & now Mysticism (so switch to masonry)

Turn 5 – 1950 BC

Wr(SW) > E (spot Barb camp), Wr(Ng) > S (lots of sheep), Wr(Az2) > W, Wr(Az) > SW, Wr(E) > W.

Trade Tokugawa Terra Cotta for 34g (He is close to SW Civ which has Terra Cotta – get money while we can).

Turn 6 – 1910 BC

Wr(SW) > SW (to hill for better defence from Barb), Wr(Ng) > S, Wr(Az2) > S,
Wr(Az) > SW (spot horses), Wr(E) > W

Turn 7 – 1870 BC

Trades on offer are Iron Working – 81g + 5 gpt and Mysticism 81g + 2 gpt. We have 81g and +7 gpt.

Wr(Sw) attacked & kills barb, now Vet. Wr(Ng) E, Worker completes road > NE (to link up Ise), Wr(Az2) > S (mostly mountains), Wr(Az) > SW, Wr(E) > S

Turn 8 – 1830 BC

Azuchi builds barracks – warrior (then worker before growth creates unhappiness).
Worker starts road, Wr(Ng) > E
Wr(Az2) > SW, Wr(Az) > W, Wr(SW) > N, Wr(E) > SW spots Tokugawa warrior long way from home (looks like we wont be able to trade contact East to West).

Turn 9 – 1790 BC

Wr(E) >SW (avoiding Tok warrior & spots Kuroda warrior), Wr(Az2) > S, Wr(Az) > SW (mt view of cattle + horses & edge of Tokugawa terratory– bring him home),
Wr(Ng) > S (finds sea coast, is this long thin island – like Japan ?), Wr(SW) > NE

Turn 10 – 1750 BC

Aghh – growth in Ise leads to unrest – up Lux rate at cost of 1 gpt and send Wr(reg) from Azuchi to Nagoya & Wr from Nagoya to Ise for MP duties.

Wr(Az2) > S, Wr(Az) > E, Wr(Ng) > NE, Wr(E) > S, Wr(SW) > NE (and then east to check for coastline.

All three civs offer Iron Working for 110g + 3 gpt and Bajutsu for 110g + 1 gpt. Tokugawa (18g) & Kuroda (0 g) & Mysticism (110g) while Takeda (113g) has neither. Trading opportunity for next player !

Summary – Have fully explored immediate neighborhood and continue development. Decided to let cities grow before raiding for further settlers / workers. Bring some warriors back to core for future upgrades to swords when we trade for iron working.

Behind in Tech race so smart trading needed (see above) – perhaps should have traded sooner but little opportunity for on trading on to recover high asking price.

Civ Score 130
MacBaldrick -

A sterling effort - jolly good show all round.

Based on MB's list, it looks like you all are now in the capable (?) hands of Captain Peanut for the next leg of your thrilling journey towards mass bloodshed and world conquest.

Stay tuned - if I can get time away from the enormous list of household tasks that normally occupies my Saturdays (an occupational hazard arising from being married and having small children) then I should have the next installment up by this evening.
:goodjob: everyone, we are looking good.
Comrades - a mixed effort.

Here's the 1500BC save file and a chronology.

Summary - a massive 155 points, 1 tech behind, four techs bought for a net cost of 141g (41g+5gpt). Still 3 towns but number 4 soon. Well placed to start pumping settlers soon from Nagoya. One warrior down (lost 4-0 to a barb camp - what a poop !).

Over to Mad-Bax to lead us to glory !

Peanut over & out, and back into his shell for a sleep for whatever is left of the night.
1500BC: Pre-turn.
Well, we have iron to the north and horses to the south. Nagoya will be a settler factory, but not for 10 turns or so. Ise I still think will be a worker pump. So I reckon the next couple of cities should pump units. We are desperately short of workers and we still need to get a couple of settlers out b4 Nagoya comes on line. The long and the short of it is that I am changing Ise to worker and Azuchi to settler.

Nagoya needs another MP in three turns or the slider has to move so I send a warrior from Ise.

The research path we are taking is not one I'm used to, but it could work. I doubt Monarchy would be good long term, but we can use it for a while.

Nothing happened

The settler warrior pair are on goto. In Sg's it is customary not to put units on goto's that last longer than your set of turns. I'm not moaning, I'll probably do the same myself sometime :)

I decide to bring the explorers back home. Further extension might make it difficult to get them back, and it would be difficult to explore further anyway.

All the known civs have alphabet, so it isn't gonna get any cheaper. I buy it from the Koroda as they are poorest. We pay 95g + 1gpt.


I don't know where our warrior/settler pair is going. I'll have to stop them.

No news

Ise Worker - Worker

Found Koromo - rax

Azuchi settler - warrior

Send new settler to clain southern horses.
Tokugawa have Calligraphy.
Sell tham contact with the Takeda for contact with the Mori + 81g
The Mori are broke and stupid.

All quiet

Nagoya granary - settler
Azuchi warrior - settler

No news

I think the Tokudawa and Takeda are in a war. There are a lot of purple warriors heading east.

Still nothing happening.

Ise worker - worker

Decide to change the settler an Azuchi to Flagged footman. There are a lot of units running around and I have seen a couple of barbs too. I don't want to lose workers in a silly way.
Found Ogaki - rax

We are behind Calligraphy, but we can afford it if we want it :p
It is customary to let the incoming player make the deal as he/she feels fit.
Ogaki is not an RCP placement, but I didn't want to road over about three hills to hook up horses.

Koromo needs culture. I'm thinking we should wait for Lit and put a library in it.

Our score stands at 189, dead last :)

Here is our empire

Here is the >>save<<.
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