1500BC: Pre-turn.
Well, we have iron to the north and horses to the south. Nagoya will be a settler factory, but not for 10 turns or so. Ise I still think will be a worker pump. So I reckon the next couple of cities should pump units. We are desperately short of workers and we still need to get a couple of settlers out b4 Nagoya comes on line. The long and the short of it is that I am changing Ise to worker and Azuchi to settler.
Nagoya needs another MP in three turns or the slider has to move so I send a warrior from Ise.
The research path we are taking is not one I'm used to, but it could work. I doubt Monarchy would be good long term, but we can use it for a while.
Nothing happened
The settler warrior pair are on goto. In Sg's it is customary not to put units on goto's that last longer than your set of turns. I'm not moaning, I'll probably do the same myself sometime
I decide to bring the explorers back home. Further extension might make it difficult to get them back, and it would be difficult to explore further anyway.
All the known civs have alphabet, so it isn't gonna get any cheaper. I buy it from the Koroda as they are poorest. We pay 95g + 1gpt.
I don't know where our warrior/settler pair is going. I'll have to stop them.
No news
Ise Worker - Worker
Found Koromo - rax
Azuchi settler - warrior
Send new settler to clain southern horses.
Tokugawa have Calligraphy.
Sell tham contact with the Takeda for contact with the Mori + 81g
The Mori are broke and stupid.
All quiet
Nagoya granary - settler
Azuchi warrior - settler
No news
I think the Tokudawa and Takeda are in a war. There are a lot of purple warriors heading east.
Still nothing happening.
Ise worker - worker
Decide to change the settler an Azuchi to Flagged footman. There are a lot of units running around and I have seen a couple of barbs too. I don't want to lose workers in a silly way.
Found Ogaki - rax
We are behind Calligraphy, but we can afford it if we want it

It is customary to let the incoming player make the deal as he/she feels fit.
Ogaki is not an RCP placement, but I didn't want to road over about three hills to hook up horses.
Koromo needs culture. I'm thinking we should wait for Lit and put a library in it.
Our score stands at 189, dead last
Here is our empire
Here is the