[MOD] Fall from Heaven

anyway, is there a general strategy guide as far as the civ traits, various units, techs, religions, etc? I know theres the one on the strategy guides section, but its not much.
Ok, here it is.

This is after Jakryn of the Wood Elves used the Great Engineer to hurry the Sistine Chapel (in the first situation, she hurried the Purge of the Unfaithful).

After Olricstaad built the Machining Guild, I ordered the construction of a Savant and ended the turn. That's when the game crashed. Check the Turn Log for other details I can't remember right now :)

Oh, and one more thing. If it's of any importance, I always use a mod loading utility I found somewhere around here on civfanatics.


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Well I haven't got much revision done since 1.00d was released but maybe this bug report will make that worthwhile - fishing boats seem to be able to go outside cultural borders. An AI circumnavigated the globe with one!
Congratulations on a masive amount of work. It's a great mod and it ads a great value to have the original game in the first time.
This mod is so good it's worth called Civ4.5, can't wait for phase2.

Really like the werewolf thing but never succeeds in creating world unit "Duin ..." something. Is there another way of taking use of the werewolf abilites like cathing wolves?
pason said:
This mod is so good it's worth called Civ4.5, can't wait for phase2.

Really like the werewolf thing but never succeeds in creating world unit "Duin ..." something. Is there another way of taking use of the werewolf abilites like cathing wolves?

Like the idea of Civ4.5 :) If anything deserves it this has to be it. (Well untill they release the addon pack, but if Fraxis where to offer Kael and his boys a big bundle of $$$ and include FfH in the addon I wouldn't be upset at all :crazyeye: .)

As for Werewolves you have to get Baron Duin Halfmoon to take advantage of them, or at least you do at present, and I don't think this is going to change. I sometimes make him a rush priority but the current game I am jsut starting I think I will leave him for an AI so I can go up against him :).
I've been playing a couple games with version 1.00c and love the game.

My elven hero Gildec "abandonned" me. I can't say i blame him as he was just sitting around garrissoning a city during peacetime but i was suprised. What determines the chance of this happening?

I absolutely love this mod. I am a fantasy junkie and so was bound to like anything decent. FfH far surpasses my expectations. It is both very expansive, original, and very well thought out, a combination that is very rare. Thank you to all the designers.

I'd like to echo some other posters in saying that i really like the broad tech tree. I appreciate that you can be a ways behind in tech and still competitive due to the many options. One of the problems with Vanilla Civ (all versions) is that once you establish a decent tech lead the game is mostly decided. This isn't true with FfH and i think the reason is largely because of the way the tech tree is built. Other reasons are likely the contagious units like the deseased, werewolves and Typhoid Mary.

I am very excited for the changes ahead in Phase 2. Particularly alignments and lots of civ specific units. But please don't loose the broad tech tree!

- feydras
redradish said:
Well I haven't got much revision done since 1.00d was released but maybe this bug report will make that worthwhile - fishing boats seem to be able to go outside cultural borders. An AI circumnavigated the globe with one!

I don't think this is a bug unless this was supposed to be changed for FfH. In Vanilla Civ i often circumnavigate the globe with a fishing boat on small maps. Or on larger maps i at least use them to explore my coastline. You can even circumnavigate the map with a combo of land and water units. The explored area only has to cross the entire horizontal map, it doesn't even have to line up vertically. I believe i heard you can even do this by trading maps.

- feydras
feydras said:
My elven hero Gildec "abandonned" me. I can't say i blame him as he was just sitting around garrissoning a city during peacetime but i was suprised. What determines the chance of this happening?
Did you change the religion? If yes, then this is the reason. Religious heros will always "abandon" you if you change their religion.

Edit: edited for spelling
Black Whole said:
Did you change the religion? If yes, then this is the reason. Religious heros will always "abandon" you if you change their religion.

Nope, didn't change religion. I saw a message saying Gildec xzy has abandonned you and when i checked, sure enough he was gone.

- feydras
my question didn't really get answered, are there any other general strategy guides or any hints ppl can give me for the FfH mod?
Bug or feature?

Lets start this with a question. Does the carnival become obsolete (perhaps with the order religion) I looked into research and civipedia but could not find an entry about this.

I had the order on a terra map and suddenly i realized I could not build a carnival any more. This happened to the cities that were not on the main continent build on small island outposts. The game was far into the endgame, I had researched almost all the techs possible and was about to hit future techs. Upon "cheating" a carnival into these cities, via world builder, I could not add captured animals there, although I still could add captured animals (from the new world) to the cities on the main continent.

Sorry if this was already reported.
I just starting playing this mod this week. I have to say that this is the best modpack I have since thus far. Great job to all involved!:goodjob:

A couple of questions though:

1) Why is the domestic advisor screen empty?

2) I do not have my movies turned off in the options or config file, but through 200 turns, the in-game movies for the original Civ4 Wonders do not play. Are they turned off somehow in this mod?

Thanks, and keep up the great work!
smjjames said:
my question didn't really get answered, are there any other general strategy guides or any hints ppl can give me for the FfH mod?

Em, well heres a few pointers:

1. Rush for the Baron - Get him and then you can build an army of werewolves, saving you from having to train them in your cities leaving you to build other things. (Plus he's damn cool! :D )

2. Found a religion and spread it, standard rule for vanilla civ too, spreading it to your neighbours drastically reduces the chance of them attacking you.

3. You need regeants for Mages and Archmages etc so make sure you have this resource or can trade for it as you don't want to be missing out on the power of Archmages.

4. You are gonna need to start building your army earlier than in vanilla civ as the barbarians are just crazy, so although you really want to build that settler your not gonna be able to protect him or the city as the barbarians WILL come in force.

5. Be careful when scouting in the early part of the game as the hill giants are nasty!

Can't remember anything else other than the tech tree is significantly more open than in vanilla civ so research, while being very important, isn't the be all and end all it is in vanilla.
Kael (and the rest of the people who have worked on the mod)- this mod is amazing. The work, and love you have put into the project is simply astounding. The new units, techs, quotes- just wow. Firaxis should really pay you guys for greatly improving upon their game.

Just one question for you kael- what civs do you have planned for phase 2, and their backround? Im sorry if I missed the post if you have alraedy mentioned it, but there are LOTS of posts on this thread and im too lazy to go through them all.
ogredpowell said:
Just one question for you kael- what civs do you have planned for phase 2, and their backround? Im sorry if I missed the post if you have alraedy mentioned it, but there are LOTS of posts on this thread and im too lazy to go through them all.

They have been postet several times, but the posts get lost so fast within that monster of tread. I think Kael should get a link to these somewhere in the beginning of the thread.

Nevertheless here they are:
Spoiler :

The Good

Alignment: Good (Law)
Race: Human
Enemies: Doviello, Clan of Embers
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Bannor.mp3
Desc: Sabathiel is an angel of Junil sent to save a group of honorable spirits trapped in Hell. He did so, training them to be strong warriors and bringing them out of hell into the world in responce to the attacks of the Clan of Embers.

Alignment: Good (Sun)
Race: Human
Enemies: Svartalfar
Varn Gosam
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Malakim.mp3
Desc: Elven servants of Arawn fled his domain into the shadowed vale, a valley kept perpetually in darkness by a thick mist that obscured the border between the vale and the world. There is a long story here, but the short of it is that Auric (as a teenager) and some friends were trapped in the vale and and accused of stealing from the elves. Varn was one of the elves and he believed the kids (Varn had never fit in well with his fellow elves). When he tried to sneak them out of the vale his brother caught them and an elven band was sent to catch them, and kill the kids (these weren't exactly your nice type of elves). Auric was just growing into his affinity for magic at the time and as the elven band set upon them and killed a few of the kids he reached through the vale for any source of magic he could find to use. The faint source he felt through it was the Sun, when he pulled it through he destroyed the barrier between the worlds and flooded the perpetually dark vale with light. The elvish band was blinded but Varn underwent a transformation, he saw Lugus in that light and was rewarded for his commitment to the truth (by trying to save the kids) by becoming a priest of Lugus. He left the Vale and built a temple to Lugus in a human city leading those that would follow him in the path of light.

Alignment: Good (Spirit)
Race: Human
Enemies: Calabim
Ethne the White
Einion Logos
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Elohim.mp3
Desc: The Elohim are caretakers of the holy places of the world. The Pool of Tears (where angels come to mourn), the Seven Firs (where the gods met to sign the compact), Bradelines Well (gate to the underworld). They are peaceful and battle only when they or their lands are threatened.

Mercurians (minor Civ)
Alignment: Good (Life)
Race: Human
Enemies: Sidar, Infernal
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Mercurians.mp3
Desc: Basium broke the compact. He was an angel under Arawn but when the contract was signed he refused to give up the direct battle with the demons. So he and a small host of other rebel angels disobeyed their lords and kept fighting. They spend their time split between time on earth and in hell waqging their war directly. They can be found anywhere demons exist. They care little for people, they are only concerned with killing demons and are often confused with demons because of it and because of their rough warlike appearence.

Alignment: Good
Race: Dwarf
Enemies: Sheaim, Balseraphs
Garrim Gyr
Beeri Bawl
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Luchuirp.mp3
Desc: Dwarven enchanters and creators of the greatest of artifacts during the age of magic. They are only now begining to regain the secrets lost during the age of ice. They are the originators of golem creation and use a wide varity of golems for different military and non-military tasks.

Alignment: Good (Creation)
Race: Human
Enemies: Infernal, Calabim
Cardith Lorda (the boy king)
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Kuriatates.mp3
Desc: Bands of wild people finally brought together under one banner after the Age of Ice, but surprisingly that banner isn't held by a powerful spellcaster or warlord, but by a child barely more than 10. Yet Cardith possesses a wisdom well beyond his years and the calm control he holds over his kingdom has earned him legions of guardians more than willing to lay down their life for him.

The Neutral

Alignment: Neutral (Nature)
Race: Elf
Enemies: Svartalfar, Illians
Arendel Phaedra
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Ljosalfar.mp3
Desc: Elves! Their god was killed and they were nearly wiped out because of it during the Age of Ice. With his ressurection (or more importantly the promotion of Cernunnos as the new god of nature) they are coming back from the few hidden groves they still controlled.

Alignment: Neutral (Earth)
Race: Dwarf
Enemies: Hippus
Arturus Thorne
Kandros Fir
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Khazad.mp3
Desc: The more traditional dwarven civ the Khazad tend toward priest and warrior vocations. What few mages they have are humans recruited to their cause.

Alignment: Neutral (Death)
Race: Human (sorta)
Enemies: Calabim, Mercurians
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Sidar.mp3
Desc: Shades, men who have traded portions of their soul for immortality, the Grey are detached from the events of the world. Only intervening to protect themselves or striking out to destroy undead (they see undeads as abberations despite their own use of magic to extend their life).

Alignment: Neutral (Water)
Race: Human Pirates
Enemies: Clan of Embers
Hannah the Irin
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Lanun.mp3
Desc: Falamar see's himself as a dashing rogue. He doesn't tend to kill the victims of the raids (claiming that would keep them from bringing him more loot) and is an excellent swordsman and charming leader. Hanna is everything he isn't. She is the storm personified, tempermental and powerful. She has had entire cities razed for a percieved insult and rules not by charm, but by fear.

Alignment: Neutral (Force)
Race: Human
Enemies: Sheaim
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Grigori.mp3
Desc: Cassiel was an angel in the service of Dagda. He spent the age of dragons protecting the men that hid from the might of the warring gods around them. It was his council that lead Dagda to create and sign the compact, but Cassiel felt the compact didn't go far enough. He wanted the gods to retreat entirely, to let the men form their own world. When the Compact allowed the gods to battle through men Cassiel abandoned Dagda's service and began his own crusade to lead men away from a war that has little to do with them.

Alignment: Neutral (Air)
Race: Human Horsemen
Enemies: Khazad
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Hippus.mp3
Desc: Warriors for hire, the swift moving Hippus have fought for every nation at one time or another. They are equally happy partnered with orcs as they are with men as long as they pay.

Alignment: Neutral (Metamagic)
Race: Human
Enemies: None
Valledia the Even
Dain Casswallawn
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Amurites.mp3
Desc: Although few know it, the Amurites are the descendants of Kyorlin. Because of that they have a powerful bond with magic and even the warriors amoung their ranks often know a spell or two.

The Evil

Alignment: Evil (Chaos)
Race: Human Beastmen
Enemies: Bannor
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Doviello.mp3
Desc: No one is sure what the Doviello were before the Age of Ice, most likely men from many nations. But instead of retreating to caves to last out the cold they became wild men barely surviving on the surface, raiding and killing any groups they found. They continue their habits even as the other nations try to settle on the surface.

Alignment: Evil (Mind)
Race: Human Carnival
Enemies: Luchuirp
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Balseraphs.mp3
Desc: Perpentach is insane. He belives the world is a carnival and he is its shadow prince. Speaking in rhyme, creating morbid amusements for himself and his people. He is nearly impossible to deal with and quick to turn on you.

Clan of Embers
Alignment: Evil (Fire)
Race: Orc
Enemies: Bannor, Lanun
Jonas Endain
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Clanofembers.mp3
Desc: Once fair creatures and friends to the elves the orcs were cursed and enraged when Bhall fell. Jonas is much more quiet and controled than his fellow orcs but even he carries a mace with the head of a young girl as the ball, when he raises it in combat the lips peal back showing sharp teeth and she screams.

Alignment: Evil (Shadow)
Race: Dark Elf
Enemies: Malakim, Ljosalfar
Faeryl Viconia
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Svartalfar.mp3
Desc: With their prayers unanswered (when Sucellus died) bands of elves abandoned their faith and began worshipping Esus instead. This caused a bloody civil war within the elven nation during a time when their numbers were already hard hit. The Age of Ice stopped the war by default as bands were seperated by expanses they couldn't cross. Now that the Age of Ice is over they are free to reach out and begin their war anew.

Calabim, the Order of Blood
Alignment: Evil (Body)
Race: Human, Vampire Aristocracy
Enemies: Elohim, Kuriotates, Sidar
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Calabim.mp3
Desc: A vampire aristocracy ruling over a human population that serves them as little more than blood puppets. There is no worse fate for a child than to born into the cities of the Calabim. Breeding pits, slavery, and treatment which wouldnt be acceptable for animals in most civlizations are common, while the vampire live lives of lush pleasure.

Alignment: Evil (Dimensional)
Race: Human
Enemies: Luchuirp, Grigori
Tebryn Arbandi
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Sheaim.mp3
Desc: Tebryn was the first to discover the power of the Armgedddon spells and means to cast them until the world is destroyed. His armies are schools of mages seeking to train under the archmage, they are not born in his lands but come seeking a bit of his power.

Infernal (minor Civ)
Alignment: Evil (Entropy)
Race: Demon
Enemies: Mercurians, Kuriotates
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Infernal.mp3
Desc: Demons, denizens of Hell. They hope to open up gates to the world of man and then either conquer it or pull the entire plane into Hell.

Illians (minor Civ)
Alignment: Evil (Winter)
Race: Human
Enemies: Svartalfar
Auric Ulvin
Theme: http://kael.civfanatics.net/images/Audio/Illians.mp3
Desc: Auric is the reincarnation of Mulcarn, a dead god born as a man. His power is just a shadow now as it is scattered across the planes but he, or more correctly the voice inside him, means to regain it.
Thracius said:
I just starting playing this mod this week. I have to say that this is the best modpack I have since thus far. Great job to all involved!:goodjob:
Thanks. We are working real hard so that you get the best playing experience.

1) Why is the domestic advisor screen empty?
It should not be. Do you have anotehr Mod installed that influences the domestic advisor. Check if there are any files in your /MyData/MyGames/Sid Meier's Civilization/Assets/phyton/screens/ folder. If not it might be a bug.

2) I do not have my movies turned off in the options or config file, but through 200 turns, the in-game movies for the original Civ4 Wonders do not play. Are they turned off somehow in this mod?

As the wonders are not designed to be the same as on earth ans as non of the new wonders have movies, all wonder movies have been disabled. You should see movies through when you found a religion.
feydras said:
Nope, didn't change religion. I saw a message saying Gildec xzy has abandonned you and when i checked, sure enough he was gone.

- feydras

Thats strange. The message usually appeares (and this hero leaves you) when your state religion is not Fellowship of the Leaves at the beginning of your turn. What states religion where you in?
feydras said:
Nope, didn't change religion. I saw a message saying Gildec xzy has abandonned you and when i checked, sure enough he was gone.

- feydras

Did you maybe adopt the "free religion" civic?
Furin said:
Bug or feature?

Lets start this with a question. Does the carnival become obsolete (perhaps with the order religion) I looked into research and civipedia but could not find an entry about this.

I had the order on a terra map and suddenly i realized I could not build a carnival any more. This happened to the cities that were not on the main continent build on small island outposts. The game was far into the endgame, I had researched almost all the techs possible and was about to hit future techs. Upon "cheating" a carnival into these cities, via world builder, I could not add captured animals there, although I still could add captured animals (from the new world) to the cities on the main continent.

Sorry if this was already reported.

There isnt anything the bosoletes the carnival, it only requires the hunting tech. I just did a test and was unable to ind a situation where I couldn't build one, even in the late game. The only reason I could see that would cause this is if the city already had a carnival.
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