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Moderator Reorganization

Ralph you're back! Yes I'd say you'd be fabulous mod too but now is not the time perhaps.
Good to here the repeated flaying I got led to positive change. The world needs more martyrs to suffer and thus promote change
I'd suggest an easier outlet for feedback regarding moderation. I've had several incidents where I've made a perfectly normal post tailed with a good-natured, jocular comment and received slaps on the hand from moderation because apparently being light-hearted isn't serious enough for super serious civilization chit-chat.

I don't even know what those little points to do, but it just irritates me to get a little message in my box telling me I've been a bad poster without any chance to respond really. I saw where it said you could PM moderators, but I didn't seem to have the option to send a PM. Go figure.

edit: It's especially irritating when the moderated post is in between three or four horrid posts on things the moderation ought to be cracking down on.
Reply to the PM which details the infraction.
It's 5 days and 5 posts, not a month. Licinia, wait until you've been here for 5 days, or ask a moderator to enable your PMs (there's a thread in the Forum Games forum for that).
I had no idea there was a request for feedback poll or I would've participated.

My answers:
1. What is good about OT, what keeps bringing you here?
other (busy enough, moderating standards, it's part of civ site, polls)

2. What annoys you so much that it makes you want to leave or has made you leave in the past?
nothing; Mostly I'm here to talk about Civ.

3. What kinds of posts, or styles of posts, annoy you the most?
spam (as in posts by people who get an account solely to advertise and don't otherwise contribute), trolling, not listening or repeating the same arguments even if they've been debunked, willful ignorance, bad opening posts, not arguing properly.

4. What is the one thing you would do to improve OT?
Of the suggestions listed, there are a few I could agree with, but I don't think any of them would dramatically improve anything. I'm not in OT very much, but I'd say in general, if the people who are in there frequently would sort of "take ownership", so that they are encouraged to do what's necessary to police themselves, that could help alleviate most concerns. How to do this? I don't know.

5. Do you see moderation as too strict or too lax?
As an infrequent visitor, I can't make a meaningful answer, but what I can say is: moderating should NOT be a full-time job for an army of nerds. Whatever promotes the users taking more responsibility for their own actions will free up moderator resources.

6. How could moderation be improved?
don’t try to protect everybody from being offended
define rules so that it’s possible to quote a specific rule when infracting
moderation consistency is a good idea (rule of LAW, as opposed to rule of MAN)
your quote here is pretty spot on.

7. How could the infraction system be improved?
You only need three reactions. Warnings, tempbans, and permabans. If someone doesn't agree with their punishment, you can have a second mod review to be sure the reaction to the action was appropriate, but otherwise, mod's rule stands. Keep it simple.

8. Which member(s) who isn't currently a moderator do you think would make a good moderator and why?
I'm not in OT enough to suggest anyone. I like the idea of limited terms, assuming you have enough volunteers.

9. What is your opinion of the above proposal?
You don't want too few posts per week, nor too many. I don't know what the optimum value should be, probably somewhere between 10-100.

10. If you could reorganize the whole of the Colosseum, how would you do it?
So that whatever subforums existed generated sufficient interest, without too much. Something like 10-100 posts per week.

Hey, next time, make it a little more apparent that you're asking for help. An announcement across the whole board might've gotten my attention.
This forum already has the heaviest moderation i've seen. Seems very unnecessary, but then again I don't care.
You are mistaken, the Opera forums are the most heavy-handedly moderated. And the moderation there is juvenile.

Although if there's moderation "interruption" merely for the purposes of curtailing off-topic discussions. That doesn't seem to be of any benefit whatsoever. Conversation in real-life tends to diverge to other areas at times, and we don't really need someone in the corner to referree that... Likely one of the things I like so much about the Total Commander forums, moderation is generally limited to spam-removal, the odd behaviour warning or rarely splitting a thread (when an off-topic has extended thru many many posts).
I've had a couple of threads where the thread accidentally became a really good, calm or intelligent discussion, and then had a moderator come in and stomp on it for drifting off-topic, when the original topic was done and gone.

Yes, there's an off-topic forum, but I don't see any reason to end a thread or ban people for having constructive or interesting dialogues. It just seems like there should be less hand wringing about 'victimless' crimes, and more scrutiny to people arguing in bad faith or creating troll or repeat topics.

Maybe the moderators have gotten bored or something, but lay off some of that. :(
If we allowed every thread to go OT, the forums would soon be a chaotic mess. In an active forum like the Civ5 ones, it can be a disaster.

The rule is a little more lax in the older Civ games GD forums, but we have an Off Topic forum for a reason.
if the topic gets off-topic and it is popular, why not split the thread? one for the orgional purpose, one for the off-topic?
If we allowed every thread to go OT, the forums would soon be a chaotic mess. In an active forum like the Civ5 ones, it can be a disaster.

The rule is a little more lax in the older Civ games GD forums, but we have an Off Topic forum for a reason.

Or a moderator could use a little discretion. Generally, that's the idea of moderators.

I don't think I'm asking for the moon to expect a moderator to look at a thread and make a distinction between healthy and positive discussion and detrimental discussion.
It's not about whether or not the discussion is a healthy and positive one, it's about whether or not the discussion is about the topic of a thread. If it doesn't have anything to do with Civ, then it doesn't have anything to do with the topic. I personally hate to see people drowning a thread about Civ with OT posts, when there is a perfectly usable and accessible OT forum waiting readily for new posters and all topics of conversation.
If it's 'drowning' Civ discussion, then it isn't really healthy at all. I'm referring more to threads where the original point was either quickly handled, or been addressed, and people are still posting about something that's an extension of that (and sometimes even Civ-related).

If people are accidentally having a decent, civil and intelligent discussion, it seems a shame to shut it down. Especially given the terrible quality of so many 'on topic' threads.
I would certainly agree that splitting a thread and moving the OT section to OT is more advantageous in a lot of cases than simply closing a thread, but it's not like moving away from the point of a discussion to something tangentially related to the topic, but completely unrelated to Civ, is something that should be encouraged. In fact, it should be discouraged, which is what spam infractions do. Discretion is obviously required so that only the more foul natured OT discussions, only the ones that actually do drown out on-topic discussion, are actually punished, rather than just moved, but I would hazard that other than a few exceptions, this is generally the case.
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