Multipolarity III - Game Thread

The Foundation questions the logic of quarantining new regimes. i fear it will only serve to cause more instability in those regions, for the sudden collapse of trade that could occur means a new regime will have a hard time supporting its people. they might try and force a regime change if this occurs. and a spiral might occur they cant leave. A coup of the government is not proper caus belli for what amounts to a extremely severe economic sanction. You should be trying to influence them with trade to try and get them to form as you want, not starving them of trade.
Tyo said:
These couped countries, excepting Buzantium for obvious reasons, have no strategic value in accordinance to Sinai's interests. They are completely random.

And the first thing that comes to mind is that Sinai perpetrated these coups despite being entirely illogical.

Right. This makes sense.

Actually the couped nations are giving about 37 billion and 38 billion per turn (for Bengal and Shanghai respectively) in benefits to the Sinai government. Not including their large, well-trained militaries as well. Their 24 navies together certainly pose a hindrance to the current Japanese domination of the seas.

Organisation for Commercial Development Statistics Bureau at your service. :p Obsessed with bringing economic trivia to the nations!
Very good logistical/tactical advantages they are, but not very consistent strategically.
The Foundation questions the logic of quarantining new regimes. i fear it will only serve to cause more instability in those regions, for the sudden collapse of trade that could occur means a new regime will have a hard time supporting its people. they might try and force a regime change if this occurs. and a spiral might occur they cant leave. A coup of the government is not proper caus belli for what amounts to a extremely severe economic sanction. You should be trying to influence them with trade to try and get them to form as you want, not starving them of trade.

The UKNZ notes that our understanding was that they were being temporarily suspended from HITSGDP membership, not placed under temporary embargo...
@Sinai: If you continue to maintain that you had no involvement in the coups, then if you officially disown the two clients and refuse all payments from them then the we would gladly vote to remove the sanctions.

@HITSGDP: As we believe that each major member should have equal voting power, we propose stripping client states of their voting power within the HITSGDP as they will undoubtably vote with their suzierains.

@Manx: After talks with the Pope, we have decided to lift the embargo on Manx.
The HITSGDP, as is evident in its very name, rightly respects the sovereignty of all states. The proposal to strip nations under the patronage of a great power of their sovereign rights in foreign policy by preventing them from legitimately exercising their right to vote shows that the Spammers Crusade holds to ideals contrary to those of the wider international community, and this we condemn utterly. Indeed we would think that the reason it proposes this is that such a proposal would inflate its own influence in the HITSGDP in order that it can continue to push its own interests over others, this is also contrary to what we see as the role of the HITSGDP as it was established and again we condemn it.

If it persists in pushing such positions in the future we will take the necessary diplomatic action to ensure the Spammers Crusade is disabused of false notions regarding the rights of states.


As to Sinai, we are dissapointed that an embargo has been unjustly placed upon them and that the Papal States has been by obligation required to enact one as such in lieu of its membership in the HITSGDP. However we shall remain in the organisation in the interests of ensuring that it does not become just another power block manipulated to fulfil the interests of states solely concerned with their own aggrandisement, and in the hope that this embargo can be swiftly ended.

We note for the benefit of our clients and other interested parties that we do not ask that our associates place embargoes on Sinai, and that we consider our defensive pact with Sinai to stand in the event that the Spammers Crusade, which has now clearly shown unfortunate tendencies in its foreign policy, attacks the State of Sinai in a continuation of its aggressive policies towards Sinai.
Indonesia must support the Pope's point on minor nation rights: the HITSGDP was originally an alliance of minor states, chaired by a major power in Indonesia. They should have just as much power to voice their opinion in organisation matters as the major powers.

If we do not like domination by states with a large degree of cliented ally states, logically we should not allow their membership. While we are not proposing such, any opposition to allied powers' clout would be better solved simply by revoking the Papacy's membership instead. Even if states have many qualities in which they are inherently inequal, the spirit of this organisation is that every state still has its sovereign rights and should for the purposes of international discussion be held equal with all others.


Hyontou requests membership in the HITSGDP.

Hyontou also requests a defensive alliance with the Papacy, to be activated solely in the event of Russian aggression against the Hyontou or Papal spheres.
We see the logic behind the Papal State's and Indonesia's positions on the issue and withdraw our proposal.
The Papal States, in the understand that this Defensive Alliance is to be activated solely in the event of Russian aggression against the Papal States, Hyontou or any of the states who choose to associate with us agrees to Hyontou's proposed Defensive Alliance.
==ARMS Treaty==

Aden and Malay, seeing the increasing monopoly on power the HITSGDP wields, have decided countermeasures are necessary.

As such, they have signed an economic and military alliance, combining their vast natural and military resources towards a common cause of security.

Aden and Malay offer membership in their alliance to Russia and Sinai, states likewise being targeted for destruction by the HITSGDP forces. Aden has had to twist Malay's arm somewhat on the Sinai issue by convincing them that a large alliance is the only thing preventing the HITSGDP from declaring itself the Arsenal of Peace and destroying one "aggressor" state after another.

While the Blood Empire and Namibia are also seen as possible candidates for membership, Aden and Malay think it is best they first stop scuffling among themselves. The HITSGDP power bloc is a threat to both parties, and this war is just petty at this point.
==ARMS Treaty==

Aden and Malay offer membership in their alliance to Russia and Sinai

You're not even trying anymore.
The Alliance to Restore the Polish Union officially announces its support for the revolutionaries in Finland, and urges more men to join the cause, for the glory of the Third Polish Union!
Order lock in 72 hours.
Can I get my stats please?
==ARMS Treaty==

Aden and Malay, seeing the increasing monopoly on power the HITSGDP wields, have decided countermeasures are necessary.

As such, they have signed an economic and military alliance, combining their vast natural and military resources towards a common cause of security.

Aden and Malay offer membership in their alliance to Russia and Sinai, states likewise being targeted for destruction by the HITSGDP forces. Aden has had to twist Malay's arm somewhat on the Sinai issue by convincing them that a large alliance is the only thing preventing the HITSGDP from declaring itself the Arsenal of Peace and destroying one "aggressor" state after another.

While the Blood Empire and Namibia are also seen as possible candidates for membership, Aden and Malay think it is best they first stop scuffling among themselves. The HITSGDP power bloc is a threat to both parties, and this war is just petty at this point.

Before I answer this: What are the terms in this alliance? What am I obliged to do? would not be unexpected for your alliance to find itself caught in a cold war with some other alliance that might spring up for the purpose of defending its members from your actions...

==ARMS Treaty==

Aden and Malay, seeing the increasing monopoly on power the HITSGDP wields, have decided countermeasures are necessary.

... states likewise being targeted for destruction by the HITSGDP forces. ... a large alliance is the only thing preventing the HITSGDP from declaring itself the Arsenal of Peace and destroying one "aggressor" state after another.

.... The HITSGDP power bloc is a threat to both parties...

Hmm, I wonder what could possibly be happening there...

Before I answer this: What are the terms in this alliance? What am I obliged to do?


To militarily defend other members in the case of overt aggression by the HITSGDP power bloc. With the economies of many nations increasingly teetering on collapse due to HITSGDP actions, it is necessary that other nations form a military and economic pact to counter.
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