My first hosted PBEM- Epic Game


Missed the Boat
Jun 15, 2004
New Jersey, USA

hi everybody. i'm basically new to PBEM's, doing one right now in another forum. i like how it goes and was hoping to do more. This will be an epic Game on C3C 1.22.
The Settings
Regent Difficulty
70% water Continents
Wet Climate
4 billion year world
Temperate Temp.
Sedentery Barbs.
4 or 5 players on standard size map

If you want to join PM me your e-mail addresses. Thanks.

btw, i'm GMT -4

greekguy- Romans
classical_hero- Persians
Calis- Celts
bathsheba666- Vikings
Great to have you join Calis. Now we just need 2 or 3 more people. Are the settings ok with you? If you have any suggestions, just tell me. btw, i'm going to be Rome.
@bathsheba666: sure, there's still room and i would rather play all humans with no AI but we could vote on that.

On mapsize: we could vote on it to make it more fair. so far we've got 2 for standard and 1 for small/tiny.
Just add a few AI for the fun, but voting on that is only fair :)

If you don't mind bathsheba, I'd like to stick to the Celts. I need them...can't live without them... :D

Told my wife the same, but... :p
Ooops, sorry Calis. :blush:

If I had read the thread carefully I would never have asked for a civ someone else had already requested.

You have the Celts... :)

I'll think about this a bit more...


I vote for the largest map going, which at the moment seems to be standard.
But if anyone else votes for huge or large, move my vote to there. :crazyeye:

Since the spirit of democracy has taken hold, I would'nt mind a few ai, and more vicious barbs. But I'm not overly bothered by this.
alright here's the vote tallies so far:
map size: 3 standard, 1 small/tiny
Players: 2 no AI's, 2 have AI's

how about we wait a few more days to see if anyone else joins. if no else joins, then we could fill the remaining spots with AI's. Is this an ok compromise?
ok, since its been a few more days and no one else has joined, how about i fill the remaining spots with AI? is that ok? also, does anyone want to change their names in the game or civ name and such?

btw, what would the order be for the game. would this make sense (i'm not great with timezones):
1. me
2. classical_hero
3. Calis
4. bathsheba666
alright then, if everything else is ok, i'll start the game later today. i'd like us to try to aim at 1 turn a day. also, about bad starts. if you think you have a start that is so bad it puts you at a disadvantage, post a screenie. everyone else then decides if this merits a restart. but you can't do it after the second turn.
ok, we can start the game once classical_hero tells me what he wants his leadername to be in the game.
alright the game has officialy started. Played and Sent to classical_hero.
Good Luck to all!
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