North King
- Joined
- Jan 2, 2004
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N3S I: Empires Ablaze
Welcome to my latest NES, N3S I: Empires Ablaze.
You may wish to skip this long introduction, its mostly saying why I made this NES the way I did, why the title is odd, and so on; if you are not in the mood to read it, please skim down to rules. New NESers will find this section useful, and old NESers will find substantial changes.
This NES will be partially IT-BT, see the Playing section for specifics on what I mean by partially.
Read these before joining, please.
Playing this NES is much like any NES.
Thus, I refer you here for the basic concepts.
Some special rules of mine:
Orders should be limited to a maximum of 2 private messages. Thats IIRC 20,000 characters, which is about 5,000 average words. Enough for a bloody short story, I think you can survive on that limit.
Note that I will give bonuses to nations whose leaders write stories. Stories are, after all, in the title, and I love it when people actually describe their nation instead of sending me drab orders all the time.
Its a very flexible game, make the most of it. Read the rest of these rules, and ask me if you still have questions.
As a last note, this NES will be semi-IT-BT. This means I will be using das system, to a point...
Das defined IT-BT as:
Interesting Times (IT)
This is, basically, the same as what happens in most NESes. You know, the usual thing with updates, orders, etc. The main difference from your average fresh start is that turns will take more like 20-15 turns, or eventually even less. Oh, and it only goes on for a certain amount of turns - either until the loss of interest, either until the end of all major wars if the IT was on for over five turns.
Boring Times (BT)
In between of the ITs, there are the BTs. While ITs are the shorter, yet more interesting and exciting periods of history, the BTs are the (probably) longer periods of quiet growth and expansion, slow progress and (mostly) minor wars. Unlike with IT, you don't have any direct control over what happens to your country during that time. HOWEVER, a) its development will be based to some degree on what happened in the last IT and b) you could leave something of a development plan, parts of which might be followed, at least in the beginning. Oh, and some nasty things could happen to some of your countries during the BT - know that it will only happen if I think there are good reasons for it. But if after a BT you decide that you are completely disillusioned with your nation/the way it developped, you probably should try and find another nation for yourself.
However, I will not be using this definition. The main difference between his definition and my definition is that I shall not be defining an IT and a BT by conflicts. Rebuilding from a conflict, or simply building, can be equally fun. With this in mind,
IT (Interesting Times): A mode of the game which takes place in a much shorter timeframe, with turns lasting as little as 1 year, though early in game they will most likely be more like 10-20 years in duration. Otherwise, this is a normal NES, where you send in orders to the mod, and stories are written, updates are posted by me, etc. What you expect from an NES, in other words. An IT lasts for a period of turns defined as the end of a time period, or shall we say, a definite conclusion to that periods story. Eg it could be the annihilation of a nation utterly at the end of an armed conflict. Or it could be the extinguishing of an ideology. Or the settling down after a cultural revolution, etc. Usually it will be done with player approval.
BT (Boring Times): A mode of the game which takes place over a much longer timeframe. Turns can last hundreds of years long, or fractions of a hundred. The length is up to the moderator. The primary difference from das here is that a Boring Time will not be a single long chunk of time, but simply a much less structured, more general update, that covers larger sections of history that have fewer conflicts (be they cultural or military) to resolve. There will be turns, but your orders should be more on the order (pun, haha) of guiding your nation in a general direction. Instead of a specific war strategy, just give a direction to act aggressively towards so and so. Instead of saying exactly how you want to spend your money, just say what areas you want to focus on improving.
So, to recap, IT is like a normal NES, with much smaller time passing every turn, a BT will be like a traditional story NES, just much more general and vague than normal. Orders in an IT should be rather specific and direct orders on what you want your nation to be doing, including spending and military recruitment. BT orders are like general guidelines; you can say where you want your finances to go in general, or to focus on military recruiting, etc, but not specific things like 3 points into UU or what have you.
Some exemplary orders can be found here.
Economy is a very vague term; it roughly corresponds to Gross Domestic Product. That is to say, its the overall ability of your nation to purchase or produce something. Im aware that money and production are very different entities, this was one thing Ive been struggling with. After much internal debate, I decided that they will remain as the traditional one stat, in order to simplify and streamline.
Economy will be represented by a number of points that you are allowed to spend on any number of things. Primarily these points will be invested into things like your military, your education, infrastructure, and quality of life; these stats are explained below.
The number of points you receive to spend depend on how rich your nation is and how productive it is; I imagine this is self explanatory. Money earned from trade, mining, manufacturing, just about anything is counted under this. To increase it, simply try to increase your economic prowess, perhaps by opening up a new activity, encouraging an increase in an old activity, or increasing the efficiency at which you perform an activity. For example, a switch to better farming techniques, or drilling for oil in a certain protected location. Note of course that its not always good for your environment to increase your economy.
Size represents your nation/factions population and area. A frustrating stat in that it represents two things, but I think it will work well enough.
The size stat is a single number. It will give bonuses and handicaps. For stats like Education, Infrastructure, and Quality of Life, a larger state will have more trouble in maintaining a large level of these. Larger states will have more trouble in this regard.
However, size isnt always a handicap: size will give you a bonus in the military field, to represent the sheer size of your military. I will determine how much of a bonus it gives depending on your technological level.
Military is raised mostly through the spending of economy points to recruit, train, and arm new soldiers. This is a raw number, the amount of standing soldiers you have at your disposal in times of war. What it doesnt take into account is how many troops you can raise on the fly; levies and conscripts called up for a single war. You can ask me in your orders to raise conscripts or levies in times of desperation, it might happen on its own, though.
In any case, military is really two things. Theres the number of soldiers you have, and then theres how good they are. The second stat is more of a level type thing, and it represents both how experienced they are, and how trained they are. It will rise naturally through battles being fought, but you can invest eco points into it, raising it as well. By the same token, recruiting a large number of new, raw recruits can crash it just as easily.
The problem is that the more soldiers you have, the harder it is to raise training. After the training stat, it will show how many eco points you must invest to reach the new level.
The more soldiers you have, the more it will cost to maintain your army. The cost for upkeep is listed after the military stat. This will automatically be deducted from the amount of eco points you earn, thus, with an income of 3 and an upkeep of 2, you really have 1 spare point to spend.
You may establish unique units, that is, military units who are very different from normal ones, in their quality, function, what have you. Please keep these to a sensible minimum. Describe what they do in your orders, and they will be added to your military, after which you can recruit and train them like normal military.
Note that use of strategy is highly recommended in case of war; while your generals will employ basic strategies, they are not usually particularly bright.
Education is a leveled stat, that is to say, it is measured in levels. Simple enough, really, the better the level of education you have, the better your peoples education is. To increase it, you have to invest a certain number of eco points, depending on how big you are (see size). Invest 1 eco point if you are size 1 to get to the next level of education, 2 if you are size 2, etc...
The problem is, if you get an education of a decent amount, at some point, it will cost money to maintain. How much money is determined by a super secret formula known only to me. Just know that, the more educated your people are, the more it will cost to keep them that way.
If you choose to undercut education funding, your education level will drop by one level a turn until it reaches a level where your funding matches the required maintenance funding. Thus, you can cut education in a very desperate war, but your people will become the stupider for it. Beware.
Infrastructure is a leveled stat, that is to say, it is measured in levels. Simple enough, really, the better the level of infrastructure you have, the better your peoples access to decent roads, healthcare, and so on, is. To increase it, you have to invest a certain number of eco points, depending on how big you are (see size). Invest 1 eco point if you are size 1 to get to the next level of infrastructure, 2 if you are size 2, etc...
The problem is, if you get an infrastructure of a decent amount, at some point, it will cost money to maintain. How much money is determined by a super secret formula known only to me. Just know that, the better your infrastructure is, the more it will cost to keep them that way.
If you choose to undercut infrastructure funding, your infrastructure level will drop by one level a turn until it reaches a level where your funding matches the required maintenance funding. Thus, you can cut infrastructure in a very desperate war, but your people, and army, will have to drive over increasingly shoddy roads, and use increasingly worse hospitals, and so on. Beware.
Quality of Life
Quality of Life is a leveled stat, that is to say, it is measured in levels. Simple enough, really, the better the Quality of Life level you have, the better your peoples quality of life is. To increase it, you have to invest a certain number of eco points, depending on how big you are (see size). Invest 1 eco point if you are size 1 to get to the next level of Quality of Life, 2 if you are size 2, etc...
The problem is, if you get a Quality of Life of a decent amount, at some point, it will cost money to maintain. How much money is determined by a super secret formula known only to me. Just know that, the more well fed and clothed your people are, the more it will cost to keep them that way.
If you choose to undercut Quality of Life funding, your Quality of Life level will drop by one level a turn until it reaches a level where your funding matches the required maintenance funding. Thus, you can cut Quality of Life in a very desperate war, but your people will be the worse for it. Beware.
Technology level represents how advanced your people are. E.g. the Bronze Age, or the Industrial Age. I trust in your intelligence.
It increases automatically, usually through a good education. The smarter your people are, really, the more accepting of innovation they will be. Quite simple.
If you want to make a specific advance, then you can invest eco points into getting it in your orders. Like you want the latest rifle? Then invest a point into it, and you may well get it.
Government is, well, the type of ruling system you have. I believe you know what this is about.
If you have a democratic government system, the elected body, be it Congress, or Parliament, may well decide that what youre doing is evil, and try to veto it. Ill try to inform you ahead of time if this is happening. Your options are to change it to what they want, stage a coup, or find a creative solution of your own.
I trust we all know what religion is? Lets just say, you can motivate your people to support a war with it, and it can oppose a war all on its own. Quite powerful, in the hands of the skilled.
Unlike other NESes to date, which have your culture described as a level (which I found silly), I shall describe it. The main characteristics that will be described are wether it has a strong influence on its neighbors or vice versa, and what culture group it belongs to. These are categories decided by the mod.
Classified data.
Size 1: Terrible (0), Awful (0), Bad (0), Poor (1), Average(1), Decent(2), Good(2), Excellent (2), Fantastic (3)
Size 2: Terrible (0), Awful (0), Bad (0), Poor (1), Average(2), Decent(2), Good(3), Excellent (3), Fantastic (4)
Size 3: Terrible (0), Awful (0), Bad (1), Poor (1), Average(2), Decent(2), Good(3), Excellent (3), Fantastic (4)
Size 4: Terrible (0), Awful (1), Bad (1), Poor (2), Average(2), Decent(3), Good(3), Excellent (4), Fantastic (4)
Size 5: Terrible (0), Awful (1), Bad (1), Poor (2), Average(3), Decent(3), Good(4), Excellent (4), Fantastic (5)
Tell me something you want to get done, and Ill tell you how long they will take to get done. Pretty simple.
These can be anything from building the Suez Canal to increasing the military efficiency of your nation. They are simply things you want your nation to accomplish. Quite nicely, they do not require eco points, rather less nicely, they cannot be hurried with eco points, either. The only thing that hurries a project is a story.
I will be using the three cities system as developed by... Israelite, and I think Thlayli, but could be wrong.
Economic centers- Cities with a red outline (like capitals, except differing in coloration, and shape for that matter), these provide you with one economy point per turn. They do not give any economy points unless you have occupied them for at least a turn without any changing of hands.
Cultural centers- Cities surrounded by blue, these provide you with one economy point per turn and greater cultural influence. These cities are quite bad to lose. They do not provide an occupier with anything until they are naturalized.
Religions centers- Cities surrounded by green, these cities provide you with one economic point per turn and are the beating hearts of your religions. They provide great bonuses to cultural influence, confidence in the leader, and the spread of your religion, but are devastating to lose. They do not provide an occupier with anything unless they are of the occupiers religion.
Nation Template
This is a template with which people who wish to make their nations from scratch (thus creating an entirely new nation) can make their nation. Simply fill out the fields which require filling out, and post it. If your nation is not one that is historical, please also state where you wish to start; if it is a historical nation which you wish to start in a historical area, then I will most likely know where to put it. If in doubt, tell me anyway.
Please no starts outside of the common civilized regions of the world. While I will not actively prevent you from starting as, say, a nation on Svalbard, dont expect it to amount to much.
[please replace this entire line of text with what you want your nation to be called]
Player: [replace this with your CFC username]
Economy: 1
Size: 1
Military: 1,000 men (Terrible (1)), 10 ships (Terrible (1)), Upkeep: 0
Education: Terrible (0)
Infrastructure: Terrible (0)
Quality of Life: Terrible (0)
Technology: (I will fill this out, depending on conditions in your nation)
Government: [put what government type you want here. Please keep this realistic]
Religion: [put what religion you want your leader to follow]
Culture: (I will fill this out. Not you. But you can write stories about it, to tell me what your culture is like.)
Projects: None yet.
Updates are BT until I say otherwise.
And now it begins. Either my greatest, or my last.
Welcome to my latest NES, N3S I: Empires Ablaze.
You may wish to skip this long introduction, its mostly saying why I made this NES the way I did, why the title is odd, and so on; if you are not in the mood to read it, please skim down to rules. New NESers will find this section useful, and old NESers will find substantial changes.
This NES will be partially IT-BT, see the Playing section for specifics on what I mean by partially.
Spoiler introduction :
After the regrettable death of my last NES, which I believe I could have kept open if it werent for my rather overwhelming obligations (school and otherwise) during that time period, I decided to move on. This is a move which will doubtless anger many of you who wished to see my last NES continued, but my gut feeling usually tells me that continuations will not work, are not as popular, and are bad for moderator health. Let the dead rest.
After a two week break from NESing, which I believe probably greatly furthered both my spiritual health and my math grades, I delved back into the NESing world when I heard that Cuivienen was reopening her old NES; I rejoined as my old nation with haste, so that I could conquer the world again. Well, this got me to looking around the NESing forums again, which, I must say, have changed little, but for a few people who Ive had barely any interaction with opening up new NESes. Well, perhaps they will go on to do great things, but Im limiting myself to joining only the NESes that interest me, and right now that would boil down to Cuivs and das, and its always a pain to try and find an open great power in das. Hence, I feel as though the time is right to start an NES.
As I passed the magic number X in my NESes, and then when I looked back on things and saw that I properly should have called that number XII, I decided to forgo making XIII, even though I happen to like that number, and start anew.
Hence, this NES is the start of a new series of NESes, N3S. This is shorthand for NNNES, which I figured was rather unwieldy in a title, which stands for New North king Never Ending Story.
As the start of a new era in my NES moderating career, I decided to make this NES a fresh start. This means we start with a blank world map, you create nations from scratch, and we create our own history. Its always been my most successful NES type, and the one I always wanted to see through to success.
I warn you now, there will be times which will try your patience. There are several hiatuses that I am at this moment in time planning around in terms of updates. And next school year will truly be a trial.
And naturally, real life takes higher priority to NESing, always. This goes for both moderator or player. There have been points where I have ended NESes abruptly against my own wishes due to various RL problems; in this NES, I will try to hiatus the NES instead of closing it. I expect youll have RL problems of your own, so I will sympathize with you as long as you sympathize with me.
So, having finally draw to conclusion the longest introduction for an NES Ive ever written, now begins N3S I: Empires Ablaze. I trust you will surprise me with the creativity of your nations and threats of what will happen should I close this.
After a two week break from NESing, which I believe probably greatly furthered both my spiritual health and my math grades, I delved back into the NESing world when I heard that Cuivienen was reopening her old NES; I rejoined as my old nation with haste, so that I could conquer the world again. Well, this got me to looking around the NESing forums again, which, I must say, have changed little, but for a few people who Ive had barely any interaction with opening up new NESes. Well, perhaps they will go on to do great things, but Im limiting myself to joining only the NESes that interest me, and right now that would boil down to Cuivs and das, and its always a pain to try and find an open great power in das. Hence, I feel as though the time is right to start an NES.
As I passed the magic number X in my NESes, and then when I looked back on things and saw that I properly should have called that number XII, I decided to forgo making XIII, even though I happen to like that number, and start anew.
Hence, this NES is the start of a new series of NESes, N3S. This is shorthand for NNNES, which I figured was rather unwieldy in a title, which stands for New North king Never Ending Story.
As the start of a new era in my NES moderating career, I decided to make this NES a fresh start. This means we start with a blank world map, you create nations from scratch, and we create our own history. Its always been my most successful NES type, and the one I always wanted to see through to success.
I warn you now, there will be times which will try your patience. There are several hiatuses that I am at this moment in time planning around in terms of updates. And next school year will truly be a trial.
And naturally, real life takes higher priority to NESing, always. This goes for both moderator or player. There have been points where I have ended NESes abruptly against my own wishes due to various RL problems; in this NES, I will try to hiatus the NES instead of closing it. I expect youll have RL problems of your own, so I will sympathize with you as long as you sympathize with me.
So, having finally draw to conclusion the longest introduction for an NES Ive ever written, now begins N3S I: Empires Ablaze. I trust you will surprise me with the creativity of your nations and threats of what will happen should I close this.
Read these before joining, please.
Playing this NES is much like any NES.
Thus, I refer you here for the basic concepts.
Some special rules of mine:
Orders should be limited to a maximum of 2 private messages. Thats IIRC 20,000 characters, which is about 5,000 average words. Enough for a bloody short story, I think you can survive on that limit.
Note that I will give bonuses to nations whose leaders write stories. Stories are, after all, in the title, and I love it when people actually describe their nation instead of sending me drab orders all the time.
Its a very flexible game, make the most of it. Read the rest of these rules, and ask me if you still have questions.
As a last note, this NES will be semi-IT-BT. This means I will be using das system, to a point...
Das defined IT-BT as:
Interesting Times (IT)
This is, basically, the same as what happens in most NESes. You know, the usual thing with updates, orders, etc. The main difference from your average fresh start is that turns will take more like 20-15 turns, or eventually even less. Oh, and it only goes on for a certain amount of turns - either until the loss of interest, either until the end of all major wars if the IT was on for over five turns.
Boring Times (BT)
In between of the ITs, there are the BTs. While ITs are the shorter, yet more interesting and exciting periods of history, the BTs are the (probably) longer periods of quiet growth and expansion, slow progress and (mostly) minor wars. Unlike with IT, you don't have any direct control over what happens to your country during that time. HOWEVER, a) its development will be based to some degree on what happened in the last IT and b) you could leave something of a development plan, parts of which might be followed, at least in the beginning. Oh, and some nasty things could happen to some of your countries during the BT - know that it will only happen if I think there are good reasons for it. But if after a BT you decide that you are completely disillusioned with your nation/the way it developped, you probably should try and find another nation for yourself.
However, I will not be using this definition. The main difference between his definition and my definition is that I shall not be defining an IT and a BT by conflicts. Rebuilding from a conflict, or simply building, can be equally fun. With this in mind,
IT (Interesting Times): A mode of the game which takes place in a much shorter timeframe, with turns lasting as little as 1 year, though early in game they will most likely be more like 10-20 years in duration. Otherwise, this is a normal NES, where you send in orders to the mod, and stories are written, updates are posted by me, etc. What you expect from an NES, in other words. An IT lasts for a period of turns defined as the end of a time period, or shall we say, a definite conclusion to that periods story. Eg it could be the annihilation of a nation utterly at the end of an armed conflict. Or it could be the extinguishing of an ideology. Or the settling down after a cultural revolution, etc. Usually it will be done with player approval.
BT (Boring Times): A mode of the game which takes place over a much longer timeframe. Turns can last hundreds of years long, or fractions of a hundred. The length is up to the moderator. The primary difference from das here is that a Boring Time will not be a single long chunk of time, but simply a much less structured, more general update, that covers larger sections of history that have fewer conflicts (be they cultural or military) to resolve. There will be turns, but your orders should be more on the order (pun, haha) of guiding your nation in a general direction. Instead of a specific war strategy, just give a direction to act aggressively towards so and so. Instead of saying exactly how you want to spend your money, just say what areas you want to focus on improving.
So, to recap, IT is like a normal NES, with much smaller time passing every turn, a BT will be like a traditional story NES, just much more general and vague than normal. Orders in an IT should be rather specific and direct orders on what you want your nation to be doing, including spending and military recruitment. BT orders are like general guidelines; you can say where you want your finances to go in general, or to focus on military recruiting, etc, but not specific things like 3 points into UU or what have you.
Some exemplary orders can be found here.
Economy is a very vague term; it roughly corresponds to Gross Domestic Product. That is to say, its the overall ability of your nation to purchase or produce something. Im aware that money and production are very different entities, this was one thing Ive been struggling with. After much internal debate, I decided that they will remain as the traditional one stat, in order to simplify and streamline.
Economy will be represented by a number of points that you are allowed to spend on any number of things. Primarily these points will be invested into things like your military, your education, infrastructure, and quality of life; these stats are explained below.
The number of points you receive to spend depend on how rich your nation is and how productive it is; I imagine this is self explanatory. Money earned from trade, mining, manufacturing, just about anything is counted under this. To increase it, simply try to increase your economic prowess, perhaps by opening up a new activity, encouraging an increase in an old activity, or increasing the efficiency at which you perform an activity. For example, a switch to better farming techniques, or drilling for oil in a certain protected location. Note of course that its not always good for your environment to increase your economy.
Size represents your nation/factions population and area. A frustrating stat in that it represents two things, but I think it will work well enough.
The size stat is a single number. It will give bonuses and handicaps. For stats like Education, Infrastructure, and Quality of Life, a larger state will have more trouble in maintaining a large level of these. Larger states will have more trouble in this regard.
However, size isnt always a handicap: size will give you a bonus in the military field, to represent the sheer size of your military. I will determine how much of a bonus it gives depending on your technological level.
Military is raised mostly through the spending of economy points to recruit, train, and arm new soldiers. This is a raw number, the amount of standing soldiers you have at your disposal in times of war. What it doesnt take into account is how many troops you can raise on the fly; levies and conscripts called up for a single war. You can ask me in your orders to raise conscripts or levies in times of desperation, it might happen on its own, though.
In any case, military is really two things. Theres the number of soldiers you have, and then theres how good they are. The second stat is more of a level type thing, and it represents both how experienced they are, and how trained they are. It will rise naturally through battles being fought, but you can invest eco points into it, raising it as well. By the same token, recruiting a large number of new, raw recruits can crash it just as easily.
The problem is that the more soldiers you have, the harder it is to raise training. After the training stat, it will show how many eco points you must invest to reach the new level.
The more soldiers you have, the more it will cost to maintain your army. The cost for upkeep is listed after the military stat. This will automatically be deducted from the amount of eco points you earn, thus, with an income of 3 and an upkeep of 2, you really have 1 spare point to spend.
You may establish unique units, that is, military units who are very different from normal ones, in their quality, function, what have you. Please keep these to a sensible minimum. Describe what they do in your orders, and they will be added to your military, after which you can recruit and train them like normal military.
Note that use of strategy is highly recommended in case of war; while your generals will employ basic strategies, they are not usually particularly bright.
Education is a leveled stat, that is to say, it is measured in levels. Simple enough, really, the better the level of education you have, the better your peoples education is. To increase it, you have to invest a certain number of eco points, depending on how big you are (see size). Invest 1 eco point if you are size 1 to get to the next level of education, 2 if you are size 2, etc...
The problem is, if you get an education of a decent amount, at some point, it will cost money to maintain. How much money is determined by a super secret formula known only to me. Just know that, the more educated your people are, the more it will cost to keep them that way.
If you choose to undercut education funding, your education level will drop by one level a turn until it reaches a level where your funding matches the required maintenance funding. Thus, you can cut education in a very desperate war, but your people will become the stupider for it. Beware.
Infrastructure is a leveled stat, that is to say, it is measured in levels. Simple enough, really, the better the level of infrastructure you have, the better your peoples access to decent roads, healthcare, and so on, is. To increase it, you have to invest a certain number of eco points, depending on how big you are (see size). Invest 1 eco point if you are size 1 to get to the next level of infrastructure, 2 if you are size 2, etc...
The problem is, if you get an infrastructure of a decent amount, at some point, it will cost money to maintain. How much money is determined by a super secret formula known only to me. Just know that, the better your infrastructure is, the more it will cost to keep them that way.
If you choose to undercut infrastructure funding, your infrastructure level will drop by one level a turn until it reaches a level where your funding matches the required maintenance funding. Thus, you can cut infrastructure in a very desperate war, but your people, and army, will have to drive over increasingly shoddy roads, and use increasingly worse hospitals, and so on. Beware.
Quality of Life
Quality of Life is a leveled stat, that is to say, it is measured in levels. Simple enough, really, the better the Quality of Life level you have, the better your peoples quality of life is. To increase it, you have to invest a certain number of eco points, depending on how big you are (see size). Invest 1 eco point if you are size 1 to get to the next level of Quality of Life, 2 if you are size 2, etc...
The problem is, if you get a Quality of Life of a decent amount, at some point, it will cost money to maintain. How much money is determined by a super secret formula known only to me. Just know that, the more well fed and clothed your people are, the more it will cost to keep them that way.
If you choose to undercut Quality of Life funding, your Quality of Life level will drop by one level a turn until it reaches a level where your funding matches the required maintenance funding. Thus, you can cut Quality of Life in a very desperate war, but your people will be the worse for it. Beware.
Technology level represents how advanced your people are. E.g. the Bronze Age, or the Industrial Age. I trust in your intelligence.
It increases automatically, usually through a good education. The smarter your people are, really, the more accepting of innovation they will be. Quite simple.
If you want to make a specific advance, then you can invest eco points into getting it in your orders. Like you want the latest rifle? Then invest a point into it, and you may well get it.
Government is, well, the type of ruling system you have. I believe you know what this is about.
If you have a democratic government system, the elected body, be it Congress, or Parliament, may well decide that what youre doing is evil, and try to veto it. Ill try to inform you ahead of time if this is happening. Your options are to change it to what they want, stage a coup, or find a creative solution of your own.
I trust we all know what religion is? Lets just say, you can motivate your people to support a war with it, and it can oppose a war all on its own. Quite powerful, in the hands of the skilled.
Unlike other NESes to date, which have your culture described as a level (which I found silly), I shall describe it. The main characteristics that will be described are wether it has a strong influence on its neighbors or vice versa, and what culture group it belongs to. These are categories decided by the mod.
Classified data.
Size 1: Terrible (0), Awful (0), Bad (0), Poor (1), Average(1), Decent(2), Good(2), Excellent (2), Fantastic (3)
Size 2: Terrible (0), Awful (0), Bad (0), Poor (1), Average(2), Decent(2), Good(3), Excellent (3), Fantastic (4)
Size 3: Terrible (0), Awful (0), Bad (1), Poor (1), Average(2), Decent(2), Good(3), Excellent (3), Fantastic (4)
Size 4: Terrible (0), Awful (1), Bad (1), Poor (2), Average(2), Decent(3), Good(3), Excellent (4), Fantastic (4)
Size 5: Terrible (0), Awful (1), Bad (1), Poor (2), Average(3), Decent(3), Good(4), Excellent (4), Fantastic (5)
Tell me something you want to get done, and Ill tell you how long they will take to get done. Pretty simple.
These can be anything from building the Suez Canal to increasing the military efficiency of your nation. They are simply things you want your nation to accomplish. Quite nicely, they do not require eco points, rather less nicely, they cannot be hurried with eco points, either. The only thing that hurries a project is a story.
I will be using the three cities system as developed by... Israelite, and I think Thlayli, but could be wrong.
Economic centers- Cities with a red outline (like capitals, except differing in coloration, and shape for that matter), these provide you with one economy point per turn. They do not give any economy points unless you have occupied them for at least a turn without any changing of hands.
Cultural centers- Cities surrounded by blue, these provide you with one economy point per turn and greater cultural influence. These cities are quite bad to lose. They do not provide an occupier with anything until they are naturalized.
Religions centers- Cities surrounded by green, these cities provide you with one economic point per turn and are the beating hearts of your religions. They provide great bonuses to cultural influence, confidence in the leader, and the spread of your religion, but are devastating to lose. They do not provide an occupier with anything unless they are of the occupiers religion.
Nation Template
This is a template with which people who wish to make their nations from scratch (thus creating an entirely new nation) can make their nation. Simply fill out the fields which require filling out, and post it. If your nation is not one that is historical, please also state where you wish to start; if it is a historical nation which you wish to start in a historical area, then I will most likely know where to put it. If in doubt, tell me anyway.
Please no starts outside of the common civilized regions of the world. While I will not actively prevent you from starting as, say, a nation on Svalbard, dont expect it to amount to much.
[please replace this entire line of text with what you want your nation to be called]
Player: [replace this with your CFC username]
Economy: 1
Size: 1
Military: 1,000 men (Terrible (1)), 10 ships (Terrible (1)), Upkeep: 0
Education: Terrible (0)
Infrastructure: Terrible (0)
Quality of Life: Terrible (0)
Technology: (I will fill this out, depending on conditions in your nation)
Government: [put what government type you want here. Please keep this realistic]
Religion: [put what religion you want your leader to follow]
Culture: (I will fill this out. Not you. But you can write stories about it, to tell me what your culture is like.)
Projects: None yet.
Updates are BT until I say otherwise.
And now it begins. Either my greatest, or my last.