Napoleonic Europe


Good News Everyone!
Nov 19, 2003
Vantaa, Finland

The Napoleonic Wars were a series of wars fought during Napoleon Bonaparte's rule over France. They were partly an extension of conflicts sparked by the French Revolution, and continued during the regime of the First French Empire. These wars revolutionized European army and artillery, as well as military systems, and were of a scale never before seen, mainly due to the application of modern mass conscription. French power rose quickly, conquering most of Europe; the fall was also rapid, beginning with the disastrous invasion of Russia, and Napoleon's empire ultimately suffered complete military defeat, resulting in the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy in France.

For Warlords Expansion Pack only

Yes folks, it's finally done! And best of all, it works :mischief: There are no crashes, or no huge mega-bugs.

Spoiler Technical Stuff :
Tech Tree

Unit Tree
Peasants > Militia
           Line Inf  > Line Inf II  (+50% vs Lights)
           Light Inf > Light Inf II (+50% vs Grenadiers)
           Grenadier > Grenadier II (+50% vs Lines)
           Guard Inf > Guard Inf II
Horse Militia
           Lancer    > Lancer II    (+50% vs Inf)
		   Hussar    > Hussar II
		   Dragoon                  (+50% vs Cav)
		   Guard Cav > Guard Cav II
		   6-Pounder > 9-Pounder

New Buildings
Elite Barracks - Required for Grenadiers & Lights
Elite Stables - Required for Hussars, Lancers & Dragoons
Public School - +50% research

- Republic (France)
- Constitutional Monarchy (Britain)
- Absolute Monarchy (Everyone else)
- Federal Monarchy (Ottomans)
- Empire (less maintanace, more units)

- Strength (+4 exp)
- Mass (extra free units)

- Thorough (+4 exp)
- Fast (+25% unit production)

- Serfdom (faster workers)
- State Controlled (faster building production)
- Free Market (+1 trade routes)

- Theocracy (+2 happy with state religion, -4 happy with non-SR)
- State Religion (+1 with SR, -2 happy for non-SR)
- Free Religion (no + or - from religions, no state religion)

Spoiler Screenshots :

Spoiler Version History :
v1.0 - First Public Version
Still to do: Some religion arts, Leaderheads & their art, unitflags & some unitgraphics.

v1.01 Quick bugfix
Added Open Borders for Austria+Bavaria and Austria+Russia.

v1.1 First working release
Updated to v1.1. Fixed Formations (which were causing crashes if you didn't have single-unit graphics) and also fixed the Great Wall & UN bugs.

v1.15 First working release
Updated to v1.1. Makes the AI much more likely to make deals, build infantry & wage more realistic wars.

v1.2 New Graphics
Adds leaders, their graphics, and new formations! Also, the AI has been tweaked a bit, and a new unit has been created: Recruit. It's trainable before 18th Century Tactics, so the small nations can train something else than militia. It does require barracks though. Also, Spain now gets the Starting Tech to start with.

Spoiler Installation & Tips :
!!!!! If you have a previous version, please delete it before continuing !!!!!

Extract the NapEuro folder into C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods
To play, open Warlords, then click Advanced, then Load a Mod, then load NapEuro
You can also edit the shortcut to Warlords by adding mod= NapEuro into the target field.

The mod currently shows texts only if you play in english.
I've included 2 maps: One goes forward one week per turn, while the other goes by one month per turn.

I don't suggest you start as one of the big nations, unless you want to. Good starting civs might be Sweden, Prussia or Spain. Also, the Ottomans completely differ from the other nations.

Spoiler Credits :
Me :p
AlazkanAssassin for, well, all of the unit graphics :) A huge mega-thanks for letting me use his formations.
*reserved for testers & other helpers*

If the new formations cause lag on your PC, get the Performance Pack:

:hammer: *** Note: Post still under construction *** :hammer:

Have fun and please post all suggestions/bugs/comments/strategies you might have.
Well, I see that my competition has finally steped up and posted a file. :thumbsup:
What I can see looks good, but couldn't you have found a bigger map to use?

Seriously though, some xml and python errors (3) on startup. (see attached compilation screenshot)
And then a CTD as either Austria or the German states. Also as Austria, why do I not have any army?
And I was a bit confused as to who I was dealing with when they all look like Napoleon.

About 5 units with incorrect animations (most the redcoat-rifleman swap error) None of the units had formations.

You should check out the current version of my Napoleonic Europe Scenario for some more new unit graphics to use as well.

Once you've got this mod finished it looks like it will be fun to play. Keep up the good work!


  • errors.JPG
    43 KB · Views: 1,760
Oh that's just perfect... I change 1 small thing without testing it first, and it causes all hell to break loose.

I only play with single unit graphics, but I think I'll just copy-paste your unitgraphics as they seem to work.

After opening the scenario myself, as Austria, all was well (except no OP's with Bavaria & Russia), and I didn't get any errors. Although that might be because I've got the default settings which suppress all python exceptions.

Another test, this time with the German States, and no problems there either, except for some reason The Ottomans have the great wall & someone is holding UN elections!? 1) The Great Wall isn't in any city according to the scenario file and isn't even buildable. 2) UN Elections can only take place when Victory=VICTORY_DIPLOMATIC is in the scenario file, which I do not have. Also, the Ottoman capital is in Jerusalem (even though the only Palace they have is still in Istanbul). I changed the graphics of the religion icons and this happens... Why does civ4 hate me so :cry:

Anyway, the only reason I can find for your CTD's are the formations, which I will fix. Meanwhile, please use single unit graphics to play this scenario...
And those errors in python: I haven't touched the file. Only CustomEvents has been changed.

Anyway, I've uploaded v1.01 which adds Open Borders for Austria & Bavaria and Austria & Russia. So redownload please. I'll attack the formations & religion graphics tomorrow, hopefully that'll fix the Great Wall & UN thing. Fat chance though...

Oh, and maybe I should make a new 150x200 map if that would be big enough ;)
What do you do with an ".rar" file? Is tyat CIV III. I thought this was Warlords.
If you can't open the .rar's, you need to get a better archive opener than winzip.
WinRar can also open all of these file formats: CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, BZ2, ACE, UUE, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z, ZIP & RAR.

The reason I use .rar's is because they pack stuff better. But as these files aren't too big (compared to the 20-80mb downloads civ3 mods had), I might make the next version a .zip.
Hello Paasky, it looks great.
But I started play as Austria (crashed after some turns, it was turn after Russia was elected to UN)
and Prussia (crashed after when I clicked to next turn)

Both messages about it were standart crash message from Windows. Any ideas?

I also think that there is small chance for diplomacy, as Austria you cant suggest stop trading. Its most influental to stop French armies going past Germany. I rather give Germany some cities than make suicitude.
Yes, go to your settings and select single unit graphics, as I think the lack of formationinfos is what's crashing it. Because I've played several games for many hours without any crashes, but I use single unit graphics. Also, I think I've disabled all animations.

For some reason the AI doesn't like to accept deals, I'm sure editing the leaders will fix that.

Friggin civ4 really does hate me... I edited the graphics of the religions, and all of a sudden the UN & Great Wall are active...
I am a modding god!

Formations fixed and the UN bug too. It works, it's simply stunning! This is the first time this has ever happened :D

Next things to do are the leaders & unit-flags for the smaller civs. After that it's civilopedia texts & icons. Also, if anyone who knows python could help me with a few simple codes that need to be put together, that would be fab.

So re-download the file, and delete your old NapEuro folder, then extract the new version & marvel at the workingness of it all :p
Funny, for some reason the download is not working. Downloaded and unpacked (btw a winzip ver 1.1) to Warlords/MODS, if I load the mod then no scenario available for this mod, if I double click the scenario (WBS) then the game starts ... but, no a single unit on it, only the map with the cities (btw nice map) , I tried to put some units just to see what happens, and happens that you need 'supplies' to build anything, therefore no buildable units at the start.

Any advice to load the scenario? I guess that I'm doing something wrong:(
Well this is just... just... civ4'ish.

If you extract it into My Documents\My Games\Warlords\Mods, the map won't show up, even if I set AllowPublicMaps=1. BUT, if you put the contents of the .zip into C:\...\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods, it can load the map and works fine...

So, either a) put the wbs file into My Documents\My Games\Warlords\Saves\WorldBuilder, or move the whole NapEuro folder into C:\...\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods. I'll fix this + some new gfx in the new patch coming up in about 30min.

EDIT: Updated. Note the new installation instructions.
No, that was a bug which came up with having judaist buildings in jerusalem after I removed judaism as a religion, it auto-built the great wall & UN, but that's fixed now.

The scenario has a completely new tech tree, units, civics, religions etc. I don't do scenarios without modding everything original out of it :p
I'll get screenies up on the 1st post soon.
Timeline is November 1799 - about 1815
Well this is just... just... civ4'ish.

If you extract it into My Documents\My Games\Warlords\Mods, the map won't show up, even if I set AllowPublicMaps=1. BUT, if you put the contents of the .zip into C:\...\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods, it can load the map and works fine...

So, either a) put the wbs file into My Documents\My Games\Warlords\Saves\WorldBuilder, or move the whole NapEuro folder into C:\...\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods. I'll fix this + some new gfx in the new patch coming up in about 30min.

EDIT: Updated. Note the new installation instructions.

I put everything in C:\...\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods, and just for the records. It works :) .

This time you get an A Paasky. Excellent scenario. :goodjob:

The flavour is all of it, once you get the feel of the which unit kills which, then the rest is for your own. I have been playing as France and yes the scenario is well balanced, I don't know how much historically accurate is it, but I really don't mind very much. I would like to have Osterlich over there, but I did my way thruough germans nieghbours and I took Praha :D

My trouble are just in the La Mancha Channel, but so far no other guys have dare to declare the war on me, as my unit production rate is at the top. I can't produce more light infantry, Imperial guards, and dragoons. I didn't lost not even one of those units, and each time are more experienced, so I don't see how these guys will do to try to defeat me :lol:

I'm having lot of fun here. Well my only remarks are:

Civilopedia - would be nice to have complete texts
Wonders - would be nice to have a couple of wonders to race for

For the rest. One of te best historic scenarios I have been playing in warlords

CONGRATULATIONS!!! and ... get back to work in WW2!!! :lol:
After reading numerous articles about the period on Wikipedia that's the most balanced start for historical/balance. Historically the Ottomans were part of the 2nd Coalition, but as they only fought in Egypt, I left them out. The Bavarians were vassals of austria, but that just made the AI go for Bavaria instead of Italy. On the otherhand, in 1805 Bavaria was allied to France...

Maybe I should use the 3rd Coalition ( ) which had United Kingdom, Austria, Russia, Naples, and Sweden together vs Napoleon.

The first 5-10 turns should be quite chaotic for the French with invading armies surrounding them. After that, the French power rises, and they drive the Austrians back in Italy, then make peace with Austria. During that time the AI's will make Defensive pacts, and all hell will break loose once France starts to expand again. Or that's atleast what I'd _like_ to happen, but it requires some python & leader editing.

---- Hold the phone! -----
I just discovered that the Russians had left the Coalition in August, which means I'll have to give the Austrians a larger army to get slaughtered by the French :p

Also, I've done a few small fixes with diplomacy (more nations hate/love each other at start) and lowered the amount of Plus/Minus Promotions from 20% to 10%. It still gives the French a slight edge, but a 40% difference was too much, don't you agree? I'll release it later today.

As for wonders: Any ideas on what they could be?
Bright day
Played as Sardinia to 1805. First hundred, hundred fifty turns were interesting. I actually managed to nab a city from Austria :), then french signed deal with them and soon even open borders, :( I rather traded Firgenze for peace than losing it anyway.

Next I tried my luck aganist Ottomans together with Austria. But Prussia went all crazy over all of Germany and quickly put that flicker of hope out.

By 1805 there was peace in Europe, except France\Britain and Sardinia\Ottomans with defensive pacts making sure of it.
Sounds very much like early 1800's diplomacy ;)

I'll try to make the AI even more willing to do defensive pacts, open borders & war. A prime example of the diplomacy of the time was Austria: First it was at war with France, but after Austerlitz it changed sides. After the Russian disaster, they changed sides again...

Did France make peace with Russia before conquering all of it in your game? In my game as sweden they're knocking the gates of St. Petersburg, and have advanced as far as the Germans in WWII. I myself have a few diplomatic incidents, as I've kept saying no to the other nations, so 1st Prussia declared war on me. Thankfully I was preparing to invade the weak Russia, so I've now contained the Prussians, although I lost Åbo & Wasa. I managed to get wasa back, but then the Austrians declared war... Things don't look too bright atm :(

Another thing I've found out is that the AI loves to build cavalry, I'll see if I can use incentives to make it build more inf.
The Frenchy conquered half of Russia before peace was signed. Or maybe even two thirds.
Well, the next patch is here, as v1.15. I've made Trade Embargos, Open Borders, Defensive Pacts & Alliances much easier to achieve. Also, all infantry units (except militia) have an extra 10 AI Weight, which makes them more attractable for the AI. And finally, more compticated relations in the start than everyone hates Ottomans shoudl create more realistic wars.
Hi! nice scenario
I started to play yesterday.. is cool but i think u should put the flags of the countries or pics of the leaders of that countries instead the face of Napoleon in all... really cofussing in the diplomacy screen.. and everytime they contact to u.. u have to read the name of the country to know who is him... but is really cool! nice work
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