Neo Nes : Age Of Greatness

1 question about the stats, If Fujian lost a city why do they still have 5 Industries? (Also i believe the captured city isnt' counted toward Jiangsu's stats...) :)

cus i dont do the changes on the stats until the war is over. if you capture a city you can count on that income, as they wont have it.

The cities that are under siege are not completely surrounded, other than that in cordoba because the army is surrounding it and the fleet is blocading them. As of the other cities they still have a link to the other places since they arent completely surrounded.
To Morocco
From Spain :

Relinquish your last forts in Hispania to us and there shall be peace. There has been enough bloodshed.
I would be willing if you buy it off, sign an anti-aggression pact that would prevent each other from attacking the other and finally have each others port be open to each others trade.
TO Morocco
From Spain:

We will not pay in gold for what is rightfully ours, we will however pay in blood if need be. We will agree to your anti-aggression pact and open port agreement however.
TO Morocco
From Spain:

We will not pay in gold for what is rightfully ours, we will however pay in blood if need be. We will agree to your anti-aggression pact and open port agreement however.
If that's the most you will go I will accept the above.
Several men of higher intelligence were bunched together around a war ship at the dockyards, they seem to be arguring over something as several sailors pass by drunk. The ship is the French Sloop, Regeant and the scientists were figuring out to expand it and allow it to hold more food and soldiers, as well as more guns. They have been working on the Regeant for 3 weeks as it stands in drydock waiting to be repaired, they are no closer to where they are than where they were when they started. Another sailor came walking down the road, he was wearing the Captains bars and he boomed, "Are you guys about done with my ship? I expect to have it at sea in 4 days. Regardless of if you finish your research or not." The scientists startled looked around and saw the Captain.
"Captain Nevarrue, your ship is not a very good specimen to work on. We are trying our best." Replied the head scientist.
The captain shook his head and left. The scientists relieved that he had left continued work.
"What if we did this... made the hold a bit..."
"What about increasing..."
"No, no, no, we need to do this first....."

One of the sailors sitting nearby 'bird watching' turned to his friend and said, "And so begins another play starring 4 intelligent scientists locked in an endless argurement."
The other friend laughed and countered, "If they are so intelligent why aren't they listening to each other's ideas and tell them the errors of their plan like normal men."
The birdwatcher chuckled and said, "Becuase they are not like normal people, they think they are better than us sailors, but lets see them go out to sea and fight against the British sloops, they will pale in the face and die of shock before the first cannonball is even fired!"
Both friends laughed wildly, making several sailors around them curious as to what was so funny.
EDIT: prussia is actually player controlled

Moscow Rus:
(didnt bother to actually send a reply)

Peace has been reached between the Ottomans and Ukrainians. This treaty is to be celebrated with the fire of a 100-gun salute!



-The Following Province has been annexed to the Ottoman Empire. The Province's populance will be allowed to practice any religion they wish and if the governors wish to remain in their positions they will be allowed to do so under Ottoman rule:

- 3 Ottoman Veteran Divisions will be loaned to the Ukraines for whatever use they see fit.

- Ukrainians are to be allowed access to the Mediterranean Sea through the Turkish Bosporus.

***I believe this is all that should publically be displayed. Let us drink to a long lived peace, cheers :beer:
Ok, but it will raise some red flags to the neighboring NPCs. loaning of troops? mmmh....
Ok, but it will raise some red flags to the neighboring NPCs. loaning of troops? mmmh....

The loaning of troops is actually a very common thing in peace treaties. The troops are just being loaned as temporary auxillaries (As you said in the update, the Ukraine was on the verge of civil war, right?)

Its just a temporary agreement. Nothing like the end of the 2nd Punic War when the Romans demanded that as part of the peace treaty, all War Elephants be handed over.
The Calm Before the Storm

The loud sound of laughter could be heard far outside the room, the Emperor and his generals where being told the accounts of Japanese Ninja spies and other Japanese Agents witnessing the warfare in Fujian, they were deeply amused by what they saw as incompetence of the Chinese warriors, in the court it was generally though that “if instead of breeding all day long the Chinese would spend time training they could make decent warriors, for barbarians”, however no one doubted that the worst samurai could kill a dozen of Chinese warriors by himself, a Kengo would likely be able to destroy divisions single handedly and a Kensai would likely be able to destroy armies with minimal efforts and forge an empire, but why would any Japanese want to rule over those barbarians.

The discussion then turned on the state of Japanese colonies, the Hokkaido settlement was quite successful, the local barbarians proved no real danger and were considered pure enough to be Assimilated as Japanese peasants, on the Philippines trading posts where established and some trade was beginning to be held, however the trading post were merely an excuse to give Japanese agents a good base from where to begin investigating the area and evaluating its value for colonization. The evaluation produced mixed results, the area was considered good enough for extensive agriculture, industrial potential was also considered decent, commercially it was very viable as the exotic Agricultural and Industrial products would fetch amazing prices when traded. The negative part of the evaluation were the natives, deeply unsophisticated, aggressive and generally unfit for assimilation, they would have to be disposed of. It was decided that they would have to be exterminated through labor, they would be worked to death while preparing the land for Japanese colonization.

The discussion then turned on the progress of the Imperial Highways, the Name “Highway” was chosen because they were the first well paved roads to be constructed though the Japanese mountains, connecting all important regions of Japan and allowing the Emperor greater influence than ever, de facto allowing the effective enforcement of imperial ordinances, thus effectively diminishing the highly decentralized system that Japan had, effectively decreasing the fighting for power between nobles and thus reducing corruption/waste, the Imperial Highways also boosted internal commerce and, perhaps most importantly, created two Industrial centers, one on Shikoku and one on Kyushu.

The discussion then ended and almost everyone was “excused”, only the inner most circle of those trusted by the Emperor where allowed to stay, together they would plan the next moves and actions, this secrecy was not unusual though somehow it seemed that this time there was some tension in the palace, as if something important was about to happen, just like the calm before the storm.
great story feanor!.

Anyhow, deadline is to be in 6 hours... but since i only have one set of orders ill give you guys all of sunday to send them but no more.

So please start sending them to me.

War coursed through the veins of the Chinese. The Koreans were sure of this, for no sooner would they unite than would they fragment and set about destroying each other madly.

Word of war had come quickly to the courts of the Emperor of Korea as the state of affairs in China were of vital importance to Korea who shared their borders with such a erratic neighbour. However, as of yet Manchuria had remained peaveful and it had been its southern neighbours who had swarmed down on one of their brethren.

The constant fighting pleased Korea, as it no doubt pleased many nations, but there would always be the fear that a united China would arise from such fighting and that would be a difficult creature to face. So the eyes and ears of Korea watched the Chinese and waited to see what would come of this bloodshed.
Sorry -=- I drop from this.
I now have enough orders, but some are still missing I might try to get an update for tonight.

The orders so far are really.... interesting.
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