New Beta Version - Feb. 9th (2-9)

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The installer appears to have been improved? It now installs EUI in the right directory!
Not for me...but I wrote a little java program to check for last modified time stamps in the location that EUI is installed to by the installer; it walks through all files there and then tells you the most recent modified time of the most recent file, which allows you to conclude whether there was an update to the EUI files and then asks you if you want to delete all of it. You need JDK 8+ to compile and run the program; use "java EUIRemover help" for a slightly more detailed description of what it can do.
Spoiler for anyone interested :
DISCLAIMER: If you misuse the program in some way or it malfunctions on your system for whatever reason (e.g. if it ends up deleting all your important files) then that's your problem (NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEES FOR PROPER FUNCTION!)

Compiled and tested with OpenJDK 13
// This program recursively walks through a folder and checks all the last modified times of the files contained therein
// and then prints the most recent one (and optionally all files found) and then gives the user the option of deleting the
// folder with all files

import java.util.*;
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime;

public class EUIRemover {
    ArrayDeque<FileTime> mostRecentTimes = new ArrayDeque<>();

    private void processFile(Path p, boolean print) {
        try {
            FileTime modTime = Files.getLastModifiedTime(p);
            if (print) System.out.println(modTime.toString().substring(0, 16) + "     " + p.toString());
            if (mostRecentTimes.peek() != null && mostRecentTimes.peek().compareTo(modTime) < 0) mostRecentTimes.push(modTime);
            else mostRecentTimes.offer(modTime);
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
            System.err.println("Cannot access this file in the working dir!\n" + p.toString());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("An IOException occurred while trying to access last-modified time stamps on this file!\n" + p.toString() + "\n" + e.toString());

    private void processFiles(String workingDir, boolean debug) {
        try (Stream<Path> pathStream = Files.walk(Paths.get(workingDir))) { // by default Files.walk() does not follow symbolic links
            pathStream.filter(e -> Files.isRegularFile(e, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS))
                             .forEach(e -> processFile(e, debug));
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
            System.err.println("SecurityException caught! Cannot access the provided path " + workingDir + "\n" + e.toString());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("IOException caught!\n" + e.toString());
        if (!mostRecentTimes.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("\n\nProcessed " + mostRecentTimes.size() + " files, of which the most recently modified was modified on: " + mostRecentTimes.pop().toString());
            System.out.println("\n\nDo you wish to (recursively) delete all files and folders inside of and including the targetFolderPath (" + workingDir + ")? (y/n)");
            Scanner reader = new Scanner(;
            String answer = reader.nextLine();
            if (answer.compareToIgnoreCase("y") == 0) {
                try (Stream<Path> pathStream = Files.walk(Paths.get(workingDir))){                    
                } catch (SecurityException | IOException e) {
                    System.err.println("Exception caught when attempting to recursively delete the directory! You will need to manually delete the remaining files.\n\n");
        } else System.out.println("We have found no files to check...exiting.");

    public static void main(String... args) {
        String targetFolder = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam";

        if (args.length == 1 && args[0].compareToIgnoreCase("help") == 0) {
            System.out.println("\nSyntax: EUIRemover targetFolderPath [optional]debugflag (\"1\")\n\nThis program recursively walks through a folder and checks all the last modified times of the files contained therein and then prints the most recent one (and optionally all files found) and then gives the user the option of deleting the folder with all files. The optional debugflag will cause all files found to be printed along with their last modified times; by default the folder " + targetFolder + " is used, but a different folder can be specified. If \"default\" is entered as the targetFolderPath then the mentioned default folder is used.");
        } else if (args.length != 0 && args[0].compareToIgnoreCase("default") != 0) targetFolder = args[0];
        String debugflag = (args.length > 1) ? args[1] : "0";
        System.out.println("\nChecking all files under " + targetFolder + " recursively!");
        EUIRemover myRemover = new EUIRemover();
        myRemover.processFiles(targetFolder, debugflag.compareTo("1") == 0);
Hmm... Weird, I have always had a shortcut to the folder where the installer expects the game to be, so I can easily move EU_bc1 to the proper destination, but this time I didn't need to use it. I even installed it twice to make sure. Wonder what changed on my end.
Tradition AI seems to perform very well on emp+, cant say if too well but keep eyes open.
So, what's the appeal of archers now?
Archers rush or not, these guys were good in the battlefield if they could fire from behind a wall of meat. I don't see this happening with range 1.

If they are no better than spearsmen, and are even at combat but worse against mounted, why bother?
If this change is to stay, I'd like to see archers good against something, maybe a bonus versus warriors and spearsmen. Maybe just plainly stronger.
Right - so after playing a bit, I do have a bit of a suggestion regarding demanding tribute. I'm thinking that having a minimum of 50% or at least 40% would be valuable, as the numbers are a bit silly and things are being demanded everywhere for small numbers. A minimum lets you get something without making every CS yellow all the time.
Right - so after playing a bit, I do have a bit of a suggestion regarding demanding tribute. I'm thinking that having a minimum of 50% or at least 40% would be valuable, as the numbers are a bit silly and things are being demanded everywhere for small numbers. A minimum lets you get something without making every CS yellow all the time.
Yeah I also think there should be some minimum; I'd go for lower numbers, though, and differentiate normal tribute from heavy tribute, like minimum 25% for normal Gold tribute and minimum 50% for Heavy.
So, what's the appeal of archers now?
Archers rush or not, these guys were good in the battlefield if they could fire from behind a wall of meat. I don't see this happening with range 1.

If they are no better than spearsmen, and are even at combat but worse against mounted, why bother?
If this change is to stay, I'd like to see archers good against something, maybe a bonus versus warriors and spearsmen. Maybe just plainly stronger.

A ranged unit with 1 range isn't a ranged unit at all. If 1UPT is changed to 1 melee unit per tile +1 ranged unit per tile then it would be a big step forward. I know everyone hates this idea because 1UPT is sacrosanct.
So, what's the appeal of archers now?
Archers rush or not, these guys were good in the battlefield if they could fire from behind a wall of meat. I don't see this happening with range 1.

If they are no better than spearsmen, and are even at combat but worse against mounted, why bother?
If this change is to stay, I'd like to see archers good against something, maybe a bonus versus warriors and spearsmen. Maybe just plainly stronger.

Can keep their CS/RCS as is as long as their production cost is appropriate. Make them cheap like warriors and then when they get upgraded to cbows they fulfill their normal function again.
you are playing with 4 UC even though I haven’t released an update for it. You fool!

India still has the old qila, which means he is still getting 1:c5strength: in city for every national or world wonder, and he has a +100% range strike modifier, the same as the old castle.
Ughhhh, i haven't played India in a long time that actually forgot Qila is a thing :shifty:
A ranged unit with 1 range isn't a ranged unit at all. If 1UPT is changed to 1 melee unit per tile +1 ranged unit per tile then it would be a big step forward. I know everyone hates this idea because 1UPT is sacrosanct.
Yes, this would be my prefered system too (1 melee + 1 non-siege auxiliary 1-tile ranged per tile).

There is a mod allowing 2UPT. It could be probably tweaked, but I am afraid if AI would know how to use this system.

Anyway, I am afraid this is way beyond the scope of VP/VP unfortunately.
Archers aren't that bad. They still have advantages over warriors. Compared to spearmen they are weak, but they are a lower tech unit, and they promote into a very appealing unit line. They also get to wear down camps without taking damage in return. But I agree that 60 hammers is a lot to pay for them.

I LOVE the warrior buff and starting with one. Before, a warrior couldn't beat an archer or handaxe in 1v1 combat, so a single warrior was just so bad, even against barbarians. Previously I think warriors were very rarely worth the 40 hammer price, I regularly would just delete or gift to a CS any warriors I did build because after initial expansion, it wasn't even worth the maintenance and I didn't care about keeping the promotions in the spear-pike unit line.
Archers are useful since I can buy them without barracks and then upgrade to xbows, but as archers borderline useless.
Warrior buff and free warrior seems to have helped AI (and anyone playing tradition/progress) in the early a lot.
As @AndreyK mentioned barbs steals are a bit high atm, what makes it worse it that they seem to steal on their end tile move, ie barbs appear inside borders from out of vision and steal.
Strange issue: for some reason the promotion tree, vassal overview, and corporations buttons are all missing from the top-right when I play using a multiplayer modpack. Tried rebuilding it a few times and the issue remains. I'm definitely doing it correctly. Never seen this before and I always play using a modpack. Anyone else have this?
The whole point of archers is that they can attack at range. Even if you balanced 1-range archers to be in line with warriors, what’s the purpose of having them? And again, no one asked for this change.
They just chariot archers with 2 moves and no horses now. Can only reach things 2 tiles away in a turn on open ground. Makes the game feel slower. Feels bad.
Gotta say Terracotta Army buff is pretty sweet and makes the wonder actually worth building or even beelining despite the awkward position in the tech tree; in my current game as Spain/Immortal approximately half of my culture in the early medieval era were Terracotta Army bonus on kills *i delayed the guilds a fair amount of time*.
The difference in worker improvement time is not that big IMO, i was playing a Progress game without the Pyramids.
The 5 extra supply alone makes the wonder worth building for me given how the supply is often the most hindering factor in my progress conquest games.
Archers aren't that bad. They still have advantages over warriors. Compared to spearmen they are weak, but they are a lower tech unit, and they promote into a very appealing unit line. They also get to wear down camps without taking damage in return. But I agree that 60 hammers is a lot to pay for them.

I LOVE the warrior buff and starting with one. Before, a warrior couldn't beat an archer or handaxe in 1v1 combat, so a single warrior was just so bad, even against barbarians. Previously I think warriors were very rarely worth the 40 hammer price, I regularly would just delete or gift to a CS any warriors I did build because after initial expansion, it wasn't even worth the maintenance and I didn't care about keeping the promotions in the spear-pike unit line.
However, ranged promotions were designed with their role in mind. With a different range, the role changes and then promotions are not designed for this situation any longer. We have to wait until composite to regain their usefulness.

If rushing archers was too good a strategy, then it would have sufficed to set a penalty vs cities. If you read that archers have - 25%RCS vs cities, any one could guess that capturing cities with just archers is no longer useful.
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