pre-release info New Civ Game Guide: Buganda

pre-release info
I was wishing for those war canoes I was reading about, but I guess they wouldn't fit with the rest of the Modern naval units and the way the UUs work. Oh well, everything else about them looks fine.
I think giving all their units amphibious is a better way of putting in the war canoes (ie just their embaked form)
@Zaarin will say there aren't enough clouds.
Not enough hot air balloons either. :mischief:
I think giving all their units amphibious is a better way of putting in the war canoes (ie just their embaked form)
Sure, but to me personally it would have been more interesting than another unique infantry unit.
I take it then that regular units no longer heal by pillaging.
The Infantry specifies healing from pillaging "any" tile, so perhaps pillaging only heals from specific tiles, like farms in VI.
I take it then that regular units no longer heal by pillaging.
If it's like Civ 6 it probably depends on what is built on the tile. Their military UU says it heals by pillaging any tile. I'm sure the only way you would normally heal would be a tile associated with a food improvement or buildings.
When they add viking-ish civilization we'll be able to play as embarked raiders for two ages in a row! Great stuff!

Also... the malding about Scandi into Ugandan will be hilarious
I guess this is the lake improvement.

Would have loved the ability to create Man Made lakes, seeing that they did that in real life, & how situational their abilities are, but that's asking alot
Would have loved the ability to create Man Made lakes, seeing that they did that in real life, & how situational their abilities are, but that's asking alot
That is their unique improvement. :)
This may be because the improvement adds a specific Terrain type, which I think has no precedent in the game yet. Although it’s not clear if it’s actual “terraforming”, or that the improvement can only be built on lakes. The former sounds more exciting for sure.

I’m positive it’s either complete terraforming (tile is now counted as a lake) or improvement adds the “lake” modifier on top of what the tile already has. We’ll need to wait and see.
Bugandan Uniques!

River RaidsAbilityRaiding parties of up to 20,000 warriors were carried out in 1890s, particularly by war canoes that could hold 60-100 warriors.
NnalubaaleCivic"Lake Victoria" [Luganda]Africa's largest lake by area; Buganda's fleets of war canoes spread across the lake to subjugate other peoples in the surrounding regions.
BlutabaaloCivicshould be olutabaalo? "campaign; war expedition; invasion; raid"[see River Raids description]
NyanzaCivic"Lake Victoria" [Kinyarwanda]? Luganda word for "lake" is ennyanja[see Nnalubaale description]?
Clan SocietyTraditionAs of 2009, "there were at least 52 recognized clans within" Buganda, some tracing their history back to the initial conquest/migration under Kato Kintu in the 13th century.
Ng'omaTradition"drum" [Chichewa/Chuabo/Tumbuka]; Luganda word appears to be eŋŋoma or engoomaA broad term that "encompasses music, dance, and instruments" that was practiced throughout the Great Lakes region.
InterlacustrineTradition"Situated or existing between lakes, especially the Great Lakes of Africa"A reference to Buganda's location within the Great Lakes region of Africa. Perhaps also in reference to the Lacustrine Bantu grouping of languages, of which Luganda is one.
Kabaka's LakeInfrastructure"king's lake"The Kabaka is the title carried by the King of Buganda. Kabaka's Lake is a man-made lake in Kampala, created in the late 19th century under the orders of Mwanga II to serve as a water source and defensive barrier.
MwamiCivilian"chief; husband"; also omwami?An honorific title used in parts of Central and Eastern Africa; was "used as a title for administrative chief in Luganda-speaking chiefdoms around the African Great Lakes region."
AbambowaMilitary"executioners" plural of omumbowaThe royal/palace guard that protects the Kabaka.
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Maybe it should be "no Movement" to Embark and Disembark (that specific mistake has already been done once, so I'm wondering).
Maybe it's just specifying how Amphibious works? Sometimes they go into that sort of detail.
Well, that seems like a neighbour that will boost army construction... It would be devastating not to be able to respond to early age agression because you didn't prepare enough unit the previous age...

Would be nice with Napo (of course... it's the new Alexander after all :rolleyes:) or Lafayette (increased combat strength for traditions). Xerses, a bit less, since you don't actually want to take the city, just to repair its tiles before next lunch 🏴‍☠️.
Maybe it's just specifying how Amphibious works? Sometimes they go into that sort of detail.
America had the exact same wording and was later corrected.

Marine: Unique Infantry Unit. Has reduced Production Cost and the Amphibious keyword, granting no Combat penalties when attacking from Embarkation. Costs Movement to Embark and Disembark.
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