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New czech article, tiscali.cz, with new screenshots

The author spends the first half of the article ing about what he didn't like in vanilla Civ V.

There really isn't much than we know of that's changed in the Diplomacy system. So I wouldn't expect to see any great changes. Hopefully the AI will be smarter and do fewer things that look stupid or random... but that will require a lot of play to uncover, and I'm sure the AI is something that will be tweaked right up to release and beyond, so I don't expect to see any answers on this subject from press previews.

My only hope is that the AI will behave like a Civ and not like a player... because to be perfectly honest i don't really understand that concept....
My only hope is that the AI will behave like a Civ and not like a player... because to be perfectly honest i don't really understand that concept....

You mean more focused on Realism? While that may be good, I think if it was too realistic, it'd be too easy to win.
Zurich is a new city-state on the mt.kailish image. on the right side. as mercantile
It looks to me like they took Tonatiuh from the Aztec calendar (face in the middle of it) and just made it look like Chaac. They could have gone full Chaac, there's ton of them on Mayan art. Or even used a glyph, missed oportunity there.

I'd concur with Ehecatzin and argue that its probably a stylization and not an actual representation of a Mayan glyph. Whats interesting about the design is that in mesoamerican iconography the protruding tongue usually represented sacrifice, hence its centrality in a lot of Aztec imagery. Its odd they didn't use the glyph for Lakam Ha as the Mayan symbol, atleast that would make some sense given Pacal's centrality.
What does the Mayan icon stand for?

It looks to me like they took Tonatiuh from the Aztec calendar (face in the middle of it) and just made it look like Chaac. They could have gone full Chaac, there's ton of them on Mayan art. Or even used a glyph, missed oportunity there.

Chaac doesn't sound convincing, and the images I've googled don't look like the one in the icon.
Just checked some other resources. Seems the most of the faces in the Maya art were portraits, you can rarely see any front images...mmhh...

If anyone knows, then please post here, so that I can update our flag article when G&K comes out.
Chaac doesn't sound convincing, and the images I've googled don't look like the one in the icon.
Just checked some other resources. Seems the most of the faces in the Maya art were portraits, you can rarely see any front images...mmhh...

If anyone knows, then please post here, so that I can update our flag article when G&K comes out.

The Chaac Im refering would be Puuc style (much more influenced by central Mexico art hence the similarities to Tlaloc.)
Spoiler :

Chaac is always seen with those "google eyes", just add the fangs and it would look like him, but instead they added a sticking out tonge, much more Aztec like, Im being optimist by guessing they tried to do a Chaac and stylized too much TBH, most likely is they took Tonatiuh and made him look kinda Mayan.

Spoiler :

Maybe they thought it looked cool, not much simbolism there, as I said, they could have used Mayan Glyphs even the Palenque Glyph:

Spoiler :

Yup...that's the city Glyph.
Building on Ehecatzin's post, there is an off chance it could be Kinich Ahau, who like Tonatiuh was associated with the sun.

Spoiler :

You can see some very vague similarities with the earplugs, lips, and headdress but still, I'd agree with Ehecatzin - its probably just Tonatiuh slightly modified.
I know little about Mesoamerican iconography, so I'll just point out that this is the Aztec flag in CivRev:
This part:
" Jeden zásadní problém se však i v preview verzi zdál být stále nevyřešený - AI. Diplomatická i bojová. Je stejně zhovadilá jako ve vanille. Nepřátelé neznají vodu, co pár tahů nenávidí všechny a všechno, nikdy neodpouštějí, mají nechutně vyděračské podmínky obchodování a jsou nezdravě sebestřední (Odmítnete jejich požadavek? Flusnou. Požadujete něco vy? Flusnou taky) atp."

is about AI

very vague translation (not done with google though :-D)

"One big problem still remains even in preview version - AI. Diplomatic and even fighting one. It's similar bad as in vanilla (the word zhovadila ~ <very> bad)
Enemy doesn't understand water, every few turns hate on everyone and everything, never forgive, they like to blackmail in trades and are unhealthy selfish (you refuse demand? they spit on you. You refuse something? They spit on you again) and so on..."

Next paragraph he mentions that the positive influence of sharing faith is actually small/not big enough.
No holy wars

As a positive is that the influence of faith diminishes after Industrial era

A lot of critique on espionage, since it feels unfinished and lacking in quality. Too much automatism involved (for example you can't stop stealing techs even in your friends embassies)

Espionage kicks in after ren. era

The overall feeling seems to be "Za deset vo&#269;í a na dva ve&#269;ery dobrý" --> "For 10 bucks and 2 evenings alright"
Soo if you expect to play a lot and pay for that a lot of money, the previewer would say it's not worth it, since he feels that they should sell it for 10 bucks and his fun with it would last 2 evenings (not sure if I got the translation right)

Moderator Action: I think we can go with a slightly less literal translation. ;)
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Spoiler :
This part:
" Jeden zásadní problém se v&#353;ak i v preview verzi zdál být stále nevy&#345;e&#353;ený - AI. Diplomatická i bojová. Je stejn&#283; zhovadilá jako ve vanille. Nep&#345;átelé neznají vodu, co pár tah&#367; nenávidí v&#353;echny a v&#353;echno, nikdy neodpou&#353;t&#283;jí, mají nechutn&#283; vyd&#283;ra&#269;ské podmínky obchodování a jsou nezdrav&#283; sebest&#345;ední (Odmítnete jejich po&#382;adavek? Flusnou. Po&#382;adujete n&#283;co vy? Flusnou taky) atp."

is about AI

very vague translation (not done with google though :-D)

"One big problem still remains even in preview version - AI. Diplomatic and even fighting one. It's similar bad as in vanilla (the word zhovadila ~ <very> bad)
Enemy doesn't understand water, every few turns hate on everyone and everything, never forgive, they like to blackmail in trades and are unhealthy selfish (you refuse demand? they spit on you. You refuse something? They spit on you again) and so on..."

Next paragraph he mentions that the positive influence of sharing faith is actually small/not big enough.
No holy wars

As a positive is that the influence of faith diminishes after Industrial era

A lot of critique on espionage, since it feels unfinished and lacking in quality. Too much automatism involved (for example you can't stop stealing techs even in your friends embassies)

Espionage kicks in after ren. era

The overall feeling seems to be "Za deset vo&#269;í a na dva ve&#269;ery dobrý" --> "For 10 bucks and 2 evenings alright"
Soo if you expect to play a lot and pay for that a lot of money, the previewer would say it's not worth it, since he feels that they should sell it for 10 bucks and his fun with it would last 2 evenings (not sure if I got the translation right)

That sound worrying, I just hope the author is overdoing his criticism of the AI or that the AI will still be improved.:sad:
My translation of the end of the article:
Spoiler :
Ve&#353;keré &#353;pionátorství ovládáte skrze speciální rozhraní, které je (snad jen prozatím) t&#283;&#382;kopádné jako prase. Opakuji, jde o nefinální verzi hry, tak&#382;e flinta v &#382;it&#283; zatím nekon&#269;í, nicmén&#283; u&#382; preventivn&#283; nacvi&#269;uji náp&#345;ah s rozb&#283;hem. Je extrémn&#283; otravné listovat seznamem desítek m&#283;st, kam byste zv&#283;da cht&#283;li vyslat, a je&#353;t&#283; p&#345;itom m&#382;ourat na minikonky indikující vlastníka. P&#345;ímá interakce s mapou by byla mnohem lep&#353;í. Ale i tohle by &#269;lov&#283;k p&#345;e&#382;il.

Nové vyzv&#283;da&#269;ství je navr&#382;eno dob&#345;e a slibuje skute&#269;n&#283; krásné veleto&#269;e - kradení technologií, odhalování kutých piklí (s mo&#382;ností je napráskat potenciálním ob&#283;tem), kontra&#353;pioná&#382;, &#353;achování s volbami. Systém na m&#283; p&#367;sobil a&#382; evidentní nedod&#283;laností, nicmén&#283; vzhledem k datu vydání pochybuji, &#382;e se je&#353;t&#283; roz&#353;í&#345;í jeho mo&#382;nosti. T&#345;eba takové sabotá&#382;e staveb nebo zdr&#382;ování výzkumu technologií by byly fajn. Budu velice rád, kdy&#382; se systému &#353;pioná&#382;e dostane je&#353;t&#283; pár kýbl&#367; le&#353;t&#283;nky, proto&#382;e rozhodn&#283; není navr&#382;ený hloup&#283;. Jen je t&#283;&#382;kopádný a v detailech ne zcela optimáln&#283; nastavený.

&#352;pioná&#382; i mén&#283; d&#367;myslné nábo&#382;enství, zdá se, p&#345;inesou p&#345;íjemné a kvalitní osv&#283;&#382;ení systému páté Civilizace. Jeden zásadní problém se v&#353;ak i v preview verzi zdál být stále nevy&#345;e&#353;ený - AI. Diplomatická i bojová. Je stejn&#283; zhovadilá jako ve vanille. Nep&#345;átelé neznají vodu, co pár tah&#367; nenávidí v&#353;echny a v&#353;echno, nikdy neodpou&#353;t&#283;jí, mají nechutn&#283; vyd&#283;ra&#269;ské podmínky obchodování a jsou nezdrav&#283; sebest&#345;ední (Odmítnete jejich po&#382;adavek? Flusnou. Po&#382;adujete n&#283;co vy? Flusnou taky) atp.

Stejná víra je nejspí&#353; p&#345;íli&#353; malým bonusem, aby m&#283;la v pokro&#269;ilé fázi na vztahy signifikantní vliv, a info o kutých piklích soupe&#345;&#367; má ka&#382;dý, zdá se, u péra za kloboukem. Pokud se tv&#367;rc&#367;m do data vydání nepovede postavit AI kone&#269;n&#283; do lat&#283;, budu muset se smutným &#353;ilháním po &#269;tvrtém dílu z&#367;stat u konstatování "Za deset vo&#269;í a na dva ve&#269;ery dobrý."

Any espionage is controlled via a special interface, which is (hopefully for now) clumsy as <something very clumsy>. Again, it's not the final version of the game, so I am still not losing hope, but I am preparing for the worst. Its extremely tedious to go through the list of tens of cities, where you would want to send a spy, while looking at the small miniicons indicating the owner of the city. Direct interaction with the map would be way better. But even this can be overlooked.

The new spying je well designed and promises real rollercoasters - stealing of technologies, founding out plans (with the option of telling the victim), counter-espionage, rigging elections. The system seemed to me as evidently unfinished but considering the release date, I doubt its options will expand. For example, sabotaging a building in progress or delaying research would be great. I will be very happy, if the espionage system gets some more polish, because it is definitely not stupidly designed. It is just clumsy and not optimal in the details.

Espionage and the less ingenious religion appear to bring pleasent refreshment of the Civilization system. One huge problem was still unsolved even in the preview version though - AI. Both diplomatic AI and combat AI. It is still as <awful> as in Vanilla. Enemies have no idea what water is, in a matter of turns they hate everything and everyone, never forgive, have disgustingly blackmail-ish conditions for trading and are unhealthy-ly egocentric (you refuse their demand? They spit on you. You demand something of them? They spit on you as well.) and so on.

Same faith is most likely a too little bonus to have a significant impact later in the game and everyone seems to have the info about other people's plans (or nobody seems to care about other people's plans - I'm not sure about the meaning of the metaphore used). If the creators cannot finally improve the AI, I will have to sadly stay with Civ IV and say that if you can get it cheap it will probably be fun for a while.

Moderator Action: Translation altered to remove some of the colourful language.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Those diplomacy and AI comments seem interesting (though from the screenshots, the espionage interface looks like it'll be pretty easy to use :dunno:). I imagine we'll get more info over the coming month about those aspects; they're likely the last things to be finalised, as opposed to new features.

I like the look of the 'automatic faith purchases' option in the religion overview screen.
I have also gotten the impression, from the various video demos, that the Espionage interface is a bit too tedious and clumsy. I don't like the idea of picking a spy's destination via a list of cities.

Edit: Yes, the automatic Faith purchasing is intriguing to me as well. You could set it to missionary and every so often, a missionary pops out, or a knight if you have Holy Warriors Belief. I wonder if that works for Belief buildings like Mosques too or if you have to get those through the city screens like normal buildings?
Looking at the timeline, maybe the aztecs used a mayan symbol FIRST !

Not likely, Tonatiuh front portrait style is very unique to the Aztecs, that style can be seen in other monolythic stone carvings, nothing Maya about them.

How difficult would it be to mod those flags? because I'd rather give the "Mayan Tonatiuh" flag to the Aztecs and give the Mayans a decent Glyph.
Looking at the timeline, maybe the aztecs used a mayan symbol FIRST !

The Aztecs are more different in Glyphs than you would expect though from the Maya. While there is a lot of similar culture, the major gods have a lot of differences in Glyphs (I am not an expert on Glyphs by any means though, sounds like the other two people posting here have more knowledge on them).
This part:
" Jeden zásadní problém se v&#353;ak i v preview verzi zdál být stále nevy&#345;e&#353;ený - AI. Diplomatická i bojová. Je stejn&#283; zhovadilá jako ve vanille. Nep&#345;átelé neznají vodu, co pár tah&#367; nenávidí v&#353;echny a v&#353;echno, nikdy neodpou&#353;t&#283;jí, mají nechutn&#283; vyd&#283;ra&#269;ské podmínky obchodování a jsou nezdrav&#283; sebest&#345;ední (Odmítnete jejich po&#382;adavek? Flusnou. Po&#382;adujete n&#283;co vy? Flusnou taky) atp."

is about AI

very vague translation (not done with google though :-D)

"One big problem still remains even in preview version - AI. Diplomatic and even fighting one. It's similar bad as in vanilla (the word zhovadila ~ <very> bad)
Enemy doesn't understand water, every few turns hate on everyone and everything, never forgive, they like to blackmail in trades and are unhealthy selfish (you refuse demand? they spit on you. You refuse something? They spit on you again) and so on..."

Next paragraph he mentions that the positive influence of sharing faith is actually small/not big enough.
No holy wars

As a positive is that the influence of faith diminishes after Industrial era

A lot of critique on espionage, since it feels unfinished and lacking in quality. Too much automatism involved (for example you can't stop stealing techs even in your friends embassies)

Espionage kicks in after ren. era

The overall feeling seems to be "Za deset vo&#269;í a na dva ve&#269;ery dobrý" --> "For 10 bucks and 2 evenings alright"
Soo if you expect to play a lot and pay for that a lot of money, the previewer would say it's not worth it, since he feels that they should sell it for 10 bucks and his fun with it would last 2 evenings (not sure if I got the translation right)

Oh god, thats sounds like bad news. I was hoping badly that the Water AI would be fixed. If water AI isn't fixed, water maps could become even more broken. That is bad news.
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