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New czech article, tiscali.cz, with new screenshots

I wonder what the symbol in Jerusalem means, in the espionage screen.
I suppose these screenshots are pretty indicative that Great People can't be used to trigger Golden Ages anymore. Unless that would be scenario-exclusive.
That's likely just the scenario; the previous shot of the Great Admiral includes a Golden Age button. However, I have yet to see a Golden Age button on the Great Prophet.

Copper (and all the other new resources) are luxury resource. Bonus resources don't appear in notifications, and strategic resources a) have an icon on the top bar, and b) have a different notification icon.

I wonder what the symbol in Jerusalem means, in the espionage screen.
That's the icon for a Religious city-state.

That's likely just the scenario; the previous shot of the Great Admiral includes a Golden Age button. However, I have yet to see a Golden Age button on the Great Prophet.

Copper (and all the other new resources) are luxury resource. Bonus resources don't appear in notifications, and strategic resources a) have an icon on the top bar, and b) have a different notification icon.

That's the icon for a Religious city-state.

Copper as a Luxury Resource.. really? It would make much more sense as a second production bonus like Stone.

Golden Ages SHOULD exist in anything that have Happines turned on, it is automatically turned off if Happiness is non-existant in maps (i.e the Viking Scenario)
^ Of course, Gold and Silver have always been historically far more valuable than copper. I personally would love a compromise. Make it a bonus resource that gives a decent amount of gold and lets you build a mint, but don't have it produce happiness. I could also see Forges increasing production of tiles with copper.

"I have an apocalypse to prepare for"

Really? They're really playing up the 2012 end of the world thing aren't they?

Kind of humourous though.

Civ4 had Hannibal Barca explaining that he wasn't a cannibal and Julius Caesar talking about salad. They've always had fun with leader dialog. Also, there's Nebuchadnezzar becoming crazy before our very eyes.
And in civ5 Darius tells you to "be cool" and calls you "Rabushi". That Rabushi guy must have a temper.
^ Of course, Gold and Silver have always been historically far more valuable than copper. I personally would love a compromise. Make it a bonus resource that gives a decent amount of gold and lets you build a mint, but don't have it produce happiness. I could also see Forges increasing production of tiles with copper.

Civ4 had Hannibal Barca explaining that he wasn't a cannibal and Julius Caesar talking about salad. They've always had fun with leader dialog. Also, there's Nebuchadnezzar becoming crazy before our very eyes.

I loved Nebuch, he was the LEAST of self-centered leaders, he was the only one that knew you were on the same level as him.. though bit weird... but you had Catherine and Pachacuti calling you lesser civilization.
Wish we could trade Stone...
I wish that if you controlled 66% of a given resource in the world you would be granted a small extra bonus of some kind. Like if you controlled most of the cotton you could get a little production bonus in your factories or something.
Pacal... don't say that to Gucumatz, or you'll fulfill your own prophecy.

I suppose these screenshots are pretty indicative that Great People can't be used to trigger Golden Ages anymore. Unless that would be scenario-exclusive.

Haha, its just a little humor. Nothing too major. Then again I will be playing as Pacal most of the time in multiplayer from now on so yes I will be bringing Doom and Gloom upon my enemies as well ;).
Introduction scenes for Boudicca, Atilla, and Gustavus are also on the site

Also there is a picture with a weird icon on it I haven't seen mentioned anywwhere else yet. It looks like a luxury request for porcelain. (Its on a screenshot with discovering El Dorado)

Edit: Nevermind, I thought we had glass not Porcelain confirmed. Porcelain was and is already confirmed, my bad.
What does the Mayan icon stand for?

It looks to me like they took Tonatiuh from the Aztec calendar (face in the middle of it) and just made it look like Chaac. They could have gone full Chaac, there's ton of them on Mayan art. Or even used a glyph, missed oportunity there.
There was somebody who spoke Czech here, he could have insight, as far as I recall he said the article seemed like it was written by a 15 year old :/

It may have been, there's an "All Your Base Belongs to Us" reference is in there.
The author spends the first half of the article complaining about what he didn't like in vanilla Civ V.

There really isn't much than we know of that's changed in the Diplomacy system. So I wouldn't expect to see any great changes. Hopefully the AI will be smarter and do fewer things that look stupid or random... but that will require a lot of play to uncover, and I'm sure the AI is something that will be tweaked right up to release and beyond, so I don't expect to see any answers on this subject from press previews.
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