To be fair, I think Antiquity is where civ-switching creates the most opportunities--like the Mississippians, for example. In the future we might well see Minoa and Harappa, civs that would not have been possible when they needed leaders. (I don't want FXS to go overboard with archaeological cultures. I don't need Corded Ware culture, Poverty Point culture, or Jeulmun Pottery culture in my game--but for proto-historic cultures with limited records and no languages or leaders, it definitely feels like a fresh opportunity.) There are some interesting choices in Exploration as well (I certainly never expected to see Hawai'i in the base game, and I'm still very confused about their unlocks in the absence of a Hawai'ian leader). Modern is definitely very predictable, but Modern is always the least interesting to me anyway. A few outliers like Qing, Mughals, and Buganda at least give it a little spice.