New Version - 2.2.1 (May 22, 2022)

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Yeah, Indian Pantheon and Hinduism are two completely separate religions that happen to have the same Pantheon belief.
Until the next patch you can use the following files to fix culture display. For noEUI version, place the file in Vox Populi\LUA, for EUI place them in 3a \ LUA.

I still have issues with the culture numbers displayed in the cities column on the left showing -0
FYI, I just built Karnak and it is not working properly. No production/religious bonus to flood plains tiles. I also had the culture issue. Will check the fix. A bigger problem is that weird graphics problems have happened in games recently. If I attacked the Celts the entire screen would have tons of graphics problems. If I scrolled down on the map, graphics would be normal. I tried various video settings, it would simply alter the errors abit but would still happen. Maybe Boudicca achieved consciousness, took over the game, and won't allow me to invade?
FYI, I just built Karnak and it is not working properly. No production/religious bonus to flood plains tiles. I also had the culture issue. Will check the fix. A bigger problem is that weird graphics problems have happened in games recently. If I attacked the Celts the entire screen would have tons of graphics problems. If I scrolled down on the map, graphics would be normal. I tried various video settings, it would simply alter the errors abit but would still happen. Maybe Boudicca achieved consciousness, took over the game, and won't allow me to invade?
You're talking about Karnak, so that should be on the More Wonders mod thread, not on the general one.
Could a variable be added to one of the config files to change whether or not settlers consume a pop? I know it's already changeable in the uncompiled DLL but I've had no successful compiling attempts ever since git was introduced as part of the compiling process and so I've been unable to update to newer versions because of it
A manufactury out in the open in the early turns, is this normal?
Could a variable be added to one of the config files to change whether or not settlers consume a pop? I know it's already changeable in the uncompiled DLL but I've had no successful compiling attempts ever since git was introduced as part of the compiling process and so I've been unable to update to newer versions because of it

I will add this next version.
Awesome, you're the best man.


The option will be in (2) Vox Populi\Core Files\Core Changes\CommunityPatchDLLChanges.sql:
UPDATE CustomModOptions
SET Value = '1'
Set to 0.
I don't think so. In the past it would always produce those yields on the tile itself. Ive played this 6000+ hours. Trust me, I know. lol

and thanks. I get confused with what is included in what mod.
I ran a few tests and can second that the Building_YieldPerXFeatureTimes100 table doesn't seem to be working properly. Nor does Building_YieldPerXTerrainTimes100, for that matter. Could anyone else confirm?

EDIT: On a different note, the new patch has been a bit wonky with map pins (v17). After interacting with the pins, it leaves my cursor with a red circle (the one you get when you try to move a unit into an impassable terrain) until I select a unit. I know it's technically a mod, but does anyone have an idea as to what could be causing that?
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I ran a few tests and can second that the Building_YieldPerXFeatureTimes100 table doesn't seem to be working properly. Nor does Building_YieldPerXTerrainTimes100, for that matter. Could anyone else confirm?
Did your tests include the Caravansary and Herbalist? Are they working properly?
No, I simply modded in a bunch of values onto the palace and played out a couple of starts. They use the same tables though, so they'd presumably also be not working properly.

EDIT: Wait no, I just forgot to add in my semicolons like an idiot. They do work properly. False alarm.
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Am I the only one who is getting these weird culture numbers?


It's early game and the total culture input of the city is 2 because of the monument, but somehow the number 50 can be seen. Also because of it it says "2 turns until Border Growth", however this is a wrong calculation based on the wrong number 50 culture per turn. The city icon in the right top corner shows the correct number of turns.

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Am I the only one who is getting this weird culture numbers?

View attachment 629341

It's early game and the total culture input of the city is 2 because of the monument, but somehow the number 50 can be seen. Also because of it it says "2 turns until Border Growth", however this is a wrong calculation based on the wrong number 50 culture per turn. The city icon in the right top corner shows the correct number of turns.

View attachment 629343
There is a fix ready for the next version.
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